
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/fetch_client_settings_object.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/navigation_preload_state.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_database.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_error_type.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_object.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_registration_options.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

struct ChangedServiceWorkerObjectsMask {
  bool installing;
  bool waiting;
  bool active;

// Describes a ServiceWorkerRegistration:
struct ServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectInfo {
  // The globally unique identifier of a service worker registration entity.
  int64 registration_id = kInvalidServiceWorkerRegistrationId;

  // Corresponds to ServiceWorkerRegistration#scope.
  url.mojom.Url scope;
  // Corresponds to ServiceWorkerRegistration#updateViaCache.
  ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache update_via_cache;

  // Holds one mojo connection to browser process, acts as a reference count to
  // control lifetime of ServiceWorkerRegistration in the browser process.
  pending_associated_remote<ServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectHost> host_remote;

  // |receiver| is expected to be bound in the renderer process. The other end
  // point of this Mojo connection is held by the browser process.
  pending_associated_receiver<ServiceWorkerRegistrationObject> receiver;

  // Corresponds to ServiceWorkerRegistration#{installing,waiting,active}.
  // Null value means the corresponding object does not exist.
  ServiceWorkerObjectInfo? installing;
  ServiceWorkerObjectInfo? waiting;
  ServiceWorkerObjectInfo? active;

// This interface lives in the browser process, it corresponds to one
// ServiceWorkerRegistration JavaScript object. The renderer uses it to ask the
// browser to do operations needed to implement ServiceWorkerRegistration
// methods.
interface ServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectHost {
  // Corresponds to ServiceWorkerRegistration#update().
  // On success, |error| is kNone without |error_msg| set.
  // Otherwise, |error| and |error_msg| describe the failure.
  Update(FetchClientSettingsObject outside_fetch_client_settings_object)
    => (ServiceWorkerErrorType error, string? error_msg);

  // Corresponds to ServiceWorkerRegistration#unregister().
  // On success, |error| is kNone without |error_msg| set.
  // Otherwise, |error| and |error_msg| describe the failure.
  Unregister() => (ServiceWorkerErrorType error, string? error_msg);

  // Corresponds to NavigationPreloadManager#enable()/disable().
  // On success, |error| is kNone without |error_msg| set.
  // Otherwise, |error| and |error_msg| describe the failure.
  EnableNavigationPreload(bool enable)
    => (ServiceWorkerErrorType error, string? error_msg);

  // Corresponds to NavigationPreloadManager#getState().
  // On success, |error| is kNone with |state| set.
  // Otherwise, |error| and |error_msg| describe the failure.
    => (ServiceWorkerErrorType error,
        string? error_msg,
        blink.mojom.NavigationPreloadState? state);

  // Corresponds to NavigationPreloadManager#setHeaderValue().
  // On success, |error| is kNone without |error_msg| set.
  // Otherwise, |error| and |error_msg| describe the failure.
  SetNavigationPreloadHeader(string value)
    => (ServiceWorkerErrorType error, string? error_msg);

// This interface lives in the renderer process, it corresponds to one
// ServiceWorkerRegistration JavaScript object. The browser uses it to talk with
// the corresponding impl of ServiceWorkerRegistration in the renderer.
interface ServiceWorkerRegistrationObject {
  // Sets changed service worker objects for this registration object.
  // |changed_mask| indicates which objects of {|installing|,|waiting|,|active|}
  // have changed.
  // Changed objects may be null to indicate that the object does not exist
  // anymore. Unchanged ones are always null.
  SetServiceWorkerObjects(ChangedServiceWorkerObjectsMask changed_mask,
                          ServiceWorkerObjectInfo? installing,
                          ServiceWorkerObjectInfo? waiting,
                          ServiceWorkerObjectInfo? active);

  // Sets ServiceWorkerRegistration#updateViaCache.
  SetUpdateViaCache(ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache update_via_cache);

  // Corresponds to ServiceWorkerRegistration#onupdatefound.