// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
// TODO(falken): Rename this file to service_worker_status.mojom.
// The result of dispatching an event to a service worker.
enum ServiceWorkerEventStatus {
// The event dispatch completed successfully.
// Only for extendable events. A promise passed to waitUntil() or
// respondWith() was rejected. It may also mean dispatch failed, but the
// meaning of that depends on the event type. It could possibly mean
// JavaScript execution was forcibly terminated or an uncaught runtime
// script error occurred while dispatching. For FetchEvent, it looks
// like we set REJECTED when the service worker did not provide a
// response but defaultPrevented() was called, preventing falling back
// to network.
// The service worker execution context was destroyed while the event was alive.
// The event failed to finish within the time limit.
// The result of starting a service worker.
// Currently these all mean that start succeeded as this enum is only used in
// EmbeddedWorkerInstanceHost.OnStarted() which indicates startup completed.
// The plan is to expand to include error codes too.
// These names are taken from the JavaScript spec as referred to by the HTML
// spec for running a script:
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#calling-scripts
enum ServiceWorkerStartStatus {
// The service worker thread is running and initial JavaScript
// evaluation completed normally.
// The service worker thread is running but initial JavaScript
// evaluation completed abruptly, i.e., an uncaught runtime error
// occurred.