
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/compositor_frame_sink.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/frame_sink_bundle.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/frame_sink_bundle_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/frame_sink_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/surface_info.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/local_surface_id.mojom";

// Interface from the the submitter to the embedder.
interface SurfaceEmbedder {
  // Called by the embedee when a new LocalSurfaceId is allocated.
  SetLocalSurfaceId(viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId local_surface_id);

// Interface from browser to the embedder. Closing this interface will destroy
// the corresponding CompositorFrameSink if one exists.
interface EmbeddedFrameSinkClient {
  // Called when a CompositorFrameSink is created for this frame sink.
  // Establishes a direct connection from the embedee to the embedder.
  BindSurfaceEmbedder(pending_receiver<SurfaceEmbedder> embedder);

// Provides embedded CompositorFrameSinks for the renderer. The renderer should
// first call RegisterEmbeddedFrameSink() to register an EmbeddedFrameSinkClient
// for the embedder and then call CreateCompositorFrameSink() to get the
// embedded CompositorFrameSink. The EmbeddedFrameSinkClient will be notified
// about surface activations.
interface EmbeddedFrameSinkProvider {
  // Registers an embedded frame sink for |frame_sink_id|. The FrameSinkId of
  // the parent must be specified at this time.
  RegisterEmbeddedFrameSink(viz.mojom.FrameSinkId parent_frame_sink_id,
                            viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id,
                            pending_remote<EmbeddedFrameSinkClient> client);

  // Registers a bundle of frame sinks identified by `bundle_id`. The
  // FrameSinkBundle and FrameSinkBundleClient endpoints are used to perform
  // batched communication between Viz and the client, regarding any of the
  // frame sinks included in the bundle. See CreateBundledCompositorFrameSink()
  // below.
      viz.mojom.FrameSinkBundleId bundle_id,
      pending_receiver<viz.mojom.FrameSinkBundle> receiver,
      pending_remote<viz.mojom.FrameSinkBundleClient> client);

  // Create a CompositorFrameSink for |frame_sink_id|. This must happen after
  // calling RegisterEmbeddedFrameSink() for |frame_sink_id|.
  CreateCompositorFrameSink(viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id,
                            pending_remote<viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSinkClient> client,
                            pending_receiver<viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSink> sink);

  // Similar to above, but the frame sink can also be controlled by the
  // corresponding FrameSinkBundle interface. See
  // RegisterEmbeddedFrameSinkBundle() above.
      viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id,
      viz.mojom.FrameSinkBundleId bundle_id,
      pending_remote<viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSinkClient> client,
      pending_receiver<viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSink> sink);

  // Create CompositorFrameSink directly in a single call (instead of going
  // through both function above).
  CreateSimpleCompositorFrameSink(viz.mojom.FrameSinkId parent_frame_sink_id,
                                  viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id,
                                  pending_remote<EmbeddedFrameSinkClient> surface_client,
                                  pending_remote<viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSinkClient> client,
                                  pending_receiver<viz.mojom.CompositorFrameSink> sink);

  // Establishes a direct connection to the embedder of |frame_sink_id|. This
  // will allow the client to let the embedder know what LocalSurfaceId it is
  // using.
  ConnectToEmbedder(viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id,
                    pending_receiver<SurfaceEmbedder> embedder);

  // Registers |frame_sink_id| as the child of its parent frame sink ID, which
  // has been specified at frame sink creation time. The registration usually
  // happens automatically when the frame sink is created in
  // CreateCompositorFrameSink(), and here the client may want to manually
  // control the registration.
  RegisterFrameSinkHierarchy(viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id);

  // Unregisters |frame_sink_id| as the child of its parent frame sink ID, which
  // has been specified at frame sink creation time. The un-registration usually
  // happens automatically when the frame sink is destructed, and here the
  // client may want to manually control the un-registration.
  UnregisterFrameSinkHierarchy(viz.mojom.FrameSinkId frame_sink_id);