
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/device_posture/device_posture_provider.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/display/mojom/screen_orientation.mojom";

enum EmulatedScreenType { kDesktop, kMobile };

struct DeviceEmulationParams {
  EmulatedScreenType screen_type;

  // Emulated screen size. Typically full / physical size of the device screen
  // in DIP. Empty size means using default value: original one for kDesktop
  // screen position, equal to |view_size| for kMobile.
  gfx.mojom.Size screen_size;

  // Position of view on the screen. Missing position means using default value:
  // original one for kDesktop screen position, (0, 0) for kMobile.
  gfx.mojom.Point? view_position;

  // Emulated view size. A width or height of 0 means no override in that
  // dimension, but the other can still be applied. When both are 0, then the
  // |scale| will be applied to the view instead.
  gfx.mojom.Size view_size;

  // If zero, the original device scale factor is preserved.
  float device_scale_factor;

  // Scale the contents of the main frame. The view's size will be scaled by
  // this number when they are not specified in |view_size|.
  float scale;

  // Forced viewport offset for screenshots during emulation, (-1, -1) for
  // disabled.
  gfx.mojom.PointF viewport_offset;

  // Viewport scale for screenshots during emulation, 0 for current.
  float viewport_scale;

  // Optional screen orientation type, with ScreenOrientation::Undefined
  // value meaning no emulation necessary.
  display.mojom.ScreenOrientation screen_orientation_type;

  // Screen orientation angle, used together with screen_orientation_type.
  uint32 screen_orientation_angle;

  // Screen viewport segments dimensions.
  array<gfx.mojom.Rect> viewport_segments;

  // Posture of the device.
  blink.mojom.DevicePostureType device_posture;