
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module handwriting.mojom;


// CrOS's handwriting service's API, defined in
// //chromeos/services/machine_leaning/public/mojom and mirrored into platform2,
// is largely derived from the types and interfaces defined below.
// The feature query APIs are not plumbed through, but otherwise, new
// fields/methods likely need to be plumbed through the corresponding CrOS APIs
// as well.
// Any changes in overlapping part may need to be kept synced in all these
// three places,
// 1. "chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/web_platform_handwriting.mojom"
//    in chrome repo.
// 2. "platform2/ml/mojom/web_platform_handwriting.mojom" in CrOS repo.
// 3. This file.

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";

// Represents a single point in a handwriting stroke.
// Corresponds to handwriting_point.idl.
struct HandwritingPoint {
  // Represent the horizontal (location.x) and vertical (location.y) location
  // of the point.
  // The top-left corner coordinate is (location.x=0, location.y=0).
  gfx.mojom.PointF location;
  // The time elapsed since the starting time (e.g. when the first ink point
  // of the drawing is captured).
  mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? t;

// Represents a stroke which is just a series of points.
// Corresponds to handwriting_stroke.idl.
struct HandwritingStroke {
  array<HandwritingPoint> points;

// Represents a segment of a handwriting stroke in the grapheme detected.
// One `HandwritingDrawingSegment` can only refer one stroke, denoted by
// `stroke_index` which is the index of the stroke in the input stroke arrays
// (i.e., the first parameter of the `HandwritingRecognizer::GetPrediction`
// function).
// The reason we need this struct is that different parts of one single stroke
// can belong to different grapheme detected.
// Corresponds to handwriting_drawing_segment.idl.
struct HandwritingDrawingSegment {
  // The index of the corresponding stroke in the input stroke array.
  uint32 stroke_index;
  // The index of the first point in the stroke that belongs to this drawing
  // segment.
  uint32 begin_point_index;
  // The index of the last point in the stroke that belongs to this drawing
  // segment.
  uint32 end_point_index;

// Represents a segment detected.
// Corresponds to handwriting_segment.idl.
struct HandwritingSegment {
  // The string representation of this grapheme.
  string grapheme;
  // HandwritingPrediction.text.slice(begin_index, end_index) === grapheme
  // If the grapheme spans multiple Unicode code points,
  // `end_index - begin_index` is greater than 1.
  uint32 begin_index;
  uint32 end_index;
  array<HandwritingDrawingSegment> drawing_segments;

// Represents one single prediction result.
// The final prediction output is an array of these.
// Corresponds to handwriting_prediction.idl.
struct HandwritingPrediction {
  string text;
  array<HandwritingSegment> segmentation_result;

// Represents the hints provided to the recognizer for better performance.
// Corresponds to handwriting_hints.idl.
struct HandwritingHints {
  // The type of content to be recognized. The recognizer may use these to
  // better rank the recognition results. (e.g. "text", "email", "number",
  // "per-character").
  string recognition_type;
  // Identifies how the strokes are captured. (e.g. "touch", "mouse", "pen")
  string input_type;
  // The text that comes before the handwriting. This can be texts that were
  // previously recognized, or were given as the writing context (e.g.
  // "Write your name here:"). This is the linguistic context to help
  // disambiguate the handwriting (e.g. “Hello world” vs. “Hello word”).
  // This could be null if the application doesn't or can't provide context. It
  // could be the empty string if a text field is empty, e.g. the beginning of
  // input.
  string? text_context;
  // The maximum number of alternative predictions to generate.
  uint32 alternatives;

enum HandwritingRecognitionType {

enum HandwritingInputType {

// The description of supported hints.
// Corresponds to handwriting_recognizer_query_result.idl
struct HandwritingHintsQueryResult {
  array<HandwritingRecognitionType> recognition_type;
  array<HandwritingInputType> input_type;
  bool text_context;
  bool alternatives;

// The recognizer query result.
// Corresponds to handwriting_recognizer_query_result.idl
struct QueryHandwritingRecognizerResult {
  bool text_alternatives;
  bool text_segmentation;
  HandwritingHintsQueryResult hints;

// Used in querying and creating recognizer.
// Corresponds to handwriting_model_constraint.idl.
struct HandwritingModelConstraint {
  // Languages are IETF BCP 47 language tags, e.g., "en", "zh-CN", "zh-Hans".
  array<string> languages;

// Interface for a renderer to use a specific handwriting recognition backend.
// The browser handles the requests and forwards them to the appropriate
// backend.
interface HandwritingRecognizer {
  // Does the recognition and outputs the prediction result.
  // This is used by IDL API `blink::HandwritingDrawing::getPrediction`.
  // The input `strokes` and `hints` should both come from
  // `blink::HandwritingDrawing`.
  // If the returned `Optional` has no value, it means there is some error in
  // recognition. If the returned `Optional` has value but the array is empty,
  // it means the recognizer can not recognize anything from the input.
  GetPrediction(array<HandwritingStroke> strokes, HandwritingHints hints)
    => (array<HandwritingPrediction>? prediction);

// Per-document interface that allows the renderer to ask the browser for
// a specific handwriting recognizer backend, query capabilities, et cetera.
// Corresponds to `navigator_handwriting_recognition_service.idl`.
interface HandwritingRecognitionService {
  // Creates a recognizer.
  // This is used by IDL API
  // `blink::HandwritingRecognitionService::createHandwritingRecognizer`.
  CreateHandwritingRecognizer(HandwritingModelConstraint constraint)
    => (CreateHandwritingRecognizerResult result,
        pending_remote<HandwritingRecognizer>? handwriting_recognizer);

  // Queries the features of the best recognizer satisfying `constraint`.
  // `blink::HandwritingRecognitionService::queryHandwritingRecognizer`.
  QueryHandwritingRecognizer(HandwritingModelConstraint? constraint)
    => (QueryHandwritingRecognizerResult? result);

enum CreateHandwritingRecognizerResult {
  // The provided model constraint can't be satisfied (e.g. the language is
  // not supported).