// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ash::api {
// Lightweight TaskList definition to separate API and ash/ui-friendly types.
// Contains information that describes a single task list. All values are from
// the API resource
// https://developers.google.com/tasks/reference/rest/v1/tasklists.
struct ASH_EXPORT TaskList {
TaskList(const std::string& id,
const std::string& title,
const base::Time& updated);
TaskList(const TaskList&) = delete;
TaskList& operator=(const TaskList&) = delete;
// Task list identifier.
const std::string id;
// Title of the task list.
const std::string title;
// Last modification time of the task list.
const base::Time updated;
// Lightweight Task definition to separate API and ash/ui-friendly types.
// All values are from the API resource
// https://developers.google.com/tasks/reference/rest/v1/tasks.
struct ASH_EXPORT Task {
// The type of surface a task originates from.
enum class OriginSurfaceType {
// The task is created via regular Tasks UI (app, web).
// The task is created and assigned from a document.
// The task is created and assigned from a Chat Space.
// The task is created and assigned from an unknown surface.
Task(const std::string& id,
const std::string& title,
const std::optional<base::Time>& due,
bool completed,
bool has_subtasks,
bool has_email_link,
bool has_notes,
const base::Time& updated,
const GURL& web_view_link,
OriginSurfaceType origin_surface_type);
Task(const Task&) = delete;
Task& operator=(const Task&) = delete;
// Task identifier.
const std::string id;
// Title of the task.
std::string title;
// Optional due date of the task.
const std::optional<base::Time> due;
// Indicates whether the task is completed (has "status" field equals to
// "completed" on the API side).
bool completed;
// Indicates whether the task has subtasks in it.
const bool has_subtasks;
// Indicates whether the task has an attached email link.
const bool has_email_link;
// Indicates whether the task has additional notes.
const bool has_notes;
// When the task was last updated.
base::Time updated;
// Absolute link to the task in the Google Tasks Web UI.
GURL web_view_link;
// The type of surface the task originates from.
const OriginSurfaceType origin_surface_type = OriginSurfaceType::kRegular;
} // namespace ash::api