
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/private_aggregation/private_aggregation_host.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/shared_storage/shared_storage.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/use_counter/metrics/web_feature.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/messaging/cloneable_message.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/console_message.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Used to denote a shared storage's key, value, or the [key, value] pair. This
// would unify the handling for different type of iterators, such as for
// sharedStorage.keys() and for sharedStorage.entries().
struct SharedStorageKeyAndOrValue {
  mojo_base.mojom.String16 key;
  mojo_base.mojom.String16 value;

// Used by the SharedStorageWorkletServiceClient receiver (i.e. the worklet
// environment) to listen for new entries sent from the browser process.
interface SharedStorageEntriesListener {
  // Called by the SharedStorageWorkletServiceClient remote (i.e. in the browser
  // process) when some entries have been obtained. `has_more_entries` is false
  // when all the entries have been obtained, and indicates that the callback
  // will not be called again. `total_queued_to_send` indicates the total
  // number of entries that the database had prepared to send for this origin
  // via this iterator (including any already sent on previous calls to
  // `DidReadEntries()`), even if this call indicates that an error was
  // encountered in retrieving the keys/entries.
      bool success, string error_message,
      array<SharedStorageKeyAndOrValue> entries,
      bool has_more_entries,
      int32 total_queued_to_send);

// Used by the shared storage worklet environment to access the shared storage,
// log messages, etc.
interface SharedStorageWorkletServiceClient {
 // Handle sharedStorage.set(): set `key`’s entry to `value`. If
  // `ignoreIfPresent` is true, the entry is not updated if `key` already
  // exists.
  SharedStorageSet(SharedStorageKeyArgument key,
                   SharedStorageValueArgument value,
                   bool ignore_if_present)
    => (bool success, string error_message);

  // Handle sharedStorage.append(): append `value` to the entry for `key`.
  // Equivalent to "set" if the `key` is not present.
  SharedStorageAppend(SharedStorageKeyArgument key,
                      SharedStorageValueArgument value)
    => (bool success, string error_message);

  // Handle sharedStorage.delete(): delete the entry at the given `key`.
  SharedStorageDelete(SharedStorageKeyArgument key)
    => (bool success, string error_message);

  // Handle sharedStorage.clear(): delete all entries.
    => (bool success, string error_message);

  // Handle sharedStorage.get(): get the entry at `key`, or an empty string if
  // `key` is not present.
  SharedStorageGet(SharedStorageKeyArgument key)
    => (SharedStorageGetStatus status, string error_message,
      mojo_base.mojom.String16 value);

  // Returns (potentially in batches) the keys of the shared storage.
  SharedStorageKeys(pending_remote<SharedStorageEntriesListener> listener);

  // Returns (potentially in batches) the [key, value] pairs of the
  // shared storage.
  SharedStorageEntries(pending_remote<SharedStorageEntriesListener> listener);

  // Handle sharedStorage.length(): get the number of keys.
    => (bool success, string error_message, uint32 length);

  // Handle sharedStorage.remainingBudget(): get the number of bits remaining
  // in the privacy budget.
    => (bool success, string error_message, double bits);

  // Observer method for DevTools console outputs.
  DidAddMessageToConsole(ConsoleMessageLevel log_level, string message);

  // Record use counters for APIs used within the worklet.
  RecordUseCounters(array<WebFeature> features);

// Per-operation parameters and pipes for Private Aggregation.
struct PrivateAggregationOperationDetails {
  pending_remote<PrivateAggregationHost> pa_host;
  uint32 filtering_id_max_bytes;

// Used by the browser to load shared storage worklet script and run operations
// in the worklet environment.
// See
interface SharedStorageWorkletService {
  // Binds `client`. Also initializes the "private-aggregation" permissions
  // policy's status to `private_aggregation_permissions_policy_allowed`. Must
  // be the first call on this interface.
    pending_associated_remote<SharedStorageWorkletServiceClient> client,
    bool private_aggregation_permissions_policy_allowed,
    mojo_base.mojom.String16? embedder_context);

  // Handle sharedStorage.worklet.addModule(): download and load the script in
  // the worklet environment. The origin of the `script_source_url` should be
  // checked at the Mojo boundary to ensure it's from the same origin of the
  // current context.
  AddModule(pending_remote<network.mojom.URLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
            url.mojom.Url script_source_url)
    => (bool success, string error_message);

  // Handle sharedStorage.runURLSelectionOperation(): run the operation
  // previously registered by registerURLSelectionOperation() with matching
  // `name`. The size limit on `urls` should be checked at the Mojo boundary.
  // When the operation succeeds, the return value `index` will be set to the
  // uint32 value that the promise resolves to; otherwise it will be set to 0.
    string name, array<url.mojom.Url> urls, CloneableMessage serialized_data,
    PrivateAggregationOperationDetails? pa_operation_details)
    => (bool success, string error_message, uint32 index);

  // Handle sharedStorage.runOperation(): run the operation previously
  // registered by registerOperation() with matching `name`.
  RunOperation(string name, CloneableMessage serialized_data,
               PrivateAggregationOperationDetails? pa_operation_details)
    => (bool success, string error_message);