// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/notifications/notification.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions/permission_status.mojom";
// Interface for receiving events relating to non-persistent notifications.
interface NonPersistentNotificationListener {
// Called when the notification has been shown.
// Called when the notification was clicked upon.
OnClick() => ();
// Called when the notification was closed; either programatically, or by the
// developer calling Notification.close().
OnClose() => ();
// Possible things that can go wrong when displaying a notification created by
// a service worker, which we may wish to distinguish between on the renderer
// side to provide a more useful error message to developers.
enum PersistentNotificationError {
// Service through which Blink can request notifications to be shown, closed or
// retrieved from the embedder.
interface NotificationService {
// Synchronously retrieves the permission status for the origin associated
// with the interface connection. Required to be synchronous due to the
// Notification.permission JavaScript getter.
[Sync] GetPermissionStatus() => (PermissionStatus status);
// Shows a notification that is not associated with a service worker.
// Notifies |event_listener| when the notification is shown/clicked/closed.
// Calling this again with the same |token| from the same origin will cause
// the original notification to be replaced with the new data and resources.
// |token| must be non-empty, and the same token should be passed to
// CloseNonPersistentNotification to close this notification programmatically.
string token,
NotificationData notification_data,
NotificationResources notification_resources,
pending_remote<NonPersistentNotificationListener> event_listener);
// Closes a notification that is not associated with a service worker.
// |token| identifies which notification should be closed (must be non-empty).
// Calling this without previously calling DisplayNonPersistentNotification
// with the same token is a no-op.
CloseNonPersistentNotification(string token);
// Shows a notification that *is* associated with a service worker.
// The service worker identified by |service_worker_registration_id| will be
// notified when the notification is clicked/closed.
// Responds once the notification is successfully processed or rejected.
int64 service_worker_registration_id,
NotificationData notification_data,
NotificationResources notification_resources)
=> (PersistentNotificationError error);
// Closes the notification identified by |notification_id|.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/834045): Instead identify it via a token from which
// the notification ID can be calculated, as per non-persistent notifications,
ClosePersistentNotification(string notification_id);
// Retrieves currently-displayed or scheduled persistent notifications for a
// given service worker registration (i.e. notifications shown via
// DisplayPersistentNotification which were not yet closed or replaced).
// If |filter_tag| is non-empty an exact-match filter is applied against
// the notification tag, so 0 or 1 notifications will be returned (because
// notifications with the same tag replace each other).
// If |include_triggered| is true the returned list of notifications will
// include matching notifications that are still scheduled to be shown.
// Returns parallel lists of notification ids and their corresponding data.
int64 service_worker_registration_id,
string filter_tag,
bool include_triggered)
=> (array<string> notification_ids,
array<NotificationData> notification_datas);