// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
// An enum representing the posture of device, or an no type fold state.
// Defined https://w3c.github.io/device-posture/#posture-types
enum DevicePostureType {
// This interface is used to get the posture of the device from
// DevicePostureService. This service is hosted in the browser process and
// exposes the Posture and Viewport Segments to the renderer via LocalFrame.
interface DevicePostureProvider {
// Associates an interface to the posture provider. The initial posture
// will also be returned.
pending_remote<DevicePostureClient> client)
=> (DevicePostureType posture);
// This is used by DevTools to emulate a device posture.
OverrideDevicePostureForEmulation(DevicePostureType posture);
// This is used by DevTools to disable emulation of a device posture.
// Interface that client of the DevicePostureProvider interface must implement
// to observe posture changes.
interface DevicePostureClient {
// Interface used to notify posture changes.
OnPostureChanged(DevicePostureType posture);