
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <cstdint>

namespace blink {

// Serialization format is a sequence of tags followed by zero or more data
// arguments.  Tags always take exactly one byte. A serialized stream first
// begins with a complete VersionTag. If the stream does not begin with a
// VersionTag, we assume that the stream is in format 0.

// Tags which are not interpreted by Blink (but instead by V8) are omitted here.

// This format is private to the implementation of SerializedScriptValue. Do not
// rely on it externally. It is safe to persist a SerializedScriptValue as a
// binary blob, but this code should always be used to interpret it.

// WebCoreStrings are read as (length:uint32_t, string:UTF8[length]).
// RawStrings are read as (length:uint32_t, string:UTF8[length]).
// RawUCharStrings are read as
//     (length:uint32_t, string:UChar[length/sizeof(UChar)]).
// RawFiles are read as
//     (path:WebCoreString, url:WebCoreStrng, type:WebCoreString).
// There is a reference table that maps object references (uint32_t) to
// v8::Values.
// Tokens marked with (ref) are inserted into the reference table and given the
// next object reference ID after decoding.
// All tags except InvalidTag, PaddingTag, ReferenceCountTag, VersionTag,
// GenerateFreshObjectTag and GenerateFreshArrayTag push their results to the
// deserialization stack.
// There is also an 'open' stack that is used to resolve circular references.
// Objects or arrays may contain self-references. Before we begin to deserialize
// the contents of these values, they are first given object reference IDs (by
// GenerateFreshObjectTag/GenerateFreshArrayTag); these reference IDs are then
// used with ObjectReferenceTag to tie the recursive knot.
enum SerializationTag : uint8_t {};

}  // namespace blink