// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "cc/mojom/render_frame_metadata.mojom";
import "cc/mojom/touch_action.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/source_location.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/storage_access_api.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_request.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/web_sandbox_flags.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/frame_sink_id.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/blob/blob_url_store.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/conversions/conversions.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_owner_properties.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/navigation_initiator_activation_and_ad_status.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_replication_state.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_visual_properties.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/fullscreen.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/intrinsic_sizing_info.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/lifecycle.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/policy_container.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/text_autosizer_page_info.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/tree_scope_type.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/triggering_event_info.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_notification_type.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_update_types.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/viewport_intersection_state.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/focus_type.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/scroll_direction.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/referrer.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/messaging/transferable_message.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/navigation_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions_policy/permissions_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scroll_into_view_params.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/security_context/insecure_request_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/timing/resource_timing.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/tokens/tokens.mojom";
import "ui/base/mojom/window_open_disposition.mojom";
import "ui/events/mojom/scroll_granularity.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Struct for communication channels of the RemoteMainFrame in blink.
struct RemoteMainFrameInterfaces {
pending_associated_remote<blink.mojom.RemoteMainFrameHost> main_frame_host;
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.RemoteMainFrame> main_frame;
// Struct for passing RemoteFrame interfaces from renderer.
struct RemoteFrameInterfacesFromRenderer {
pending_associated_remote<blink.mojom.RemoteFrame> frame;
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.RemoteFrameHost> frame_host_receiver;
// Struct for passing RemoteFrame interfaces from browser.
struct RemoteFrameInterfacesFromBrowser {
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.RemoteFrame> frame_receiver;
pending_associated_remote<blink.mojom.RemoteFrameHost> frame_host;
// An internal node in a tree that has the same structure as a `FrameTree` on
// the host side. Contains all the parameters needed to create a `RemoteFrame`
// for that node.
struct CreateRemoteChildParams {
blink.mojom.RemoteFrameToken token;
blink.mojom.FrameToken? opener_frame_token;
blink.mojom.TreeScopeType tree_scope_type;
blink.mojom.FrameReplicationState replication_state;
blink.mojom.FrameOwnerProperties owner_properties;
bool is_loading;
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken devtools_frame_token;
blink.mojom.RemoteFrameInterfacesFromBrowser frame_interfaces;
array<CreateRemoteChildParams> child_params;
// Simple interface backing the NavigationStateKeepAlive object via the mojo
// disconnect handler mechanism.
interface NavigationStateKeepAliveHandle {
// This struct holds parameters included in the OpenURL method sent by the
// renderer to the browser, |is_history_navigation_in_new_child_frame| is true
// in the case that the browser process should look for an existing history item
// for the frame.
struct OpenURLParams {
// The main URL to open.
url.mojom.Url url;
url.mojom.Origin initiator_origin;
// While `initiator_origin` is always required, `initiator_base_url` should
// only be sent for about:blank and about:srcdoc navigations, and be nullopt
// otherwise.
url.mojom.Url? initiator_base_url;
// The token of the RenderFrameHost that initiated the navigation. It might
// refer to a RenderFrameHost that doesn't exist anymore when the IPC reaches
// the browser process.
blink.mojom.LocalFrameToken? initiator_frame_token;
network.mojom.URLRequestBody? post_body;
string extra_headers;
blink.mojom.Referrer referrer;
bool is_form_submission;
// The window position to open the URL.
ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition disposition;
bool should_replace_current_entry;
bool user_gesture;
// Whether this should be interpreted as a navigation to _unfencedTop,
// i.e. to the outermost frame from a fenced frame in a renderer process that
// doesn't get a handle to that frame.
// The disposition should always be CURRENT_TAB when this flag is set;
// the browser will target the outermost frame instead of the current frame.
// TODO(crbug.com/1315802): Refactor _unfencedTop handling.
bool is_unfenced_top_navigation = false;
// Extra information about the triggering of the OpenURL.
blink.mojom.TriggeringEventInfo triggering_event_info;
pending_remote<blink.mojom.BlobURLToken>? blob_url_token;
string href_translate;
Impression? impression;
NavigationDownloadPolicy download_policy;
// Information about the Javascript source for this navigation. Used for
// providing information in console error messages triggered by the
// navigation. If the navigation is not caused by Javascript, the
// SourceLocation's URL is empty.
network.mojom.SourceLocation source_location;
// Passing the |initiator_navigation_state_keep_alive_handle| is a means to
// ensure that the NavigationStateKeepAlive of the initiator RenderFrameHost
// is kept alive, even if the RenderFrameHost itself has already been deleted
// in the meantime. If this can be ensured in other ways, it is safe to pass a
// mojo::NullRemote here.
// The navigation initiator's user activation and ad status.
// Whether this navigation was container initiated (e.g. iframe changed src).
// Only container-initiated navigations report a resource-timing entry.
// Note: when relying on this in the browser process, also make sure to check
// that this comes from the renderer process of the parent frame.
bool is_container_initiated = false;
// True if the initiator explicitly asked for opener relationships to be
// preserved, via rel="opener".
bool has_rel_opener = false;
// The renderer's Storage Access API status (e.g. whether it has opted into
// accessing cross-site cookies). Note that this is not trusted; cookies will
// not actually be attached unless there is also a matching permission grant
// created by the browser process. (Also note that the Storage Access API is
// only relevant when third-party cookies are blocked.)
network.mojom.StorageAccessApiStatus storage_access_api_status = kNone;
// Implemented in Browser, this interface defines frame-specific methods that
// will be invoked from the render process (e.g. blink::RemoteFrame).
// Note that this is different than content/common/frame.mojom in that the
// methods defined here are called directly in Blink without passing through
// content. In the future this interface will likely host more methods as the
// Onion Soup project advances, which can potentially lead to the removal of
// content/common/frame.mojom if enough code is moved to Blink.
interface RemoteFrameHost {
// Notifies that an effective touch action has been calculated from an
// ancestor of the associated RemoteFrame and should be propagated to
// the associated LocalFrame in the other render process.
SetInheritedEffectiveTouchAction(cc.mojom.TouchAction touch_action);
// Toggles render throttling on a remote frame. |is_throttled| indicates
// whether the current frame should be throttled based on its viewport
// visibility; |subtree_throttled| indicates that an ancestor frame has
// been throttled, so all descendant frames also should be throttled; and
// |display_locked| indicates that an iframe is display locked by an ancestor
// of its <iframe> element in the parent process.
bool is_throttled, bool subtree_throttled, bool display_locked);
// Notifies the browser that the associated frame has changed its visibility
// status. Visibility status changes occur when the frame moves in/out
// of the viewport, or the need for a layout object changes, e.g. if the
// frame owner assigns a display: none style.
VisibilityChanged(blink.mojom.FrameVisibility visibility);
// Sent by the renderer when the frame becomes focused.
// Use to notify a parent remote frame that a local child frame has finished
// loading. This will be forwarded to the renderer hosting the parent's local
// frame to see if the parent can be marked as completed loading.
// Sent by the renderer to request a paint preview of a subframe. |clip_rect|
// is the size of the frame in it's parent. |guid| is an an identifier for
// all the capture work (regardless of the process captures are happening in)
// that allows the results to be grouped together, even if there are multiple
// requests in-flight.
gfx.mojom.Rect clip_rect, mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken guid);
// Sent by a parent frame to notify its child that the renderer has determined
// the DOM subtree it represents is inert and should no longer process input
// events.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#inert
SetIsInert(bool inert);
// Sent when a renderer remote frame either updates its opener to another
// frame identified by |opener_frame|, or, if |opener_frame| is "empty",
// the frame disowns its opener for the lifetime of the window.
DidChangeOpener(blink.mojom.LocalFrameToken? opener_frame);
// This message is sent from a RemoteFrame when sequential focus navigation
// needs to advance into its actual frame. |source_frame_token| identifies the
// frame that issued this request. This is used when pressing <tab> or
// <shift-tab> hits an out-of-process iframe when searching for the next
// focusable element.
AdvanceFocus(blink.mojom.FocusType focus_type,
blink.mojom.LocalFrameToken source_frame_token);
// Sent to the browser to post a message to the frame's active renderer, which
// will receive the re-routed message from the browser process via the method
// PostMessageEvent(), from the blink.mojom.LocalFrame interface.
// |source_frame_token| is the frame token of the LocalFrame in the renderer
// process originating the request, which will be translated by the browser
// process to the frame token of the equivalent RemoteFrame in the target
// renderer process.
// |source_origin| is the origin of the source frame when the message was
// sent, and |target_origin| specifies what the origin of the target frame
// must be for the message to be dispatched. |source_origin| has an Origin
// type since it will be validated by the browser process, even when opaque
// with a precursor, while |target_origin| is a string since the web page
// specifies it, and might use an asterisk as a wildcard. |message| is the
// encoded data, plus any extra properties such as transferred ports or blobs.
RouteMessageEvent(blink.mojom.LocalFrameToken? source_frame_token,
url.mojom.Origin source_origin,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 target_origin,
blink.mojom.TransferableMessage message);
// Ask the frame host to print a cross-process subframe.
// The printed content of this subframe belongs to the document specified by
// its document cookie. Document cookie is a unique id for a printed document
// associated with a print job.
// The content will be rendered in the specified rectangular area in its
// parent frame.
gfx.mojom.Rect frame_content_rect, int32 document_cookie);
// Notifies the browser that a child frame is detached from the DOM.
// Sent by a parent frame to notify its child about the state of the child's
// intersection with the parent's viewport, primarily for use by the
// IntersectionObserver API.
ViewportIntersectionState intersection_state,
FrameVisualProperties? visual_properties);
// Tells the browser that a child's visual properties have changed.
FrameVisualProperties properties);
// Requests that the given URL be opened in the specified manner.
OpenURL(blink.mojom.OpenURLParams params);
// Implemented in Blink, this interface defines frame-specific methods that will
// be invoked from the browser process (e.g. content::RenderFrameProxyHost).
// Note that this is different than content/common/frame.mojom in that the
// methods defined here are handled directly in Blink without passing through
// content. In the future this interface will likely host more methods as the
// Onion Soup project advances, which can potentially lead to the removal of
// content/common/frame.mojom if enough code is moved to Blink.
interface RemoteFrame {
// Sent to a frame proxy when its real frame is preparing to enter fullscreen
// in another process. Actually entering fullscreen will be done separately
// as part of ViewMsg_Resize, once the browser process has resized the tab for
// fullscreen.
WillEnterFullscreen(FullscreenOptions options);
// Update replicated set for enforcement of insecure navigations. |set|
// is a hashed set of host/port pairs. See
// SecurityContext::SetInsecureNavigationsSet.
EnforceInsecureNavigationsSet(array<uint32> set);
// Updates this frame's FrameOwner properties, such as scrolling, margin,
// or allowfullscreen. This is used when this frame's parent is in
// another process and it dynamically updates these properties.
// TODO(dcheng): Currently, the update only takes effect on next frame
// navigation. This matches the in-process frame behavior.
SetFrameOwnerProperties(FrameOwnerProperties properties);
// Updates the remote frame's replicated enforcement of insecure request
// policy. Used when the frame's policy is changed in another renderer
// process. Argument |policy| is a bitfield for InsecureRequestPolicy.
EnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(blink.mojom.InsecureRequestPolicy policy);
// Update the replicated origin. Used when the frame is navigated to a
// new origin.
SetReplicatedOrigin(url.mojom.Origin origin,
bool is_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin);
// Update the replicated ad status. Used when the frame is tagged or untagged
// as an ad frame by Ad Tagging.
SetReplicatedIsAdFrame(bool is_ad_frame);
// Sets the replicated name and unique name for the frame. Used when the
// name of a frame changes.
SetReplicatedName(string name, string unique_name);
// Sent to dispatch a load event in the frame's owner element.
// (eg. the iframe, or object element).
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process to indicate the
// associated frame in the child process requires information about
// whether it is occluded or has visual effects applied.
SetNeedsOcclusionTracking(bool needs_tracking);
// Sent to the process that owns this frame's HTMLFrameOwnerElement to
// control whether the element is collapsed or not. If the element is
// collapsed, it will be removed from the layout tree of its parent
// frame's document.
Collapse(bool collapsed);
// Notifies this remote frame that it is now focused. This is used to
// support cross-process focused frame changes.
// Notifies this remote frame to mark that the previous document on that
// frame had received a user gesture on the same eTLD+1.
SetHadStickyUserActivationBeforeNavigation(bool has_gesture);
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process to continue
// bubbling a logical scroll from a cross-process frame.
BubbleLogicalScroll(ScrollDirection direction,
ui.mojom.ScrollGranularity granularity);
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process to update the
// user activation state in appropriate part of the frame tree (ancestors for
// activation notification and all nodes for consumption).
// The |notification_type| parameter is used for histograms, only for the case
// |update_state == kNotifyActivation|.
UpdateUserActivationState(blink.mojom.UserActivationUpdateType state_update_type,
UserActivationNotificationType notification_type);
// Sent to the process that owns this frame's HTMLFrameOwnerElement to
// set the embedding token. This token uniquely specifies the relationship
// between a frame and its parent.
SetEmbeddingToken(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken embedding_token);
// Sets page-level focus and notifies FocusController.
SetPageFocus(bool is_focused);
// Sent to this frame in parent frame's process to render fallback contents.
// This is only used for <object> elements that failed a navigation (HTTP or
// network error).
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process so that
// resource timing information can be added to the parent frame.
AddResourceTimingFromChild(ResourceTimingInfo timing);
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process to request
// scrolling.
ScrollRectToVisible(gfx.mojom.RectF rect, ScrollIntoViewParams params);
// Notifies this remote frame that its corresponding document has started
// loading.
// Notifies this remote frame that its corresponding document has completed
// loading.
// Sent to the remote frame placeholder in the parent process indicating the
// intrinsic sizing parameters of the content frame have changed. Generated
// when the browser receives a IntrinsicSizingInfoChanged message of
// FrameWidgetHost interface.
IntrinsicSizingInfoOfChildChanged(IntrinsicSizingInfo sizing_info);
// Used to replicate the updated sandbox flags and permissions policy headers to
// all corresponding remote frames of a local frame when a navigation commits.
DidSetFramePolicyHeaders(network.mojom.WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags,
array<blink.mojom.ParsedPermissionsPolicyDeclaration> parsed_permissions_policy);
// Notifies the frame that its parent has changed the frame's sandbox flags or
// container policy.
DidUpdateFramePolicy(blink.mojom.FramePolicy frame_policy);
// Requests that the blink::RemoteFrame updates its opener to the specified
// frame. The frame token may be "empty" if the opener was disowned.
UpdateOpener(blink.mojom.FrameToken? opener_frame_token);
// Requests the corresponding RemoteFrame to be deleted and removed from
// the frame tree. This should not be called on the main frame as that frame
// is owned by the associated WebView.
// Enables autoresize mode as requested by the parent frame's renderer
// process.
EnableAutoResize(gfx.mojom.Size min_size, gfx.mojom.Size max_size);
// Disables autoresize mode as requested by the parent frame's renderer
// process.
// Informs the completion of an autoresize transaction from the parent
// renderer and updates with the provided viz::LocalSurfaceId.
DidUpdateVisualProperties(cc.mojom.RenderFrameMetadata metadata);
// Notifies this remote frame that its associated compositing
// destination (RenderWidgetHostView) has changed.
// The embedder can keep using the painted content from the previous frame
// sink until the new frame sink produces a new frame, i.e., paint holding.
// `allow_paint_holding` is used to limit this to same-origin navigations.
SetFrameSinkId(viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id, bool allow_paint_holding);
// Notifies the remote frame that the process rendering the child frame's
// contents has terminated.
// Tells the RemoteFrame to create a new RemoteFrame child. See
// blink.mojom.PageBroadcast.CreateRemoteMainFrame for creation
// of main frames.
// `token`: The frame token. Used to map between RemoteFrame and
// RenderFrameProxyHost.
// `opener_frame_token`: Frame token that identifies the opener frame if one
// exists, or std::nullopt otherwise.
// `tree_scope_type`: Whether the owner element (e.g. <iframe>, <object>, et
// cetera) for this frame is in the document tree or the shadow tree.
// `owner_properties`: This frame's FrameOwner properties, such as scrolling,
// margin, or allowfullscreen.
// `is_loading`: Whether to call DidStartLoading() on the new child frame.
// `devtools_frame_token`: Used for devtools instrumentation and
// trace-ability. The token is shared across all frames (local or remotes)
// representing the same logical frame tree node, and is used by Blink and
// content to tag calls and requests for instrumentation purposes,
// allowing them to be attributed to a context frame.
// Must not be used to look up a RenderFrameHostImpl or
// RenderFrameProxyHost in the browser process, as the token is shared,
// making the mapping ambiguous and non-authoritative.
CreateRemoteChild(blink.mojom.RemoteFrameToken token,
blink.mojom.FrameToken? opener_frame_token,
blink.mojom.TreeScopeType tree_scope_type,
blink.mojom.FrameReplicationState replication_state,
blink.mojom.FrameOwnerProperties owner_properties,
bool is_loading,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken devtools_frame_token,
RemoteFrameInterfacesFromBrowser remote_frame_interfaces);
// Creates a `RemoteFrame` for each node in `params`. The resulting tree of
// `RemoteFrame`s has the same structure as `params`, with this `RemoteFrame`
// at the root (see https://crbug.com/1393697).
// `params`: An array of the root's immediate children.
CreateRemoteChildren(array<CreateRemoteChildParams> params);
// Propagates a censored version of the event from a fenced frame to its
// embedder that omits privacy-sensitive information like mouse coordinates or
// timestamps. Fires events named `event_type` targeting the frame owner.
// Only intended to be called on remote content frames owned by an
// `HTMLFencedFrameElement`. Specifically, this method is only called by the
// browser process on RemoteFrames that are the outer delegate of a fenced
// frame root.
ForwardFencedFrameEventToEmbedder(string event_type);
// Implemented in Blink, this interface defines remote main-frame-specific
// methods that will be invoked from the browser process (e.g.
// content::RenderFrameProxyHost).
// There is only ever one remote main frame for a given tab in all renderer
// processes.
// This interface will only be provided when the RemoteFrame is a main frame.
interface RemoteMainFrame {
// Makes the TextAutosizerPageInfo received from a local main frame available
// to remote main frame renderers.
UpdateTextAutosizerPageInfo(blink.mojom.TextAutosizerPageInfo page_info);
// Implemented in Browser, this interface defines remote-main-frame-specific
// methods that will be invoked from the renderer process (e.g. WebViewImpl).
interface RemoteMainFrameHost {
// Asks the browser process to activate the page associated to the main frame.
// Asks the browser to transfer focus cross-process on behalf of the renderer
// in the focus hierarchy. This may focus an element in the browser ui or a
// cross-process frame, as appropriate.
TakeFocus(bool reverse);
// Notifies the browser that we want to show a destination url for a potential
// action (e.g. when the user is hovering over a link). Implementation of this
// method will reply back to the renderer once the target URL gets received,
// in order to prevent target URLs spamming the browser.
UpdateTargetURL(url.mojom.Url url) => ();
// Sent from an inactive renderer for the browser to route to the active
// renderer, instructing it to close.