// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "device/bluetooth/public/mojom/uuid.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "services/device/public/mojom/serial.mojom";
struct SerialPortInfo {
// Opaque identifier for this port.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token;
// USB device properties.
uint16 usb_vendor_id;
bool has_usb_vendor_id = false;
uint16 usb_product_id;
bool has_usb_product_id = false;
// Bluetooth service class UUID if the port is from a Bluetooth device.
bluetooth.mojom.UUID? bluetooth_service_class_id;
// True if the serial port was connected when the SerialPortInfo was returned
// from the SerialService. SerialServiceClients are notified on port connected
// state changes.
// A wired serial port is considered connected if it is physically attached
// to the system.
// A wireless serial port is considered connected if the wireless device
// hosting the port has any active connections to the system.
bool connected;
struct SerialPortFilter {
// USB or Bluetooth device vendor and product IDs.
uint32 vendor_id;
bool has_vendor_id;
uint16 product_id;
bool has_product_id;
// Bluetooth service class UUID.
bluetooth.mojom.UUID? bluetooth_service_class_id;
// This interface must be provided by the browser process in order for the
// renderer process to implement the navigator.serial API.
interface SerialService {
// Sets the client which will receive notifications of events from this
// service, such as when ports are added and removed from the system.
SetClient(pending_remote<SerialServiceClient> client);
// Retrieves information about all ports available to this client.
GetPorts() => (array<SerialPortInfo> ports);
// Requests permission to access a port.
RequestPort(array<SerialPortFilter> filters,
array<bluetooth.mojom.UUID> allowed_bluetooth_service_class_ids)
=> (SerialPortInfo? port);
// Opens the port represented by |token| using |options| and returns a
// connection to it in |port|.
OpenPort(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token,
device.mojom.SerialConnectionOptions options,
pending_remote<device.mojom.SerialPortClient> client)
=> (pending_remote<device.mojom.SerialPort>? port);
// Attempts to revoke the permission to the device by |token|.
// It will fail silently if the permission cannot be revoked.
ForgetPort(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token) => ();
// Client interface for receiving events from SerialService.
interface SerialServiceClient {
// Called when a port described by |port_info| is connected or disconnected.
OnPortConnectedStateChanged(SerialPortInfo port_info);