// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
// Provided by the renderer ----------------------------------------------------
// This enum represents the navigation initiator's user activation and ad
// status. This is used by FrameHost::CreateNewWindow
// FrameHost::BeginNavigation, FrameHost::OpenURL and RemoteFrameHost::OpenURL.
// This enum will be propagated to the NavigationHandle without being filtered,
// and should not be propagated to the committed document in the renderer (in
// contrast to CommonNavigationParams::has_user_gesture, which is propagated to
// the committed document in the renderer but may have been filtered out when
// navigating from proxies).
enum NavigationInitiatorActivationAndAdStatus {
// The navigation did not start with a transient user activation.
// The navigation started with a transient user activation, and is not related
// to ad.
// The navigation started with a transient user activation, and is related to
// ad (i.e. from an ad iframe or has ad script in stack).