// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/int128.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/uuid.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/ad_display_size.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// An advertisement to display for an interest group.
// https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/FLEDGE.md#12-interest-group-attributes
struct InterestGroupAd {
// Must use https.
// string is used instead of url.mojom.Url to improve performance, since the
// browser process only needs to pass this value as-is to worklet processes.
// Validated by InterestGroup::IsValid(), which is called by typemapping.
string render_url;
// Optional size groups assigned to this Ad.
string? size_group;
// Optional identifiers that may be passed to reporting functions, if
// sufficiently k-anonymous. Only meaningful in `InterestGroup.ads`, but
// ignored in `InterestGroup.ad_components`. Where `buyer_reporting_id`
// and `buyer_and_seller_reporting_id` are used as is, only one of the
// elements in `selectable_buyer_and_seller_reporting_idss`, as indicated
// by the response from `generateBid`, will be passed to the relevant
// reporting functions.
string? buyer_reporting_id;
string? buyer_and_seller_reporting_id;
array<string>? selectable_buyer_and_seller_reporting_ids;
// Opaque JSON data, persisted, then passed as object to auction worklet.
string? metadata;
// Optional alias to use with B&A auctions.
string? ad_render_id;
// A list of up to `kMaxAllowedReportingOrigins` reporting origins that can
// receive reports with macros. All origins must be HTTPS. Only meaningful in
// `InterestGroup.ads`, but ignored in `InterestGroup.ad_components`.
array<url.mojom.Origin>? allowed_reporting_origins;
// The maximum size of a valid interest group in bytes.
const uint32 kMaxInterestGroupSize = 1048576; // 1 * 1024 * 1024
// The maximum number of allowed reporting origins.
const uint16 kMaxAllowedReportingOrigins = 10;
// Permissions granted by an interest group to sellers.
struct SellerCapabilities {
// Iff true, reports interest group and bid counts to the given seller.
bool allows_interest_group_counts = false;
// Iff true, reports bid and trusted signals fetch latency to the given
// seller.
bool allows_latency_stats = false;
// Controls fields sent for Bidding and Auction API server-side auctions.
struct AuctionServerRequestFlags {
// If true, the ads and componentAds fields from the interest group are
// omitted in the auction request. The ad render ID (or the full ad if
// `include_full_ads` is also specified) would still be sent as part of the
// `prevWins` field.
bool omit_ads = false;
// If true, the full ad object (including adRenderId) will be sent to the
// auction server instead of just the ad render ID in all places where an ad
// render ID would appear (currently just the ads, componentAds and prevWins
// fields).
bool include_full_ads = false;
bool omit_user_bidding_signals = false;
// A container used for making changes to ad render URLs. 'match' is what we use
// to find a match within the url, and 'replacement' is what we replace it with.
struct AdKeywordReplacement {
string match;
string replacement;
// Interest group description, passed to JoinInterestGroup(). If an entry keyed
// by (owner, name) already exists, we "merge" by overwriting specified fields,
// leaving other existing fields intact.
// Interest groups are persisted and used as inputs to FLEDGE auctions.
// Therefore, any enumeration types used in the interest group should be
// marked [Stable].
// All URLs and origins must use https.
// https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/FLEDGE.md#11-joining-interest-groups
struct InterestGroup {
[Stable, Extensible]
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum ExecutionMode {
// kCompatibilityMode creates a new context for every execution. This is
// potentially slow as it is only able to reuse the compilation cache from
// other interest groups with the same bidding script.
[Default] kCompatibilityMode = 0,
// kGroupedByOriginMode, mode uses the same JavaScript context for groups
// with the same joining origin. This can be much faster, but to mitigate
// any privacy leaks FLEDGE will clear all of the interest groups for a
// joining origin if another origin joins or leaves one of the interest
// groups.
kGroupedByOriginMode = 1,
// kFrozenContext mode uses a "frozen" JavaScript context to execute the
// bidding scripts for all interest groups that share a common biddnig
// script. After the script is loaded, the script context is frozen and
// checked for any state that may persist between function execution. If any
// potentially persistent state is identified, execution is abandoned.
kFrozenContext = 2
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TrustedBiddingSignalsSlotSizeMode {
// No information about ad slot sizes is added as a query param of
// trustedBiddingSignalsURL fetches.
[Default] kNone,
// Only the ad slot size of the current ad slot is added to the query param
// of trustedBiddingSignalsURL fetches. It is called "slotSize".
// All add slot sizes specified in the top-level AuctionConfig is added to
// the query param of trustedBiddingSignalsURL fetches. They are provided as
// a single parameter called "slotSizes".
mojo_base.mojom.Time expiry;
// `owner` must match the current frame URL's origin.
url.mojom.Origin owner;
string name;
// `priority` of the interest group.
double priority = 0.0;
// True if the interest group priority should be calculated using
// vectors from bidding signals fetch.
bool enable_bidding_signals_prioritization;
// Sparse vector whose dot product with the AuctionConfig's priority signals
// will be used in place of `priority`, if set.
map<string, double>? priority_vector;
// Sparse vector whose values override the AuctionConfig's corresponding
// priority signals.
map<string, double>? priority_signals_overrides;
// For each seller, list the capabilities this interest group grants.
map<url.mojom.Origin, SellerCapabilities>? seller_capabilities;
// Specifies the default capabilities granted to sellers not listed in
// `seller_capabilities`.
SellerCapabilities all_sellers_capabilities;
// `execution_mode` of the interest group.
ExecutionMode execution_mode = kCompatibilityMode;
// `trusted_bidding_signals_slot_size_mode` of the interest group.
TrustedBiddingSignalsSlotSizeMode trusted_bidding_signals_slot_size_mode =
// `bidding_url` must match the current frame URL's origin.
url.mojom.Url? bidding_url;
// `bidding_wasm_helper_url` must match the current frame URL's origin.
url.mojom.Url? bidding_wasm_helper_url;
// `update_url` must match the current frame URL's origin.
url.mojom.Url? update_url;
// `trusted_bidding_signals_url` must match the current frame URL's origin.
url.mojom.Url? trusted_bidding_signals_url;
array<string>? trusted_bidding_signals_keys;
// Must not be a negative value.
int32 max_trusted_bidding_signals_url_length = 0;
// An optional field for matching the encryption key, and indicating which
// version of the key-value server this interest group uses.
url.mojom.Origin? trusted_bidding_signals_coordinator;
// Opaque JSON data, persisted, then passed as object to auction worklet.
string? user_bidding_signals;
array<InterestGroupAd>? ads;
array<InterestGroupAd>? ad_components;
map<string, AdSize>? ad_sizes;
map<string, array<string>>? size_groups;
AuctionServerRequestFlags auction_server_request_flags;
// The Ed25519 public key (a 256-bit EdDSA public key) used to guarantee that
// this InterestGroup, if used by an additional bid for a negative targeting,
// can only be used by its owner.
array<uint8, 32>? additional_bid_key;
// Origin for the Coordinator to be used for Private Aggregation.
url.mojom.Origin? aggregation_coordinator_origin;
// Packages the details necessary for the browser process to retrieve a
// DirectFromSellerSignals resource of a subresource bundle -- the actual
// subresource URL is constructed by the browser process from the
// DirectFromSellerSignals `prefix` and the browser supplied suffix, as
// described in DirectFromSellerSignals.
// To fetch a subresource bundle URL from the browser process, the `bundle_url`,
// subresource URL (constructed from the prefix + suffix), token, and renderer
// process ID are needed.
// The resource is only available while the <script type="webbundle"> tag that
// declared the resource is still alive.
// TODO(crbug.com/1355887): Consider adding a mechanism to extend the lifetime
// of the subresource for the duration of the auction.
struct DirectFromSellerSignalsSubresource {
// URL of the bundle (.wbn / "application/webbundle") file.
url.mojom.Url bundle_url;
// The UnguessableToken for this subresource, stored in the renderer's
// ResourceFetcher.
// TODO(crbug.com/1364649): Change to use a base::TokenType specialization
// along with other web / subresource bundle uses of UnguessableToken.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token;
// Signals to be loaded from resources in subresource bundle(s). Like
// `seller_signals`, `per_buyer_signals`, and `auction_signals` in
// AuctionAdConfigNonSharedParams, but the signals' contents are not revealed
// to the renderer process.
// The page specifies a URL prefix, and the subresource URLs of signals destined
// for particular origins are formed by concatenating a suffix (as described in
// field comments) to the prefix -- since the browser process is doing the
// concatenation, it can ensure that each signal is only given to the recipient
// intended by the seller.
// All subresource URLs must resolve to a valid application/json string. The
// origin of the prefix and the URL of each source bundle must have a scheme of
// https (uuid-in-package isn't supported since it doesn't support CORS), and
// each origin must match `seller` in AuctionAdConfig. The response must be
// served with the legacy headers `X-FLEDGE-Auction-Only: true` and
// `X-Allow-Fledge: true` or the new headers `Ad-Auction-Only: true` and
// `Ad-Auction-Allowed: true`. The request is made with CORS, using the caller
// of runAdAuction()'s frame as the initiator.
// The worklet process will parse the signals object and deliver it to worklet
// functions (generateBid(), scoreAd(), reportWin(), reportResult()).
// https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/FLEDGE.md#25-additional-trusted-signals-directfromsellersignals
struct DirectFromSellerSignals {
// The prefix specified by the page. Must have no query string.
url.mojom.Url prefix;
// DirectFromSellerSignals for individual buyers. Keys determine the buyer
// that should receive the signals loaded via the
// DirectFromSellerSignalsSubresource value. The subresource URL should be:
// prefix + "?perBuyerSignals=" + encodeURIComponent(buyer_origin_key)
// where encodeURIComponent() is a function equivalent to the JavaScript
// built-in function encodeURIComponent(), and buyer_origin_key is the buyer's
// origin (and also the map key for the particular
// DirectFromSellerSignalsSubresource).
// It's possible that not every buyer origin from `interest_group_buyers` is
// present, or that any buyer is present -- only those subresource URLs that
// are in the `interest_group_buyers` and have been declared in a
// <script type="webbundle"> tag will be included.
map<url.mojom.Origin, DirectFromSellerSignalsSubresource> per_buyer_signals;
// directFromSellerSignals for the seller. The subresource URL should be:
// prefix + "?sellerSignals"
// iff such a subresource is declared in a <script type="webbundle"> tag.
DirectFromSellerSignalsSubresource? seller_signals;
// Signals that are delivered to all parties -- the seller, and all buyers.
// The subresource URL should be:
// prefix + "?auctionSignals"
// iff such a subresource is declared in a <script type="webbundle"> tag.
DirectFromSellerSignalsSubresource? auction_signals;
// See blink::AuctionConfig::MaybePromiseJson.
union AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseJson {
uint32 promise; // value unused.
string? value;
// See blink::AuctionConfig::MaybePromisePerBuyerSignals
union AuctionAdConfigMaybePromisePerBuyerSignals {
uint32 promise; // value unused
// Keys of `value` must be valid HTTPS origins. Value is opaque
// JSON data, passed as object to auction worklet.
map<url.mojom.Origin, string>? value;
// See blink::AuctionConfig::BuyerTimeouts
struct AuctionAdConfigBuyerTimeouts {
// The value restricts generateBid() script's runtime of all buyers with
// unspecified timeouts, if not Null.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? all_buyers_timeout;
// Keys of `per_buyer_timeouts` must be valid HTTPS origins. Values restrict
// the runtime of particular buyer's generateBid() scripts.
map<url.mojom.Origin, mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta>? per_buyer_timeouts;
// See blink::AuctionConfig::MaybePromisePerBuyerTimeouts
union AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseBuyerTimeouts {
uint32 promise; // value unused
AuctionAdConfigBuyerTimeouts value;
struct AdCurrency {
// Must meet blink::IsValidAdCurrencyCode
string currency_code;
// See blink::AuctionConfig::BuyerCurrencies
struct AuctionAdConfigBuyerCurrencies {
// Requirement for bid currency that, if specified, will apply to all bids
// made by buyers not specified in `per_buyer_currencies`.
AdCurrency? all_buyers_currency;
// Can provide a requirement for bid currency for buyers by origin.
map<url.mojom.Origin, AdCurrency>? per_buyer_currencies;
// See blink::AuctionConfig::MaybePromiseBuyerCurrencies
union AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseBuyerCurrencies {
uint32 promise; // value unused
AuctionAdConfigBuyerCurrencies value;
union AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseDirectFromSellerSignals {
uint32 promise; // value unused
DirectFromSellerSignals? value;
// See blink::AuctionConfig::MaybePromiseDeprecatedRenderURLReplacements
union AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseDeprecatedRenderURLReplacements {
uint32 promise; // value unused
array<AdKeywordReplacement> value;
struct AuctionAdServerResponseConfig {
// The response will be filled in later when a promise resolves.
mojo_base.mojom.Uuid request_id;
// TODO(alexmt): Consider merging with DebugModeDetails.
struct AuctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig {
bool is_enabled = false;
// Must be null if `is_enabled` is false. Otherwise, optional.
uint64? debug_key;
// For each report type, provides the bucket offset and scalar multiplier for
// that report.
// See blink::AuctionConfig::NonSharedParams::AuctionReportBuyersConfig.
struct AuctionReportBuyersConfig {
// The bucket offset, added to the base per-buyer bucket value to obtain the
// actual bucket number used for reporting.
mojo_base.mojom.Uint128 bucket;
// A scalar multiplier multiplied by the reported value, to control the amount
// of noise added by the aggregation service. (Reading aggreaged reported
// values is subject to a privacy budget, so this controls how much budget is
// spent on each report).
double scale;
// Subset of AuctionAdConfig that is not shared by all auctions that are
// using the same SellerWorklet object (so it's "not shared" between
// AuctionConfigs that share the same SellerWorklet). Other AuctionAdConfig
// parameters all must be the same for two auctions to share a Sellerworklet, or
// otherwise be parameters that don't need to be resent to each seller worklet
// method invocation.
struct AuctionAdConfigNonSharedParams {
// For each report requested by the seller, this enum specifies the type of
// the report.
enum BuyerReportType {
// The number of interest groups owned by buyers in `interest_group_buyers`,
// unconstrained by `per_buyer_group_limits`.
// The total number of bids made at auction.
// The total time in milliseconds spent executing generateBid().
// The toal time in milliseconds spent fetching trusted bidding signals over
// the network.
// For each realtime monitoring report, this enum specifies the type of the
// report.
enum RealTimeReportingType {
// The default local DP type.
// Owners of interest groups allowed to participate in the auction.
// Must all be HTTPS.
array<url.mojom.Origin>? interest_group_buyers;
// Opaque JSON data, passed as object to all worklets. At time of call to
// browser, it may also be a promise, but it should be resolved at time of
// call to worklet.
AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseJson auction_signals;
// Opaque JSON data, passed as object to the seller worklet. At time of call
// to browser, it may also be a promise, but it should be resolved at time of
// call to worklet.
AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseJson seller_signals;
// The value restricts the runtime of the seller's scoreAd() script.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? seller_timeout;
AuctionAdConfigMaybePromisePerBuyerSignals per_buyer_signals;
// Timeouts for individual interest group worklet Javascript execution.
AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseBuyerTimeouts buyer_timeouts;
// The value restricts the runtime of seller's reportResult() and buyer's
// reportWin() scripts. Must be non-negative. 0 is allowed, which will just
// terminate reportWin()/reportResult() in the beginning of their execution.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? reporting_timeout;
// Expectations for currency provided by seller when modifying bids for
// parent auctions or to help with mixed-currency reporting. If this is set,
// any currency annotation from seller will be checked against it.
AdCurrency? seller_currency;
// Expectations for currencies used by buyers to bid. If a currency is
// specified for a buyer here, and they annotate their bid with a currency,
// their consistency will be checked before accepting the bid.
AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseBuyerCurrencies buyer_currencies;
// Cumulative timeouts for all interest groups with the same buyer. Includes
// launching worklet processes, loading scripts and signals, and running
// the buyer's generateBid() functions.
AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseBuyerTimeouts buyer_cumulative_timeouts;
// Keys of `per_buyer_group_limits` must be valid HTTPS origins. Values
// restrict the number of bidding interest groups for a particular buyer
// that can participate in an auction. Values must be greater than 0.
map<url.mojom.Origin, uint16> per_buyer_group_limits;
// Per-buyer sparse vector that, along with a similar per-interest group
// sparse vector, has its dot product taken to calculate interest group
// priorities.
// No signals key start with "browserSignals.", which is reserved for
// values coming from the browser.
map<url.mojom.Origin, map<string, double>>? per_buyer_priority_signals;
// Merged with `per_buyer_priority_signals` before calculating
// per-interest group priorities. In the case both have entries with the
// same key, the entry in `per_buyer_priority_signals` takes precedence.
// No signals key start with "browserSignals.", which is reserved for
// values coming from the browser.
map<string, double>? all_buyers_priority_signals;
// Limit on the number of bidding interest groups for any buyer. Must be
// greater than 0. Defaults to the largest uint16 value, which is fine
// in our case since the backend storage applies a lower limit.
uint16 all_buyers_group_limit = 65535;
// For each buyer in `interest_group_buyers`, specifies the aggregation base
// bucket ID number for that buyer. To be used in conjunction with
// `auction_report_buyers`; for each buyer, for each report type, the base
// bucket ID is added to the `auction_report_buyers` bucket offset to obtain
// the actual bucket numbers used for reporting.
array<mojo_base.mojom.Uint128>? auction_report_buyer_keys;
// For each type of buyer extended private aggregation reporting event,
// provides the bucket offset and scalar multiplier for that event.
map<BuyerReportType, AuctionReportBuyersConfig>? auction_report_buyers;
// Whether debug mode has been enabled for the auction report buyer extended
// private aggregation reporting and, if so, any debug key that has been set.
AuctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig? auction_report_buyer_debug_mode_config;
// The set of capabilities that each interest group must declare to
// participate in the auction. Interest groups that don't declare all these
// capabilities will not participate in the auction.
SellerCapabilities required_seller_capabilities;
// The requested ad creative size for the auction (strictly optional).
// If specified in the auction config, it is surfaced during the auction
// through browser signals and stored after the auction in the winning
// fenced frame config as its container size.
AdSize? requested_size;
// All ad slot sizes on a page. Each AdSize must be unique. Interest
// groups can request this be included in trusted seller signals fetches.
array<AdSize>? all_slots_requested_sizes;
// Limits on how many bids generateBid() can return at once.
// Every entry should be at least 1.
map<url.mojom.Origin, uint16> per_buyer_multi_bid_limits;
uint16 all_buyers_multi_bid_limit;
// A unique identifier associated with this and only this invocation of
// runAdAuction. This must come from a prior call to createAuctionNonce.
// This is only required for auctions that provide additional bids, and each
// of those additional bids must use the same auction nonce to ensure that
// each of those additional bids was intended for this and only this auction.
// In multi-seller auctions, it must be component auction configs providing
// this for their auctions.
mojo_base.mojom.Uuid? auction_nonce;
// The seller's real time reports type.
RealTimeReportingType? seller_real_time_reporting_type;
// Per buyer's real time reports type.
map<url.mojom.Origin, RealTimeReportingType>? per_buyer_real_time_reporting_types;
// Nested auctions whose results will also be fed to `seller`. Only the top
// level auction config can have component auctions.
array<AuctionAdConfig> component_auctions;
// The ad render url replacements for their respective ad URL. If promise is
// never given, this will resolve to an empty vector.
AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseDeprecatedRenderURLReplacements deprecated_render_url_replacements;
// The maximum length limit for the trusted scoring signal fetch URL. Can
// only be set as either 0 or a positive number. A value of 0 indicates
// that there is no limit.
int32 max_trusted_scoring_signals_url_length = 0;
// An optional field for matching the encryption key, and indicating which
// version of the key-value server the auction uses for fetching trusted
// scoring signals.
url.mojom.Origin? trusted_scoring_signals_coordinator;
// Configuration to pass to RunAdAuction().
// All URLs and origins must use https.
// https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/FLEDGE.md#21-initiating-an-on-device-auction
struct AuctionAdConfig {
// The entity running the ad auction. Unlike for interest groups, `seller`
// *doesn't* need to match the current frame URL's origin since the
// `decision_logic_url` determines the behavior of the auction. This allows
// the publisher page embedding the ad to call runAdAuction() directly if it
// desires, rather than requiring the runAdAuction() call to be made inside a
// seller-hosted iframe -- the decision logic has to be hosted by the seller
// though, even though signals from the page can come from the publisher. The
// seller and publisher could be different entities, or the same entity.
url.mojom.Origin seller;
// Server response and the request ID (for server side auctions). If this
// field is present then this auction is assumed to have run on the server.
AuctionAdServerResponseConfig? server_response;
// `decision_logic_url`'s origin must match the seller's origin.
url.mojom.Url? decision_logic_url;
// Base URL for per-bid data passed to the seller worklet. Must be same
// origin with `seller`.
url.mojom.Url? trusted_scoring_signals_url;
// Other parameters are grouped in a struct that is passed to SellerWorklets.
AuctionAdConfigNonSharedParams auction_ad_config_non_shared_params;
// DirectFromSellerSignals to be loaded from resources in subresource
// bundle(s). Like `seller_signals`,`per_buyer_signals`, and
// `auction_signals`, but the signals' contents are not revealed to the
// renderer process. See details in the DirectFromSellerSignals comment.
AuctionAdConfigMaybePromiseDirectFromSellerSignals direct_from_seller_signals;
// Like `direct_from_seller_signals`, but passed from the page via a different
// mechanism. `direct_from_seller_signals` searches for the contents of
// subresource bundles to find signals, whereas
// `expects_direct_from_signals_header_ad_slot` looks for the values of
// Ad-Auction-Signals response headers provided to fetch() requests with the
// {adAuctionHeaders: true} option made by frames on the page.
// The signals are delivered to worklets using the same JavaScript object as
// used for `direct_from_seller_signals`, so it is not valid for both
// `direct_from_seller_signals` and
// `expects_direct_from_seller_signals_header_ad_slot` to be non-null.
// The actual ad slot string is passed via
// ResolvedDirectFromSellerSignalsHeaderAdSlotPromise().
bool expects_direct_from_seller_signals_header_ad_slot = false;
// Optional identifier for an experiment group, used when getting trusted
// signals (and as part of AuctionConfig given to worklets).
uint16? seller_experiment_group_id;
uint16? all_buyer_experiment_group_id;
map<url.mojom.Origin, uint16> per_buyer_experiment_group_ids;
// Optionally specifies that some bids will be provided as signed exchanges,
// via `AbortableAdAuction.ResolvedAdditionalBids()`.
bool expects_additional_bids = false;
// Origin for the Coordinator to be used for the seller's Private Aggregation
// requests.
url.mojom.Origin? aggregation_coordinator_origin;
// Per-buyer config for GetInterestGroupAdAuctionData().
struct AuctionDataBuyerConfig {
// Target size (in bytes) to allocate to this buyer.
uint32? target_size;
// Configuration to pass to GetInterestGroupAdAuctionData().
struct AuctionDataConfig {
// A specific list of buyers to include in the encrypted request and any
// specific options for them.
map<url.mojom.Origin, AuctionDataBuyerConfig> per_buyer_configs;
// Maximum size to make the returned encrypted request.
uint32? request_size;