
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_directory_handle.mojom";

// Each of the below types represents a type of file system change. Each type
// may provide extra information specific to that type.
struct FileSystemAccessChangeTypeAppeared {};
struct FileSystemAccessChangeTypeDisappeared {};
struct FileSystemAccessChangeTypeErrored {};
struct FileSystemAccessChangeTypeModified {};
struct FileSystemAccessChangeTypeMoved {
  // The path components (i.e. the path split by directory separator) of
  // `FileSystemAccessChangeMetadata`'s `changed_entry` relative to `root`,
  // if the former path is known; otherwise null.
  array<string>? former_relative_path;
struct FileSystemAccessChangeTypeUnknown {};

// Union of the above file system changes. This list of types must be kept in
// sync with the `FileSystemChangeType` enum in
// t/b/r/m/file_system_access/file_system_change_record.idl
union FileSystemAccessChangeType {
  FileSystemAccessChangeTypeAppeared appeared;
  FileSystemAccessChangeTypeDisappeared disappeared;
  FileSystemAccessChangeTypeErrored errored;
  FileSystemAccessChangeTypeModified modified;
  FileSystemAccessChangeTypeMoved moved;
  FileSystemAccessChangeTypeUnknown unknown;

// Common details of all file system changes.
// TODO( Use something similar to (but probably not
// the same as) mojo_base.mojom.SafeBasename to represent relative path
// components. Note that our paths really aren't base::FilePath, but instead are
// virtual paths (see
struct FileSystemAccessChangeMetadata {
  // The entry being observed.
  FileSystemAccessEntry root;
  // The entry affected by the file system change.
  FileSystemAccessEntry changed_entry;
  // The path components (i.e. the path split by directory separator) of
  // `changed_entry` relative to `root`.
  array<string> relative_path;

// Details of a file system change on a watched file or directory.
struct FileSystemAccessChange {
  FileSystemAccessChangeMetadata metadata;
  FileSystemAccessChangeType type;

// Notified of changes to the file system.
interface FileSystemAccessObserver {
  // Called when (a batch of) changes are observed to a watched file.
  OnFileChanges(array<FileSystemAccessChange> changes);