// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/filter_operations.h"
{% for include in includes %}
#include "{{include}}"
{% endfor %}
namespace blink {
class StyleImage;
{% for forward_declaration in forward_declarations %}
class {{forward_declaration}};
{% endfor %}
* A set of functions that return the initial value for each field on ComputedStyle.
* This includes both properties defined in css_properties.json5 and the extra
* fields defined in computed_style_extra_fields.json5.
class ComputedStyleInitialValues{
// Hand-written methods.
static StyleContentAlignmentData InitialContentAlignment() {
return StyleContentAlignmentData(ContentPosition::kNormal,
static StyleSelfAlignmentData InitialDefaultAlignment() {
return StyleSelfAlignmentData(ItemPosition::kNormal,
static StyleImage* InitialBorderImageSource() { return nullptr; }
static float InitialBorderWidth() { return 3; }
static uint16_t InitialColumnRuleWidth() {
return 3;
// Grid properties.
static wtf_size_t InitialGridAutoRepeatInsertionPoint() { return 0; }
static AutoRepeatType InitialGridAutoRepeatType() {
return AutoRepeatType::kNoAutoRepeat;
static GridAxisType InitialGridAxisType() {
return GridAxisType::kStandaloneAxis;
// FIXME: Remove letter-spacing/word-spacing and replace them with respective
// FontBuilder calls.
static float InitialWordSpacing() { return 0.0f; }
static float InitialLetterSpacing() { return 0.0f; }
static EVerticalAlign InitialVerticalAlign() {
return EVerticalAlign::kBaseline;
// -webkit-perspective-origin-x
static Length InitialPerspectiveOriginX() { return Length::Percent(50.0); }
// -webkit-perspective-origin-y
static Length InitialPerspectiveOriginY() { return Length::Percent(50.0); }
// -webkit-transform-origin-x
static Length InitialTransformOriginX() { return Length::Percent(50.0); }
// -webkit-transform-origin-y
static Length InitialTransformOriginY() { return Length::Percent(50.0); }
// -webkit-transform-origin-z
static float InitialTransformOriginZ() { return 0; }
// -webkit-mask-box-image-source
static StyleImage* InitialMaskBoxImageSource() { return nullptr; }
static const FilterOperations& InitialFilter() {
return InitialFilterInternal();
static const FilterOperations& InitialBackdropFilter() {
return InitialFilterInternal();
// Generated methods below.
{% for property in properties if
'initial' not in property.computed_style_custom_functions %}
{% if property.field_template == "pointer" %}
static {{property.type_name}}* {{property.initial}}() {
return {{property.default_value}};
{% elif property.field_template == "external" %}
{% if property.wrapper_pointer_name %}
static {{property.unwrapped_type_name}}* {{property.initial}}() {
return {{property.default_value}};
{% else %}
static {{property.type_name}} {{property.initial}}() {
return {{property.default_value}};
{% endif %}
{% elif property.field_template == "keyword" or
property.field_template == "multi_keyword" or
property.field_template == "bitset_keyword" or
property.field_template == "primitive" %}
static {{property.type_name}} {{property.initial}}() {
return {{property.default_value}};
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
static const FilterOperations& InitialFilterInternal() {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const Persistent<FilterOperationsWrapper>, ops,
return ops->Operations();
} // namespace blink