// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/referrer_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/conversions/conversions.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/forms/form_control_type.mojom";
import "ui/base/mojom/ui_base_types.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.blink_public.common
enum ContextMenuDataMediaType {
// No special node is in context.
// An image node is selected.
// A video node is selected.
// An audio node is selected.
// A canvas node is selected.
// A file node is selected.
// A plugin node is selected.
enum CustomContextMenuItemType {
// Container for information about the form renderer id from where the context
// menu was triggered.
// autofill::FormRendererId
struct FormRendererId {
uint64 id;
// Container for information about the field renderer id where the context menu
// was triggered.
// autofill::FieldRendererId
struct FieldRendererId {
uint64 id;
// Container for information about entries in an HTML select popup menu and
// custom entries of the context menu.
// TODO(crbug.com/1093904): Consider merging the MenuItem struct in
// popup_menu.mojom.
struct CustomContextMenuItem {
mojo_base.mojom.String16 label;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 icon;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 tool_tip;
CustomContextMenuItemType type;
int32 action;
bool rtl;
bool has_directional_override;
bool enabled;
bool checked;
array<CustomContextMenuItem> submenu;
// Mojo struct to represent blink::UntrustworthyContextMenuParams native struct.
struct UntrustworthyContextMenuParams {
// This is the type of Context Node that the context menu was invoked on.
ContextMenuDataMediaType media_type;
// These values represent the coordinates of the mouse when the context menu
// was invoked. Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin.
int32 x;
int32 y;
// This is the URL of the link that encloses the node the context menu was
// invoked on.
url.mojom.Url link_url;
// The text associated with the link. May be an empty string if the contents
// of the link are an image.
// Will be empty if |link_url| is empty.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 link_text;
// The impression declared by the link. May be std::nullopt even if
// |link_url| is non-empty.
Impression? impression;
// The link URL to be used ONLY for "copy link address". We don't validate
// this field in the frontend process.
url.mojom.Url unfiltered_link_url;
// This is the source URL for the element that the context menu was
// invoked on. Example of elements with source URLs are img, audio, and
// video.
url.mojom.Url src_url;
// This is true if the context menu was invoked on an image which has
// non-empty contents.
bool has_image_contents;
// This is true if the context menu was invoked on an image, media or plugin
// document. In these cases the resource for the hit-tested element might be
// the main resource, not a subresource.
bool is_image_media_plugin_document;
// These are the parameters for the media element that the context menu
// was invoked on.
int32 media_flags;
// This is the text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 selection_text;
// This is the title text of the selection that the context menu was
// invoked on.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 title_text;
// This is the alt text of the selection that the context menu was
// invoked on.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 alt_text;
// This is the suggested filename to be used when saving file through "Save
// Link As" option of context menu.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 suggested_filename;
// The misspelled word under the cursor, if any. Used to generate the
// |dictionary_suggestions| list.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 misspelled_word;
// Suggested replacements for a misspelled word under the cursor.
// This vector gets populated in the render process host
// by intercepting ViewHostMsg_ContextMenu in ResourceMessageFilter
// and populating dictionary_suggestions if the type is EDITABLE
// and the misspelled_word is not empty.
array<mojo_base.mojom.String16> dictionary_suggestions;
// If editable, flag for whether spell check is enabled or not.
bool spellcheck_enabled;
// Whether context is editable.
bool is_editable;
// Writing direction menu items.
int32 writing_direction_default;
int32 writing_direction_left_to_right;
int32 writing_direction_right_to_left;
// These flags indicate to the browser whether the renderer believes it is
// able to perform the corresponding action.
int32 edit_flags;
// The character encoding of the frame on which the menu is invoked.
string frame_charset;
// The referrer policy of the frame on which the menu is invoked.
network.mojom.ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy;
// If the context menu was created for a link, and we navigated to that url,
// this will contain the url that was navigated. This field may not be set
// if, for example, we are transitioning to an incognito window, since we
// want to sever any connection to the old renderer.
url.mojom.Url link_followed;
array<CustomContextMenuItem> custom_items;
ui.mojom.MenuSourceType source_type;
// Rect representing the coordinates in the document space of the selection.
gfx.mojom.Rect selection_rect;
// Start position of the selection text.
int32 selection_start_offset;
// Whether the context contains text highlighted by a text fragment.
// See TextFragmentAnchor.
bool opened_from_highlight;
// The type of the form control element on which the context menu is invoked,
// if any.
FormControlType? form_control_type;
// Indicates whether the context menu is invoked on a non-form,
// non-form-control element that is contenteditable. Thus, it is mutually
// exclusive with `form_control_type`.
bool is_content_editable_for_autofill;
// Identifies the element the context menu was invoked on if either
// `form_control_type` is engaged or `is_content_editable_for_autofill` is
// true.
// See `autofill::FieldRendererId` for the semantics of renderer IDs.
FieldRendererId field_renderer_id;
// Identifies form to which the field identified by `field_renderer_id` is
// associated.
// See `autofill::FormRendererId` for the semantics of renderer IDs.
FormRendererId form_renderer_id;
// True iff a field's type is plain text but heuristics (e.g. the name attribute
// contains 'password' as a substring) recognize it as a password field.
bool is_password_type_by_heuristics;
// Defines methods for Context menu to commnicate from the renderer to the
// browser.
interface ContextMenuClient {
// Executes custom context menu action that was provided from Blink.
CustomContextMenuAction(uint32 action);
// Called in response to a blink.mojom.ShowContextMenu to let the renderer
// know that the menu has been closed.
ContextMenuClosed(url.mojom.Url link_followed);