// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.autofill;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
* Helper for detecting whether the device supports scanning credit cards and for scanning credit
* cards. The default implementation cannot scan cards. An implementing subclass must provide a
* factory that builds its instances.
public class CreditCardScanner {
* Can be used to build subclasses of the scanner without the user of the class knowing about
* the subclass name.
private static Factory sFactory;
/** The delegate to notify of scanning result. */
protected final Delegate mDelegate;
/** The web contents that's requesting a scan. Used in subclass. */
protected final WebContents mWebContents;
/** Builds instances of credit card scanners. */
public interface Factory {
* Builds an instance of credit card scanner.
* @param webContents The web contents that are requesting a scan.
* @param delegate The delegate to notify of scanning result.
* @return An object that can scan a credit card.
CreditCardScanner create(WebContents webContents, Delegate delegate);
/** The delegate for credit card scanning. */
public interface Delegate {
/** Notifies the delegate that scanning was cancelled. */
void onScanCancelled();
* Notifies the delegate that scanning was successful.
* @param cardHolderName The card holder name.
* @param cardNumber Credit card number.
* @param expirationMonth Expiration month in the range [1, 12].
* @param expirationYear Expiration year, e.g. 2000.
void onScanCompleted(
String cardHolderName, String cardNumber, int expirationMonth, int expirationYear);
* Sets the factory that can build instances of credit card scanners.
* @param factory Can build instances of credit card scanners.
public static void setFactory(Factory factory) {
sFactory = factory;
* Creates an instance of a credit card scanner.
* @param webContents The web contents that are requesting a scan.
* @param delegate The delegate to notify of scanning result.
* @return An object that can scan a credit card.
public static CreditCardScanner create(WebContents webContents, Delegate delegate) {
return sFactory != null
? sFactory.create(webContents, delegate)
: new CreditCardScanner(webContents, delegate);
* Constructor for the credit card scanner.
* @param webContents The web contents that are requesting a scan.
* @param delegate The delegate to notify of scanning result.
protected CreditCardScanner(WebContents webContents, Delegate delegate) {
mWebContents = webContents;
mDelegate = delegate;
* Returns true if this instance has the ability to scan credit cards.
* @return True if has ability to scan credit cards.
public boolean canScan() {
return false;
/** Scans a credit card. Will invoke a delegate callback with the result. */
public void scan() {