// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/blob/blob.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_transfer_token.mojom";
// kIDBMaxMessageSize is 128MB, originally based on
// IPC::Channel::kMaximumMessageSize. The "usable" size is this value less
// the overhead size.
const int32 kIDBMaxMessageSize = 134217728;
// kIDBMaxMessageOverhead is the size we expect to be used for the rest of
// the message we will send. The "usable" size is the max size less this value.
const int32 kIDBMaxMessageOverhead = 1048576; // 1MB; arbitrarily chosen.
// Default threshold for IDBValueWrapper::WrapIfBiggerThan().
// This should be tuned to achieve a compromise between short-term IndexedDB
// throughput and long-term I/O load and memory usage. LevelDB, the underlying
// storage for IndexedDB, was not designed with large values in mind. At the
// very least, large values will slow down compaction, causing occasional I/O
// spikes.
const int32 kIDBWrapThreshold = 65536;
// To avoid GetAll returning too much data in one mojo message, it is returned
// in chunks of keys or values. This constant is the max number of keys/values
// returned per IDBDatabaseGetAllResultSink::Receive call.
const int32 kIDBGetAllChunkSize = 1000;
enum IDBCursorDirection {
enum IDBDataLoss {
// In order of the least to the highest precedent in terms of sort order.
enum IDBKeyType {
// Invalid is used in blink bindings code. When converting a V8 value that
// is not a valid key, key of this type is returned. Outside of testing
// it should only be used in blink code.
// The following indicate the type of a valid key, per the standard:
// https://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#key-construct
// None is used to represent the lack of a key, e.g. when a key range
// has no upper/lower bound.
// TODO(jsbell): Consider using Optional<> instead.
// Min is used to encode the lower bound of a construct in leveldb, e.g.
// all entries in a store are in [{id, min}, {id+1, min}). It should
// only appear in browser code.
// Durability guarantees during a transaction. This maps to whether or not
// the writes to disk are explicitly flushed or not.
enum IDBTransactionDurability {
// Unspecified by caller, and so is implementation defined.
// May map to either Strict or Relaxed.
// Always flush to disk after a write.
// Do not flush to disk. This is much faster.
union IDBKey {
array<IDBKey> key_array;
array<uint8> binary;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 string;
double date;
double number;
// TODO(jsbell): Consider using Optional<> instead.
bool other_none;
// In order of the least to the highest precedent in terms of sort order.
// These values are written to logs. New enum values can be added, but
// existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum IDBKeyPathType {
// Represents WebIDBKeyPathTypeString and WebIDBKeyPathTypeArray in a key path.
union IDBKeyPathData {
mojo_base.mojom.String16 string;
array<mojo_base.mojom.String16> string_array;
struct IDBKeyPath {
// A null value here corresponds to WebIDBKeyPathTypeNull.
IDBKeyPathData? data;
struct IDBKeyRange {
IDBKey lower;
IDBKey upper;
bool lower_open;
bool upper_open;
enum IDBOperationType {
enum IDBPutMode {
enum IDBTaskType {
enum IDBTransactionMode {
// These values need to match core/dom/exception_code.h
enum IDBException {
kNoError = 0,
kUnknownError = 28,
kConstraintError = 29,
kDataError = 30,
kVersionError = 33,
kAbortError = 20,
kIgnorableAbortError = 11,
kQuotaError = 22,
kTimeoutError = 23,
struct IDBIndexMetadata {
int64 id;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name;
IDBKeyPath key_path;
bool unique;
bool multi_entry;
struct IDBObjectStoreMetadata {
int64 id;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name;
IDBKeyPath key_path;
bool auto_increment;
int64 max_index_id;
map<int64, IDBIndexMetadata> indexes;
struct IDBDatabaseMetadata {
int64 id;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name;
int64 version;
int64 max_object_store_id;
map<int64, IDBObjectStoreMetadata> object_stores;
bool was_cold_open;
struct IDBNameAndVersion {
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name;
int64 version;
struct IDBIndexKeys {
int64 index_id;
array<IDBKey> index_keys;
struct IDBFileInfo {
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name;
mojo_base.mojom.Time last_modified;
struct IDBBlobInfo {
pending_remote<blink.mojom.Blob> blob;
string uuid;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 mime_type;
int64 size;
IDBFileInfo? file;
union IDBExternalObject {
IDBBlobInfo blob_or_file;
pending_remote<FileSystemAccessTransferToken> file_system_access_token;
struct IDBValue {
array<uint8> bits;
array<IDBExternalObject> external_objects;
struct IDBReturnValue {
IDBValue value;
IDBKey primary_key;
IDBKeyPath key_path;
// The IDBFactoryClient interface is used to return results for requests to open or
// delete databases.
interface IDBFactoryClient {
// These may be called during either Open or DeleteDatabase operations.
Error(IDBException code, mojo_base.mojom.String16 message);
Blocked(int64 existing_version);
// Called during Open operations.
UpgradeNeeded(pending_associated_remote<IDBDatabase> pending_database,
int64 old_version, IDBDataLoss data_loss,
string data_loss_message, IDBDatabaseMetadata db_metadata);
OpenSuccess(pending_associated_remote<IDBDatabase>? pending_database,
IDBDatabaseMetadata metadata);
// Called after a successful DeleteDatabase operation.
DeleteSuccess(int64 old_version);
// The IDBDatabaseCallbacks interface is used to notification of events out of
// band to individual requests. A single instance is used for the lifetime of
// a database connection.
interface IDBDatabaseCallbacks {
VersionChange(int64 old_version, int64 new_version);
Abort(int64 transaction_id, IDBException code,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 message);
Complete(int64 transaction_id);
struct IDBError {
IDBException error_code;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 error_message;
struct IDBCursorValue {
array<IDBKey> keys;
array<IDBKey> primary_keys;
array<IDBValue> values;
union IDBCursorResult {
IDBError error_result; // |error| is reserved, so call this |error_result|.
bool empty; // False values are not allowed.
IDBCursorValue values;
// Advance(), Continue(), and Prefetch() can call its return callback in
// one of 3 ways:
// * with |error| set and |value| unset, if an error occurs
// * with |error| unset and |value| set, under normal operation
// * with |error| unset and |value| unset, under normal operation when the end
// of the source being iterated is reached
interface IDBCursor {
Advance(uint32 count) => (IDBCursorResult result);
Continue(IDBKey key, IDBKey primary_key) => (IDBCursorResult result);
Prefetch(int32 count) => (IDBCursorResult result);
PrefetchReset(int32 used_prefetches);
union IDBTransactionPutResult {
IDBError error_result; // |error| is reserved, so call this |error_result|.
IDBKey key;
interface IDBTransaction {
CreateObjectStore(int64 object_store_id,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name,
IDBKeyPath key_path,
bool auto_increment);
DeleteObjectStore(int64 object_store_id);
Put(int64 object_store_id,
IDBValue value,
IDBKey key,
IDBPutMode mode,
array<IDBIndexKeys> index_keys)
=> (IDBTransactionPutResult result);
Commit(int64 num_errors_handled);
union IDBDatabaseGetResult {
IDBError error_result; // |error| is reserved, so call this |error_result|.
bool empty; // False values are not allowed.
IDBKey key;
IDBReturnValue value;
// Result receiver type for GetAll to incrementally receive chunks of results.
interface IDBDatabaseGetAllResultSink {
// Incrementally receive some values. If `done` is true, then all keys have
// been sent. Otherwise, `ReceiveValues` or `OnError` will be called again
// later.
ReceiveValues(array<IDBReturnValue> values, bool done);
// Incrementally receive some keys. If `done` is true, then all keys have been
// sent. Otherwise, `ReceiveValues` or `OnError` will be called again later.
ReceiveKeys(array<IDBKey> keys, bool done);
// If any error occurs, call this function. Once this function has been
// called, ReceiveValues/ReceiveKeys should not be called again and
// the entire result should be considered an error.
OnError(IDBError error);
struct IDBDatabaseOpenCursorValue {
pending_associated_remote<IDBCursor> cursor;
IDBKey key;
IDBKey primary_key;
IDBValue? value;
union IDBDatabaseOpenCursorResult {
IDBError error_result; // |error| is reserved, so call this |error_result|.
bool empty; // Only true values are allowed.
IDBDatabaseOpenCursorValue value;
// The interface used by the IndexedDB client (which lives in the renderer process)
// to trigger some actions from the IndexedDB service (which currently lives in the
// browser process, but will be potentially moved to a separate one in the future).
interface IDBDatabase {
RenameObjectStore(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 new_name);
CreateTransaction(pending_associated_receiver<IDBTransaction> transaction_receiver,
int64 transaction_id,
array<int64> object_store_ids,
IDBTransactionMode mode,
IDBTransactionDurability durability);
Get(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
IDBKeyRange key_range,
bool key_only)
=> (IDBDatabaseGetResult result);
GetAll(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
IDBKeyRange key_range,
bool key_only,
int64 max_count)
=> (pending_associated_receiver<IDBDatabaseGetAllResultSink> receiver);
SetIndexKeys(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
IDBKey primary_key,
array<IDBIndexKeys> index_keys);
SetIndexesReady(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
array<int64> index_ids);
OpenCursor(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
IDBKeyRange key_range,
IDBCursorDirection direction,
bool key_only,
IDBTaskType task_type)
=> (IDBDatabaseOpenCursorResult result);
// Correlates to IDBObjectStore::count(). On success, the return value will be
// the number of records that match the given query.
Count(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
IDBKeyRange key_range) => (bool success, uint32 count);
// Correlates to IDBObjectStore::delete() and also used by devtools.
DeleteRange(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
IDBKeyRange key_range) => (bool success);
// Gets the current number of an IndexedDB ObjectStore's key generator.
GetKeyGeneratorCurrentNumber(int64 transaction_id, int64 object_store_id)
=> (int64 result, IDBError? error);
// Correlates to IDBObjectStore::clear()
Clear(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id) => (bool success);
// Correlates to IDBObjectStore::createIndex()
CreateIndex(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name,
IDBKeyPath key_path,
bool unique,
bool multi_entry);
DeleteIndex(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id);
RenameIndex(int64 transaction_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 new_name);
Abort(int64 transaction_id);
// Called when the document is moved into BFCache, the IndexedDB service
// receiving this should check if the client is blocking other clients
// or being blocked by other clients, and disallow the re-activation of
// the document if so.
interface IDBFactory {
// Gets high level info about databases that exist in the frame's origin.
// When successful, `error->error_code` will be `kNoError`.
GetDatabaseInfo() => (array<IDBNameAndVersion> names_and_versions, IDBError error);
// Opens a database |name| in the frame's origin at version |version|.
// |version_change_transaction_receiver| will have version change
// transaction operations posted to it. |transaction_id| corresponds
// to the transaction number for this connection's context.
// Posts request events and results to |client| and database-level
// events and results to |database_callbacks|.
Open(pending_associated_remote<IDBFactoryClient> client,
pending_associated_remote<IDBDatabaseCallbacks> database_callbacks,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name,
int64 version,
pending_associated_receiver<IDBTransaction> version_change_transaction_receiver,
int64 transaction_id);
// Deletes a database |name| in the frame's origin. If |force_close|
// is true, any existing connections to that database will be closed
// immediately.
DeleteDatabase(pending_associated_remote<IDBFactoryClient> client,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name, bool force_close);