// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module payments.mojom;
import "components/payments/mojom/payment_request_data.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/payments/payment_request.mojom";
struct PaymentHandlerMethodData {
// Either a short string (e.g., "basic-string") or URL (e.g.,
// "https://google.com/pay") payment method name.
string method_name;
// A JSON string built by the renderer from a JavaScript object that the
// website provides. The renderer uses blink::JSONObject::toJSONString() to
// generate this string. The browser does not parse the string and passes it
// as-is directly to the payment handler. There's no one format for this
// object, so more specific types cannot be used. A simple example:
// {"supportedNetworks": ["visa"]}
string? stringified_data;
struct PaymentHandlerModifier {
PaymentCurrencyAmount? total;
PaymentHandlerMethodData method_data;
// Constructed by the browser based on PaymentDetails from the Merchant
// renderer. The browser sends this to the Payment Handler renderer.
struct PaymentRequestDetailsUpdate {
PaymentCurrencyAmount? total;
array<PaymentShippingOption>? shipping_options;
array<PaymentHandlerModifier>? modifiers;
string error = "";
string? stringified_payment_method_errors;
AddressErrors? shipping_address_errors;
// The interface for a PaymentRequest object in the browser, so a PaymentHandler
// renderer can talk to it.
// Implemented in the browser process. Not sandboxed.
// Desktop (Windows, ChromeOS, Linux, MacOS) implementation:
// components/payments/content/payment_request.h
interface PaymentHandlerHost {
// Called by the Payment Handler renderer to let the browser know that the
// user has selected a different payment instrument or shipping option, or
// when the user has changed the shipping address.
// The browser validates the |method_data|, |shipping address|, or
// |shipping option_id| and passes it on to the Merchant renderer via one of
// the following methods which are all defined in
// third_party/blink/public/mojom/payments/payment_request.mojom:
// PaymentRequestClient.OnPaymentMethodChange(method_name,stringified_data),
// PaymentRequestClient.OnShippingAddressChange(PaymentAddress address),
// PaymentRequestClient.OnShippingOptionChange(string shipping_option_id).
// The Merchant renderer then responds to the browser via
// PaymentRequest.UpdateWith(details) to update the total or other details of
// the payment request based on the selected instrument/shipping address/
// shipping option or PaymentRequest.OnPaymentDetailsNotUpdated() if the
// total and other details are unchanged. The total can change, for example,
// based on the billing address of the selected instrument or the selected
// shipping address/option. The list of available shipping options can change
// based on the selected shipping address.
// The browser validates the |details| from the Merchant renderer and sends
// their subset to the Payment Handler renderer as
// |PaymentRequestDetailsUpdate|, so it can show the updated details.
ChangePaymentMethod(PaymentHandlerMethodData method_data) =>
(PaymentRequestDetailsUpdate response_data);
ChangeShippingOption(string shipping_option_id) =>
(PaymentRequestDetailsUpdate response_data);
ChangeShippingAddress(PaymentAddress shipping_address) =>
(PaymentRequestDetailsUpdate response_data);