
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/runtime_feature_state/runtime_feature.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";

// This struct carries information about origin trial features. It's sent with
// a RuntimeFeatureState enum (which represents a Blink runtime enabled
// feature).
// This struct provides information necessary for the browser to perform
// security checks (e.g. validating the origin trial token) and update browser
// side feature states.
struct OriginTrialFeatureState {
  // `is_enabled`: true if the Blink Runtime-Enabled Feature is enabled.
  // false otherwise.
  bool is_enabled;
  // `tokens`: contains the raw origin trial token(s) that were registered for
  // the associated origin trial feature. The browser should validate the tokens
  // before enabling the corresponding browser features.
  array<string> tokens;

// The renderer uses this interface to inform the browser about origin trial
// feature state changes (e.g. an origin trial becomes enabled when an origin
// token is inserted into the document).
// The browser will update its copy of runtime feature state
// (blink::RuntimeFeatureReadContext) and enable the corresponding browser
// logic required to support the origin trial.
interface OriginTrialStateHost {
  // `ApplyFeatureDiffForOriginTrial` is called when an origin trial feature
  // that opts into browser read/write access has a change in state.
  // The browser should validate the origin trial token before changing any
  // security state.
    blink.mojom.OriginTrialFeatureState> origin_trial_features);

  // Enable the trial represented by the |token|, provided the token represents
  // a persistent origin trial.
  // The browser should validate |token| (in case the renderer is compromised).
  // The |script_origins| is the list of scripts that could potentially
  // have injected the token, to allow for third party token validation.
  EnablePersistentTrial(string token, array<url.mojom.Origin> script_origins);