// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// The result of an installation request.
enum WebInstallServiceResult {
// TODO(crbug.com/333795265): Follow up later when implementation is complete
// and add appropriate error codes.
// Allows installation of web apps via JS. This mojo interface is only bound on
// the main frame in browser contexts that support web app installation.
interface WebInstallService {
// Installs the current document as a web app, verifying that it has the
// given resolved `manifest_id`. Returns a success/failure result. If success,
// populates the absolute computed manifest id for the installed app. This can
// only be used for same-origin app installation.
InstallCurrentDocument(url.mojom.Url manifest_id)
=> (WebInstallServiceResult result, url.mojom.Url manifest_id);
// Installs the web content at `install_url`, verifying that it has the
// given resolved `manifest_id`. Returns a success/failure result. If success,
// populates the absolute computed manifest id for the installed app. This can
// be used for either same-origin or cross-origin app installation.
InstallBackgroundDocument(url.mojom.Url manifest_id,
url.mojom.Url install_url)
=> (WebInstallServiceResult result, url.mojom.Url manifest_id);