
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_data_transfer_token.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_directory_handle.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_error.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_file_handle.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_observer_host.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_transfer_token.mojom";

enum WellKnownDirectory {

// Struct to represent individual options for types of files that are accepted
// by calls to ChooseEntry. Each type has an optional description, and any
// number of mime types and/or extensions.
// Options with no extensions and no known mime types will be ignored.
struct ChooseFileSystemEntryAcceptsOption {
  mojo_base.mojom.String16 description;
  array<string> mime_types;
  array<string> extensions;

// If `include_accepts_all` is true, an "all files" option is included in the
// dialog displayed to the user. If no valid options are present in `accepts`
// `include_accepts_all` is treated as if it was true.
struct AcceptsTypesInfo {
  array<ChooseFileSystemEntryAcceptsOption> accepts;
  bool include_accepts_all;

struct OpenFilePickerOptions {
  AcceptsTypesInfo accepts_types_info;
  bool can_select_multiple_files;

struct SaveFilePickerOptions {
  AcceptsTypesInfo accepts_types_info;
  string suggested_name;

struct DirectoryPickerOptions {
  bool request_writable;

union TypeSpecificFilePickerOptionsUnion {
  OpenFilePickerOptions open_file_picker_options;
  SaveFilePickerOptions save_file_picker_options;
  DirectoryPickerOptions directory_picker_options;

union FilePickerStartInOptionsUnion {
  WellKnownDirectory well_known_directory;
  pending_remote<FileSystemAccessTransferToken> directory_token;

// Encapsulation of data from the FilePickerOptions idl spec:
// See the documentation for how some of these fields interact to decide which
// directory the picker will start in:
//   - `starting_directory_id` allows for specification of the "purpose" of a
//     file picker invocation. When an ID is specified, the picker will remember
//     the picked directory. The next time the matching ID is specified, the
//     picker will default to this directory. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters
//     in length and may only contain alphanumeric characters, '-', and '_'. A
//     maximum of 32 custom IDs is allowed per origin (LRU eviction).
//  -  `FilePickerStartInOptionsUnion.well_known_directory` opens the file
//     picker at a well-known directory.
//  -  `FilePickerStartInOptionsUnion.directory_token` is resolved into a file
//     or directory by the FileSystemAccessManager to be used as the starting
//     directory for the file picker. If the token is a file, its parent
//     directory is used.
// TODO( Add a monostate type if/when it becomes
// available for mojom, rather than having `start_in_options` be nullable.
struct FilePickerOptions {
  TypeSpecificFilePickerOptionsUnion type_specific_options;
  string starting_directory_id;
  FilePickerStartInOptionsUnion? start_in_options;

// Interface provided by the browser to the renderer as main entry point to the
// File System Access API. The renderer can request this interface for a
// specific worker or document, so the browser process will always be able to
// tell what operations are being done by which document or worker.
interface FileSystemAccessManager {
  // Opens the sandboxed filesystem for the origin of the current document or worker.
  // TODO( Replace this with expected<T, E> if/when
  // it becomes available for mojom.
  GetSandboxedFileSystem() =>
      (FileSystemAccessError result,
       pending_remote<FileSystemAccessDirectoryHandle>? directory);

  // Opens the sandboxed filesystem for the origin of the current document
  // or worker. An empty `directory_path_components` array will return the
  // root directory.
  // Note: This method is equivalent to the `GetSandboxedFileSystem` method
  // but allows DevTools to pass a path (avoiding multiple roundtrips).
  // The `GetSandboxedFileSystem` method requires starting at the root and
  // iterating through directories using additional calls.
  // TODO( Replace this with expected<T, E>
  // if/when it becomes available for mojom.
    array<string> directory_path_components
    ) =>
      (FileSystemAccessError result,
       pending_remote<FileSystemAccessDirectoryHandle>? directory);

  // Prompts the user to select a file from the local filesystem. Returns an
  // error code if something failed, or a list of the selected entries on
  // success.
  // TODO( Replace this with expected<T, E> if/when
  // it becomes available for mojom.
  ChooseEntries(FilePickerOptions options) =>
      (FileSystemAccessError result,
       array<FileSystemAccessEntry> entries);

  // Used to redeem tokens received by a postMessage() target. Clones
  // FileSystemFileHandles. Token redemption should never fail. The
  // postMessage() target should perform an origin check before
  // redeeming tokens. Origin check failures must dispatch a messageerror
  // event instead of cloning the objects. FileSystemAccessManager will also
  // validate the redeemed token, including the token's origin, before binding the
  // FileSystemHandle.
    pending_remote<FileSystemAccessTransferToken> token,
    pending_receiver<FileSystemAccessFileHandle> file_handle);

  // Same as GetFileHandleFromToken(), but for FileSystemDirectoryHandles.
  // See GetFileHandleFromToken() comment above for details.
    pending_remote<FileSystemAccessTransferToken> token,
    pending_receiver<FileSystemAccessDirectoryHandle> directory_handle);

  // Used to redeem FileSystemAccessDataTransferToken that are passed to the
  // renderer from the browser during a drag-and-drop or clipboard operation.
  // Token redemption can fail if the id of the process trying to redeem the
  // token does not match the id assigned to the token at creation or if the
  // FileSystemAccessManager does not have record of the token.
  // May show a prompt to the user if the entry corresponds to a sensitive path.
  // getAsFileSystemHandle() is an async API that can only be called
  // synchronously while handling the drop event (i.e. as a direct result of
  // some user interaction, and at the time of the interaction).
  // Returns an error code if something failed, or a valid entry on success.
  // TODO( Replace this with expected<T, E> if/when
  // it becomes available for mojom.
    pending_remote<FileSystemAccessDataTransferToken> token
  )  => (FileSystemAccessError result, FileSystemAccessEntry? entry);

  // Binds a FileSystemAccessObserverHost to the browser process.
  // File system watches set up through this host will be destroyed when the
  // host is disconnected.
    pending_receiver<FileSystemAccessObserverHost> observer_host);