
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "skia/public/mojom/bitmap.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

interface ImageDownloader {
  // Fetch and decode an image from a given URL.
  // Returns the decoded images, or http_status_code to indicate error.
  // "data:" URLs have a http_status_code of 0.
  // Each call is independent, overlapping calls are possible.
  // For documentation on the other arguments, please refer to the
  // documentation for WebContents::DownloadImage.
  DownloadImage(url.mojom.Url url,
                bool is_favicon,
                gfx.mojom.Size preferred_size,
                uint32 max_bitmap_size,
                bool bypass_cache)
      => (int32 http_status_code,
          array<skia.mojom.BitmapN32> images,
          array<gfx.mojom.Size> original_image_sizes);

  // Fetch and decode an image from a given ax_tree_id and ax_node_id.
  // Returns the decoded images, or http_status_code to indicate error.
  // "data:" URLs have a http_status_code of 0.
  // Each call is independent, overlapping calls are possible.
  // For documentation on the other arguments, please refer to the
  // documentation for WebContents::DownloadImage.
  DownloadImageFromAxNode(int32 ax_node_id,
                gfx.mojom.Size preferred_size,
                uint32 max_bitmap_size,
                bool bypass_cache)
            => (int32 http_status_code,
            array<skia.mojom.BitmapN32> images,
            array<gfx.mojom.Size> original_image_sizes);
