// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/byte_string.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/source_location.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/storage_access_api.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/trust_tokens.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_request.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/web_client_hints_types.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/web_sandbox_flags.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/local_surface_id.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/back_forward_cache_not_restored_reasons.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/conversions/conversions.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fenced_frame/fenced_frame_config.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fetch/fetch_api_request.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/view_transition_state.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/lcp_critical_path_predictor/lcp_critical_path_predictor.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/mixed_content.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/referrer.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/messaging/task_attribution_id.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/navigation_api_history_entry_arrays.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/navigation_initiator_activation_and_ad_status.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/navigation_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/prefetched_signed_exchange_info.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/renderer_content_settings.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/system_entropy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/was_activated_option.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/browsing_context_group_info.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/page.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions_policy/permissions_policy.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/runtime_feature_state/runtime_feature.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/storage_key/storage_key.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/tokens/tokens.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
enum NavigationType {
// Reload the page, validating only cache entry for the main resource.
// Reload the page, bypassing any cache entries.
// The navigation is the result of session restore (e.g. restoring tabs when
// reopening browser, undo closed tab, duplicate tab) and should honor the
// page's cache policy while restoring form state. Restoring without using
// this type would lead to the page's cache policy being ignored and the page
// being loaded from the cache, potentially showing stale data for some
// sites.
// Note: In a restored session, this type is used when traversing restored
// history entries for the first time, rather than HISTORY_SAME_DOCUMENT or
// NavigationBrowserTest.TraversingToRestoredEntryUsesRestoreType.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/40283341): This enum should be split to allow
// differentiating same- and cross- document traversals in a restored
// Like RESTORE, except that the navigation contains POST data.
// History navigation inside the same document.
// History navigation to a different document.
// Navigation inside the same document. It occurs when the part of the url
// that is modified is after the '#' part.
// Navigation to another document.
// Maps to
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigateevent-navigationtype-dev.
enum NavigationTypeForNavigationApi {
// Used by the renderer to indicate a case where a standard navigation that
// pushes a history entry must not be implicity converted to replace the current
// history entry. Ignored if the current NavigationEntry is the initial entry,
// which must always be replaced.
enum ForceHistoryPush {
// Provided by the renderer ----------------------------------------------------
// This struct holds parameters sent by the renderer to the browser, that are
// needed to start a navigation.
struct BeginNavigationParams {
// The token of the RenderFrameHost that initiated the navigation. It might
// refer to a RenderFrameHost that doesn't exist anymore when the IPC reaches
// the browser process.
blink.mojom.LocalFrameToken? initiator_frame_token;
// Additional HTTP request headers.
string headers;
// net::URLRequest load flags (net::LOAD_NORMAL) by default).
int32 load_flags = 0; // 0 == net::LOAD_NORMAL
// True if the ServiceWorker should be skipped.
bool skip_service_worker = false;
// Indicates the request context type.
blink.mojom.RequestContextType request_context_type =
// The mixed content context type for potential mixed content checks.
blink.mojom.MixedContentContextType mixed_content_context_type =
// Whether or not the navigation has been initiated by a form submission.
bool is_form_submission = false;
// Whether or not the navigation has been initiated by a link click.
bool was_initiated_by_link_click = false;
// If true, override cases where a WebFrameLoadType::kStandard navigation
// is implicitly converted to a kReplaceCurrentItem navigation. Ignored if
// the current NavigationEntry is the initial entry, which must always be
// replaced.
ForceHistoryPush force_history_push = ForceHistoryPush.kNo;
// See WebSearchableFormData for a description of these.
url.mojom.Url searchable_form_url;
string searchable_form_encoding;
// If the transition type is a client side redirect, then this holds the URL
// of the page that had the client side redirect.
url.mojom.Url client_side_redirect_url;
// If the navigation is renderer-initiated and the renderer is being
// inspected by DevTools, this field is non-null and contains the
// initiator information in DevTools protocol format. See
// https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Network#type-Initiator
// for details.
mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue? devtools_initiator;
// Specifies whether, and how, the navigation should execute a Trust Tokens
// operation (https://github.com/wicg/trust-token-api) and attach headers
// conveying the result of the operation. Set on some child frame navigations.
network.mojom.TrustTokenParams? trust_token_params;
// Carries optional information associated with conversion measurement for
// this navigation. Only set on navigations originating from anchors with
// relevant impression attributes set.
Impression? impression;
// Timestamps of the renderer running beforeunload handlers on local frames
// in preparation for navigating. Used for metrics.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks before_unload_start;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks before_unload_end;
// The navigation initiator's user activation and ad status.
// Whether this navigation was container initiated (e.g. iframe changed src).
// This is currently partially specified in
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#create-navigation-params-by-fetching
// "If sourceSnapshotParams's fetch client is navigable's container document's
// relevant settings object, then set request's initiator type to navigable's
// container's local name." This means that only container initiated
// navigations should create a resource timing entry.
// TODO(https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8846): clarify this further.
bool is_container_initiated = false;
// The renderer's Storage Access API status (e.g. whether it has opted into
// accessing cross-site cookies). Note that this is not trusted; cookies will
// not actually be attached unless there is also a matching permission grant
// created by the browser process. (Also note that the Storage Access API is
// only relevant when third-party cookies are blocked.)
network.mojom.StorageAccessApiStatus storage_access_api_status = kNone;
// True if the initiator explicitly asked for opener relationships to be
// preserved, via rel="opener".
bool has_rel_opener = false;
// Provided by the browser or the renderer -------------------------------------
// Used by all navigation IPCs.
struct CommonNavigationParams {
// The URL to navigate to.
// May be modified when the navigation is ready to commit.
url.mojom.Url url;
// When a frame navigates another frame, this is the origin of the document
// which initiated the navigation. This parameter can be null for
// browser-initiated navigations.
url.mojom.Origin? initiator_origin;
// For navigations to about:blank and srcdoc frames, we require the base url
// of the frame initiating the navigation. As with `initiator_origin`, this
// parameter can be null.
url.mojom.Url? initiator_base_url;
// The URL to send in the "Referer" header field. Can be empty if there is
// no referrer.
blink.mojom.Referrer referrer;
// The type of transition.
int32 transition;
// Type of navigation.
NavigationType navigation_type = DIFFERENT_DOCUMENT;
// Governs how downloads are handled by this navigation.
blink.mojom.NavigationDownloadPolicy download_policy;
// Informs the RenderView the pending navigation should replace the current
// history entry when it commits. This is used by client-side redirects to
// indicate that when the navigation commits, it should commit in the existing
// page.
bool should_replace_current_entry = false;
// Base URL for use in Blink's SubstituteData.
// Is only used with data: URLs.
url.mojom.Url base_url_for_data_url;
// The navigationStart time exposed through the Navigation Timing API to JS.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks navigation_start;
// The request method: GET, POST, etc.
string method = "GET";
// Body of HTTP POST request.
network.mojom.URLRequestBody? post_data;
// Information about the Javascript source for this navigation. Used for
// providing information in console error messages triggered by the
// navigation. If the navigation is not caused by Javascript, the
// SourceLocation's URL is empty.
network.mojom.SourceLocation source_location;
// Whether or not this navigation was started from a context menu.
bool started_from_context_menu = false;
// True if the request was user initiated.
bool has_user_gesture = false;
// True if the navigation should allow the target document to invoke a text
// fragment (i.e. fragments with :~:text=). This is based on user gesture
// presence but separate from the bit above as the semantics for text
// fragments are different. Namely, this bit is always consumed on use and is
// propagated across client redirects.
bool text_fragment_token = false;
// Whether or not the CSP of the main world should apply. When the navigation
// is initiated from a content script in an isolated world, the CSP defined
// in the main world should not apply.
// TODO(arthursonzogni): Instead of this boolean, the origin of the isolated
// world which has initiated the navigation should be passed.
// See https://crbug.com/702540
network.mojom.CSPDisposition should_check_main_world_csp =
// The origin trial features activated in the initiator that should be applied
// in the document being navigated to. The int values are blink
// OriginTrialFeature enum values. OriginTrialFeature enum is not visible
// outside of blink (and doesn't need to be) so these values are casted to int
// as they are passed through content across navigations.
array<int32> initiator_origin_trial_features;
// The value of the hrefTranslate attribute if this navigation was initiated
// from a link that had that attribute set.
string href_translate;
// Whether this is a history navigation in a newly created child frame, in
// which case the browser process is instructing the renderer process to load
// a URL from a session history item. Defaults to false.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/962518, https://crbug.com/1467502): Move this to
// BeginNavigationParams.
bool is_history_navigation_in_new_child_frame = false;
// The time the input event leading to the navigation occurred. This will
// not always be set; it depends on the creator of the CommonNavigationParams
// setting it.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks input_start;
// Indicates the request destination.
network.mojom.RequestDestination request_destination =
// Provided by the browser -----------------------------------------------------
// Only container-initiated navigations report resource timing to the parent.
// See https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/1579
enum ParentResourceTimingAccess {
// See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#response-has-cross-origin-redirects
// Whether response info (status code, content-type) can be exposed to
// resource timing. True for CORS same-origin subresource responses and for
// same-origin navigations without cross-origin redirects.
// TODO(https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/1602) clarify the spec around
// this.
// Timings collected in the browser during navigation for the
// Navigation Timing API. Sent to Blink in CommitNavigationParams when
// the navigation is ready to be committed.
struct NavigationTiming {
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks redirect_start;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks redirect_end;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks fetch_start;
// Indicates the entropy state of the user agent at the time the navigation
// begins.
SystemEntropy system_entropy_at_navigation_start = kEmpty;
ParentResourceTimingAccess parent_resource_timing_access =
// Sent with CommitNavigationParams and should only be set for main-frame
// same-site navigations where we did a proactive BrowsingInstance swap and
// we're reusing the old page's process. Needed to ensure that the previous
// page's pagehide and visibilitychange handlers are run before the new page
// runs (which is what happens on other same-site main frame navigations).
struct OldPageInfo {
// |frame_token_for_old_main_frame| contains the frame token of the old page's
// main WebLocalFrame.
blink.mojom.LocalFrameToken frame_token_for_old_main_frame;
// |new_lifecycle_state_for_old_page| contains the latest PageLifecycleState
// of the old page to ensure the PageVisibilityState gets properly updated,
// the "persisted" property of the pagehide event is set correctly, and
// pagehide and visibilitychange events won't get dispatched again when we
// unload/freeze the page later on.
blink.mojom.PageLifecycleState new_lifecycle_state_for_old_page;
// Used by commit IPC messages. Holds the parameters needed by the renderer to
// commit a navigation besides those in CommonNavigationParams.
struct CommitNavigationParams {
// The origin to be used for committing the navigation, if specified.
// It is currently only specified on error document navigations, where the
// origin should be an opaque origin based on the URL that failed to load.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/888079): Always provide origin_to_commit.
url.mojom.Origin? origin_to_commit;
// The storage key of the document that will be created by the navigation.
// This is compatible with the origin that the browser calculates for this
// navigation. Currently, the final origin used by a navigation is still
// determined by the renderer, except when `origin_to_commit` above is set.
// Until the browser is able to compute the origin accurately in all cases
// (see https://crbug.com/888079), this is actually just a provisional
// `storage_key`. The final storage key is computed by the document loader
// taking into account the origin computed by the renderer.
blink.mojom.StorageKey storage_key;
// Whether or not the user agent override string should be used.
bool is_overriding_user_agent = false;
// Any redirect URLs that occurred before |url|. Useful for cross-process
// navigations; defaults to empty.
array<url.mojom.Url> redirects;
// The ResourceResponseInfos received during redirects.
array<network.mojom.URLResponseHead> redirect_response;
// The RedirectInfos received during redirects.
array<network.mojom.URLRequestRedirectInfo> redirect_infos;
// The content type from the request headers for POST requests.
string post_content_type;
// The original URL & method for this navigation.
url.mojom.Url original_url;
string original_method;
// Whether or not this url should be allowed to access local file://
// resources.
bool can_load_local_resources = false;
// Encoded version of blink::PageState, opaque history state (received by
// UpdateState Mojo message).
mojo_base.mojom.ByteString page_state;
// For browser-initiated navigations, this is the unique id of the
// NavigationEntry being navigated to. (For renderer-initiated navigations it
// is 0.) If the load succeeds, then this nav_entry_id will be reflected in
// the resulting DidCommitProvisionalLoadParams.
int32 nav_entry_id = 0;
// If this is a history navigation, this contains a map of frame unique names
// to |is_about_blank| for immediate children of the frame being navigated for
// which there are history items. The renderer process only needs to check
// with the browser process for newly created subframes that have these unique
// names (and only when not staying on about:blank).
// TODO(creis): Expand this to a data structure including corresponding
// same-process PageStates for the whole subtree in https://crbug.com/639842.
map<string, bool> subframe_unique_names;
// For browser-initiated navigations, this is true if this is a new entry
// being navigated to. This is false otherwise. TODO(avi): Remove this when
// the pending entry situation is made sane and the browser keeps them around
// long enough to match them via nav_entry_id, above.
bool intended_as_new_entry = false;
// For history navigations, this is the offset in the history list of the
// pending load. For non-history navigations, this will be ignored.
int32 pending_history_list_offset = -1;
// Where its current page contents reside in session history and the total
// size of the session history list.
int32 current_history_list_offset = -1;
int32 current_history_list_length = 0;
// Indicates that the tab was previously discarded.
// wasDiscarded is exposed on Document after discard, see:
// https://github.com/WICG/web-lifecycle
bool was_discarded = false;
// Indicates whether the navigation is to a view-source:// scheme or not.
// It is a separate boolean as the view-source scheme is stripped from the
// URL before it is sent to the renderer process and the RenderFrame needs
// to be put in special view source mode.
bool is_view_source = false;
// Whether session history should be cleared. In that case, the RenderView
// needs to notify the browser that the clearing was successful when the
// navigation commits.
bool should_clear_history_list = false;
// Timing of navigation events.
NavigationTiming navigation_timing;
// Set to |kYes| if a navigation is following the rules of user activation
// propagation. This is different from |has_user_gesture|
// (in CommonNavigationParams) as the activation may have happened before
// the navigation was triggered, for example.
// In other words, the distinction isn't regarding user activation and user
// gesture but whether there was an activation prior to the navigation or to
// start it. `was_activated` will answer the former question while
// `user_gesture` will answer the latter.
blink.mojom.WasActivatedOption was_activated = kUnknown;
// A token that should be passed to the browser process in
// DidCommitProvisionalLoadParams.
// TODO(clamy): Remove this once NavigationClient has shipped and
// same-document browser-initiated navigations are properly handled as well.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken navigation_token;
// Prefetched signed exchanges.
array<blink.mojom.PrefetchedSignedExchangeInfo> prefetched_signed_exchanges;
// The real content of the data: URL. Only used in Android WebView for
// implementing LoadDataWithBaseUrl API method to circumvent the restriction
// on the GURL max length in the IPC layer. Short data: URLs can still be
// passed in the |CommonNavigationParams::url| field.
string data_url_as_string;
// Whether this navigation was browser initiated.
bool is_browser_initiated = false;
// Whether a visual transition was done by the browser before committing this
// navigation.
bool has_ua_visual_transition = false;
// UKM source id to be associated with the Document that will be installed
// in the current frame. This could be an invalid id for empty Document. Only
// Documents that will emit UKM events need valid ids.
int64 document_ukm_source_id;
// A snapshot value of frame policy (both sandbox flags and container policy)
// of the frame that is being navigated. The snapshot value is captured at the
// start of navigation:
// - For local frame navigation, the value is set at NavigationRequest::
// CreateRendererInitiated.
// - For remote frame navigation, the value is set at
// NavigationControllerImpl::CreateNavigationRequestFromLoadParams.
// - For navigation created from
// NavigationControllerImpl::CreateNavigationRequestFromEntry which
// corresponds to history navigation, the value is set to current
// FrameTreeNode::pending_frame_policy in frame_tree_node. This behavior is
// currently undocumented and probably need further discussion. Another
// potential approach is to record frame policy value in NavigationEntry and
// reuse the historical value.
// The default FramePolicy is the laxest. It is used for:
// - Top-level browser-initiated navigations.
// - Ctrl+click navigation (opening a link in a new tab).
blink.mojom.FramePolicy frame_policy;
// The names of origin trials to be force enabled for this navigation.
array<string> force_enabled_origin_trials;
// Whether the page is in an origin-keyed agent cluster.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#origin-keyed-agent-clusters
bool origin_agent_cluster = false;
// Whether the decision to use origin-keyed or site-keyed agent clustering
// (which itself is recorded in origin_agent_cluster, above) has been
// made based on absent Origin-Agent-Cluster http header.
bool origin_agent_cluster_left_as_default = true;
// Client-hints enabled; this is based on the top-level frame and should be
// further narrowed down by permissions policy.
array<network.mojom.WebClientHintsType> enabled_client_hints;
// Whether this is a cross-site navigation that swaps BrowsingContextGroups.
bool is_cross_site_cross_browsing_context_group = false;
// Whether the new document should start with sticky user activation, because
// the previously committed document did, and the navigation was same-site.
bool should_have_sticky_user_activation = false;
// Should only be set to a valid value for main-frame same-site navigations
// where we did a proactive BrowsingInstance swap and we're reusing the old
// page's process.
OldPageInfo? old_page_info;
// The HTTP response status code for the navigation. Set to -1 if we never
// received response headers.
int32 http_response_code = -1;
// A same-origin subset of the back/forward list exposed by the
// window.navigation API.
NavigationApiHistoryEntryArrays navigation_api_history_entry_arrays;
array<url.mojom.Url> early_hints_preloaded_resources;
// The time the commit was sent from the browser.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks commit_sent;
// When URL is about:srcdoc, this carries the srcdoc attribute's value.
string srcdoc_value;
// Whether the navigation should be treated as a "loadDataWithBaseURL"
// navigation, where the "document URL" is set to the supplied base URL
// instead of the data URL set in CommonNavigationParams' `url`. If this
// returns false, the data: URL will still be loaded, but we won't try to use
// the supplied base URL and history URL.
bool is_load_data_with_base_url = false;
// Whether a CSPEE policy exists in any of the frame's ancestors or on the
// frame itself. Used to determine if an opaque-ads fenced frame is allowed to
// be created in the current context. See
// `NavigatorAuction::canLoadAdAuctionFencedFrame` for usage. At the moment,
// this is just sending CSPEE. But this can be expanded (and renamed) in the
// future if we need to send more information about whether a fenced frame can
// load from the browser.
bool ancestor_or_self_has_cspee = false;
// Reduced Accept-Language negotiates the language when navigating to a new
// document in the main frame, and the browser supplies the same negotiated
// language to the main frame and all its subframes when committing a
// navigation. This value will be used as the Accept-Language for subresource
// requests made by the document committed by this navigation. For example,
// when navigating to a URL with embedded image subresource request, the
// language negotiation only happens in top-level document. It will store the
// top-level document's negotiated language as `reduced_accept_language` here.
// Whenever fetching image subresources, the HTTP Accept-Language header will
// be set as the reduced accept language which was stored here. As we only do
// language negotiation on the top-level document, all subresource requests
// will inherit the Accept-Language header value of the top-level document.
string reduced_accept_language;
// Indicates how the response is served for this navigation. Observed from
// `PerformanceNavigationTiming` APIs.
network.mojom.NavigationDeliveryType navigation_delivery_type = kDefault;
// Holds texture references (stored in the GPU process), geometry state, and
// select CSS property values from the previous Document displayed by this
// frame. This is used to support transitions when navigating between
// same-origin Documents. Note that this is only set and used for same-origin
// navigations. See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-view-transitions-2/ for
// details.
blink.mojom.ViewTransitionState? view_transition_state;
// If any, the task ID of the initiator of the navigation. This is restricted
// to same-document main-frame navigation initiated by the top-level document.
// Used by SoftNavigationHeuristics to trace back the chain of events.
TaskAttributionId? soft_navigation_heuristics_task_id;
// Maps the blink runtime-enabled features modified in the browser process to
// their new enabled/disabled status:
// <enum_representing_runtime_enabled_feature, enabled/disabled>
map<blink.mojom.RuntimeFeature, bool> modified_runtime_features;
// A collection of properties that determines the behavior of a fenced frame.
// Only non-null for embedder-initiated navigations of a fenced frame root,
// and urn navigations in iframes while they're supported.
FencedFrameProperties? fenced_frame_properties;
// `not_restored_reasons` contains the reasons why this navigation is not
// served from back/forward cache if applicable. This is only sent for
// cross-document main frame history navigations.
blink.mojom.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasons? not_restored_reasons;
// The StorageAccessApiStatus value that the target document of this
// navigation should be loaded with.
network.mojom.StorageAccessApiStatus load_with_storage_access = kNone;
// Indicates which browsing context group this frame belongs to. This starts
// as nullopt and is only set when we commit a main frame in another browsing
// context group. Same browsing context group navigations never set this
// because no update is required. Subframes navigations never set this,
// because they cannot change browsing context group.
blink.mojom.BrowsingContextGroupInfo? browsing_context_group_info;
// LCP Critical Path Predictor hint data available at navigation timing.
blink.mojom.LCPCriticalPathPredictorNavigationTimeHint? lcpp_hint;
// Some content settings must be enforced by the renderer. See
// ContentSettingsType for more details.
RendererContentSettings content_settings;
// The cookie deprecation label for cookie deprecation facilitated testing.
string? cookie_deprecation_label;
// The :visited link hashtable is stored in shared memory and contains salted
// hashes for all visits. Each salt corresponds to a unique origin, and
// renderer processes are only informed of salts that correspond to their
// origins. As a result, any given renderer process can only
// learn about visits relevant to origins for which it has the salt.
// Here we store the salt corresponding to this navigation's origin to
// be committed. It will allow the renderer process that commits this
// navigation to learn about visits hashed with this salt. Setting a salt
// value is optional. In these cases, VisitedLinkWriter is responsible for
// sending salt values to the renderer after the :visited link hashtable has
// been initialized.
uint64? visited_link_salt;
// Provides the LocalSurfaceId to assign to the new Document when this
// navigation commits. This is only set for navigations where the new Document
// uses the same compositor as the old Document, i.e., same-RFH navigations.
// Note: We always assign a LocalSurfaceId to the new Document when the
// navigation commits in the browser (DidCommitNavigation). But if the old
// Document will be screenshotted by the browser, we need to generate an ID
// earlier to ensure the new Document doesn't render frames using the same ID
// as the old Document when it is committed in the renderer.
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id;
// Parameters used to dispatch the `pageswap` event on the old Document for
// a navigation. Only generated for same-origin navigations.
struct PageSwapEventParams {
// The URL of the destination page.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Used to retrieve the destination history item to create a
// NavigationHistoryEntry. Only provided for traverse navigations.
mojo_base.mojom.ByteString page_state;
// The type of navigation which will hide/unload this Document.
NavigationTypeForNavigationApi navigation_type;