// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "cc/mojom/browser_controls_params.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/local_surface_id.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/manifest/display_mode.mojom";
import "ui/display/mojom/screen_infos.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/base/mojom/ui_base_types.mojom";
// See public/common/widget/visual_properties.h
struct VisualProperties {
// Info about all screens, including the one currently showing the widget.
display.mojom.ScreenInfos screen_infos;
// Whether or not blink should be in auto-resize mode.
bool auto_resize_enabled = false;
// Whether or not the widget can be resized.
bool resizable = true;
// The minimum size for Blink if auto-resize is enabled.
gfx.mojom.Size min_size_for_auto_resize;
// The maximum size for Blink if auto-resize is enabled.
gfx.mojom.Size max_size_for_auto_resize;
// The size for the widget in DIPs.
gfx.mojom.Size new_size;
// The size of the area of the widget that is visible to the user, in DIPs.
// The visible area may be empty if the visible area does not intersect with
// the widget, for example in the case of a child frame that is entirely
// scrolled out of the main frame's viewport. It may also be smaller than the
// widget's size in |new_size| due to the UI hiding part of the widget, such
// as with an on-screen keyboard.
gfx.mojom.Size visible_viewport_size;
// The rect of compositor's viewport in pixels. Note that for top level
// widgets this is roughly the DSF scaled new_size put into a rect. For child
// frame widgets it is a pixel-perfect bounds of the visible region of the
// widget. The size would be similar to visible_viewport_size, but in physical
// pixels and computed via very different means.
// TODO(danakj): It would be super nice to remove one of |new_size|,
// |visible_viewport_size| and |compositor_viewport_pixel_rect|. Their values
// overlap in purpose, creating a very confusing situation about which to use
// for what, and how they should relate or not.
gfx.mojom.Rect compositor_viewport_pixel_rect;
// Browser controls params such as top and bottom controls heights, whether
// controls shrink blink size etc.
cc.mojom.BrowserControlsParams browser_controls_params;
// Whether or not the focused node should be scrolled into view after the
// resize.
// Page scoped value.
bool scroll_focused_node_into_view;
// The local surface ID to use (if valid) and its allocation time.
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id;
// Indicates whether tab-initiated fullscreen was granted.
// Page scoped value.
bool is_fullscreen_granted;
// The display mode. This will be replicated amongst subframes.
DisplayMode display_mode = DisplayMode.kUndefined;
// The window show state.
ui.mojom.WindowShowState window_show_state
= ui.mojom.WindowShowState.SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT;
// This represents the latest capture sequence number requested. When this is
// incremented, that means the caller wants to synchronize surfaces which
// should cause a new LocalSurfaceId to be generated.
uint32 capture_sequence_number;
// This is composed from browser zoom (i.e. the page zoom level for a
// WebContents) and, for a non-main-frame widget, the effect of the CSS "zoom"
// property applied to the embedding element (e.g. <iframe>) in the embedding
// document. 0 is the default value which results in 1.0 zoom factor.
// See WebFrameWidgetImpl::SetZoomLevel() for how this value is used.
// This is the zoom setting from the browser UI.
double zoom_level;
// For an embedded widget this is the cumulative effect of the CSS "zoom"
// property on the embedding element (e.g. <iframe>) and its ancestors. For a
// top-level widget this is 1.0.
double css_zoom_factor;
// This represents the page's scale factor, which changes during pinch zoom.
// It needs to be shared with subframes.
float page_scale_factor = 1;
// This represents the child frame's raster scale factor which takes into
// account the transform from child frame space to main frame space.
float compositing_scale_factor = 1;
// The OS cursor accessibility scale factor.
float cursor_accessibility_scale_factor = 1;
// The logical segments of the root widget, in widget-relative DIPs. This
// property is set by the root RenderWidget in the renderer process, then
// propagated to child local frame roots via RenderFrameProxy/
// CrossProcessFrameConnector.
array<gfx.mojom.Rect> root_widget_viewport_segments;
// Indicates whether a pinch gesture is currently active. Originates in the
// main frame's renderer, and needs to be shared with subframes.
bool is_pinch_gesture_active;
// The rect of the Windows Control Overlay, which contains system UX
// affordances (e.g. close), for installed desktop Progress Web Apps (PWAs),
// if the app specifies the 'window-controls-overlay' DisplayMode in its
// manifest. This is only valid and to be consumed by the outermost main
// frame.
gfx.mojom.Rect window_controls_overlay_rect;
// If shown and resizing the renderer, returns the height of the virtual
// keyboard in physical pixels. Otherwise, returns 0. Always 0 in a
// non-outermost main frame.
uint32 virtual_keyboard_resize_height_physical_px;