// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
// Lock for an AccessHandle created by the renderer.
// The interface is consumed by Blink in the renderer process. The interface is
// currently implemented in the browser process, and will eventually move to the
// Storage Service.
// This interface currently serves as a lock. The renderer gets access to the
// associated file while it keeps this interface's mojo pipe open.
interface FileSystemAccessAccessHandleHost {
// Promises to the browser that the file and AccessHandle were closed. This
// allows the browser to release the lock held on the owning
// FileSystemFileHandle.
// Well-behaved renderers will call this method after closing the associated
// file descriptor received by the
// FileSystemAccessFileHandle.OpenAccessHandle().
// A compromised renderer may lie and call this method without closing its
// corresponding file descriptor. This may allow it to observe writes from
// other renderers to the same (origin-scoped) file, so no cross-origin data
// would be leaked.
Close() => ();