
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Notifies an execution context host (RenderFrameHost or DedicatedWorkerHost)
// of content security events (e.g., mixed contents, certificate errors)
// happened on the execution context. Currently SharedWorkerHost and
// ServiceWorkerHost don't bind this interface. See comments in
// BrowserInterfaceBinders for details. This is typically implemented in the
// browser process and called from renderers.
interface ContentSecurityNotifier {
  // Notifies that an active content (such as a script) that was loaded from a
  // connection with certificate errors was ran.

  // Notifies that an inactive content (such as an image) that was loaded from a
  // connection with certificate errors was displayed.

  // Notifies that an embedded execution context with |origin| ran active
  // content (such as a script) from an insecure source.
  // TODO(nhiroki): Stop passing the origin, and instead take it from the
  // execution context host.
  NotifyInsecureContentRan(url.mojom.Url origin,
                           url.mojom.Url insecure_url);