
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_error.mojom";

// Routes file operations to the browser to interact with an in-memory file.
// Used by a SyncAccessHandle in incognito mode, which creates an in-memory file
// for a Bucket File System.
// Methods are sync to match the web-exposed behavior of the corresponding
// methods of the SyncAccessHandle.
interface FileSystemAccessFileDelegateHost {
  // Read up to `bytes_to_read` from the associated file starting at `offset`.
  // Ideally these would each be unsigned, but the backend code expects signed
  // ints. The FileSystemAccessFileDelegateHostImpl will report a bad message if
  // either of these values is negative. If the read is successful, returns a
  // buffer with the read data, the number of bytes read (which may be less than
  // the length of `data`), and an `error` of `base::File::Error::FILE_OK`.
  // `data` is null and `bytes_to_read` is 0 if the read fails.
  // TODO( Replace this with expected<T, E> if/when
  // it becomes available for mojom.
  Read(int64 offset, int32 bytes_to_read) => (mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer? data,
                                              mojo_base.mojom.FileError error,
                                              int32 bytes_read);

  // Writes `data` to the associated file starting at `offset`. Ideally `offset`
  // would be a uint64, but the backend code expects an int64. The
  // FileSystemAccessFileDelegateHostImpl will report a bad message if `offset`
  // is negative. Returns the number of bytes written and a file error, which is
  // `base::File::Error::FILE_OK` if the write completed successfully.
  // TODO( Replace this with expected<T, E> if/when
  // it becomes available for mojom.
  Write(int64 offset, handle<data_pipe_consumer> data) =>
      (mojo_base.mojom.FileError error, int32 bytes_written);

  // Returns the `length` of the associated file and a file error, which is
  // `base::File::Error::FILE_OK` if the operation completed successfully.
  // The returned length of the file will never be more than the max int64.
  // TODO( Replace this with expected<T, E> if/when
  // it becomes available for mojom.
  GetLength() => (mojo_base.mojom.FileError error, int64 length);

  // Truncates a file to `length`. If `length` is larger than the file size, the
  // file will be extended with null bytes. Ideally `length` would be a uint64,
  // but the backend code expects an int64. The
  // FileSystemAccessFileDelegateHostImpl will report a bad message if `length`
  // is negative. Returns a file error, which is `base::File::Error::FILE_OK` if
  // the operation completed successfully.
  SetLength(int64 length) => (mojo_base.mojom.FileError error);