
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

// These values map to the features which can be controlled by Permissions Policy.
// Features are listed in
// Not all listed features are supported in Blink, and many are gated by runtime
// flags. See renderer/core/permissions_policy/permissions_policy_features.json5 for the
// feature names which will be recognized in policy declarations.
// For more details on adding a new permissions policy, see:
enum PermissionsPolicyFeature {
  kNotFound = 0,
  // Controls access to media autoplay.
  kAutoplay = 1,
  // Controls access to video input devices.
  kCamera = 2,
  // Controls whether navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess is allowed.
  kEncryptedMedia = 3,
  // Controls whether Element.requestFullscreen is allowed.
  kFullscreen = 4,
  // Controls access to Geolocation interface.
  kGeolocation = 5,
  // Controls access to audio input devices.
  kMicrophone = 6,
  // Controls access to requestMIDIAccess method.
  kMidiFeature = 7,
  // Controls access to PaymentRequest interface.
  kPayment = 8,
  // Controls use of synchronous XMLHTTPRequest API.
  kSyncXHR = 13,
  // Controls access to the WebUSB API.
  kUsb = 14,
  // The following features control access to the corresponding sensor classes.
  // Fusion sensor APIs (e.g. LinearAcceleration, OrientationSensor-based
  // classes)require all of the features that are inputs into that API to be
  // enabled for the feature to be allowed.
  kAccelerometer = 17,
  kAmbientLightSensor = 18,
  kGyroscope = 19,
  kMagnetometer = 20,
  // Controls access to Picture-in-Picture.
  kPictureInPicture = 26,
  // Controls the ability to block and interfere with vertical scrolling.
  kVerticalScroll = 27,
  // Controls access to Screen Wake Lock
  kScreenWakeLock = 31,
  // Sample Origin Trial enabled feature. This is used only for testing.
  kFrobulate = 41,
  // Controls access to Serial
  kSerial = 42,
  // Controls access to WebHID.
  kHid = 43,
  // Controls access to Idle Detection
  kIdleDetection = 44,
  // Allow execution while not in the viewport.
  kExecutionWhileOutOfViewport = 50,
  // Allow execution while not rendered.
  kExecutionWhileNotRendered = 51,

  // When disallowed, a frame without user activation cannot acquire focus.
  kFocusWithoutUserActivation = 52,

  // Client Hints
  kClientHintDPR = 53,
  kClientHintDeviceMemory = 54,
  kClientHintDownlink = 55,
  kClientHintECT = 56,
  kClientHintRTT = 58,
  kClientHintUA = 59,
  kClientHintUAArch = 60,
  kClientHintUAModel = 61,
  kClientHintUAPlatform = 62,
  kClientHintViewportWidth = 63,
  kClientHintWidth = 64,

  // Controls use of WebXR API.
  kWebXr = 66,

  // Web Authentication (
  kPublicKeyCredentialsGet = 67,

  //Additional Client Hint
  kClientHintUAMobile = 69,

  // Storage Access API
  kStorageAccessAPI = 70,

  // Client Hint for the full browser version.
  kClientHintUAFullVersion = 71,

  // Trust Token API redemption and request signing operations
  kTrustTokenRedemption = 72,

  // Controls use of Attribution Reporting API
  kAttributionReporting = 73,

  // Client Hint for UA platform version.
  kClientHintUAPlatformVersion = 74,

  // cross-origin isolated permission
  kCrossOriginIsolated = 75,

  // Controls use of Clipboard API Read.
  kClipboardRead = 76,

  // Controls use of Clipboard API Write.
  kClipboardWrite = 77,

  // Controls use of Web Share API.
  kWebShare = 78,

  // Controls access to gamepads interface
  kGamepad = 79,

  // Controls use of WebOTP API.
  kOTPCredentials = 80,

  // Controls access to screen capture via getDisplayMedia().
  kDisplayCapture = 81,

  // [Deprecated]
  // kInterestCohort = 82,

  // Controls whether Autofill may fill fields in that frame when triggered on
  // a field with the main frame's origin.
  kSharedAutofill = 83,

  // Controls access to Direct Sockets.
  kDirectSockets = 84,

  // Client Hint for the preferred color scheme.
  kClientHintPrefersColorScheme = 85,

  // Controls use of Window Management API.
  kWindowManagement = 86,

  kClientHintUABitness = 87,

  // kClientHintUAReduced = 88, Removed in M116.

  // Client Hint for viewport height.
  kClientHintViewportHeight = 89,

  // Controls access to the Keyboard API.
  kKeyboardMap = 90,

  // Controls FLEDGE's runAdAuction API.
  // See
  // for the API.
  kRunAdAuction = 91,

  // Controls FLEDGE's joinAdInterestGroup and updateAdInterestGroups APIs.
  // See
  // for the API.
  kJoinAdInterestGroup = 92,

  // Client Hint for the full version for each brand.
  kClientHintUAFullVersionList = 93,

  // kClientHintUAFull = 94, Removed in M116.

  // Client Hint for Sec-CH-UA-WoW64.
  kClientHintUAWoW64 = 95,

  // "browsing-topics" permissions policy that controls the use of Topics API.
  kBrowsingTopics = 97,

  // "interest-cohort" permissions policy that controls the use of Topics API.
  kBrowsingTopicsBackwardCompatible = 98,

  // Client Hint for Save-Data.
  kClientHintSaveData = 99,

  // Controls access to local fonts.
  kLocalFonts = 100,

  // Controls access to Bluetooth API.
  kBluetooth = 101,

  // Controls use of FedCM API.
  kIdentityCredentialsGet = 102,

  // "shared-storage" permissions policy that controls the use of Shared Storage
  // API.
  kSharedStorage = 103,

  // Controls use of unload handlers.
  kUnload = 104,

  // Client Hint for the preferred reduced motion.
  kClientHintPrefersReducedMotion = 105,

  // Controls use of Compute Pressure API.
  kComputePressure = 106,

  // Web Smart Card API
  kSmartCard = 107,

  // "shared-storage-select-url" permissions policy that controls the use of
  // sharedStorage.selectURL().
  kSharedStorageSelectUrl = 108,

  // "private-aggregation" permissions policy that controls the use of
  // privateAggregation within the shared storage worklet.
  kPrivateAggregation = 109,

  // Private State Tokens API issuance operation
  kPrivateStateTokenIssuance = 110,

  // Client Hint for form factor
  kClientHintUAFormFactors = 111,

  // Client hint for prefers-reduced-transparency
  kClientHintPrefersReducedTransparency = 112,

  // "web-printing" is a isolated context only permissions policy that controls
  // the use of Web Printing API.
  kWebPrinting = 113,

  // "usb-unrestricted" is a isolated context only permissions policy that
  // controls whether protected USB interfaces and blocklisted USB devices can
  // be accessed with WebUSB.
  kUsbUnrestricted = 114,

  // Captured Surface Control API
  kCapturedSurfaceControl = 115,

  // SubApps API
  kSubApps = 116,

  // Web Authentication (
  kPublicKeyCredentialsCreate = 117,

  // Allow enumerateDevices to return audio output device and setSinkId to
  // accept given device id.
  kSpeakerSelection = 118,

  // Allow a site to issue fetchLater requests.
  kDeferredFetch = 119,

  // Digital Credentials (
  kDigitalCredentialsGet = 120,

  kMediaPlaybackWhileNotVisible = 121,

  // Capture all screens (
  kAllScreensCapture = 122,

  // Allow Partitioned Popins to be opened.
  // See
  kPartitionedPopins = 123,

  // Web App Installation API.
  kWebAppInstallation = 124,

  // Don't change assigned numbers of any item, and don't reuse removed slots.
  // Add new features at the end of the enum.
  // Also, run in
  // chromium/src/tools/metrics/histograms/ to update the UMA mapping.