// Defines properties which are available on the Settings object.
// Please think carefully before adding a new Setting. Some questions to
// consider are:
// - Should this be a RuntimeEnabledFeature instead? Settings are for things
// which we support either values of at runtime. Features are set at renderer
// process startup and are never changed. Features also tend to be set to a
// value based on the platform or the stability of the code in question, where
// as settings both codepaths need to be stable.
// - How will you ensure test coverage of all relevant values of your setting?
// - Is the default value appropriate for other platforms or ports which may
// not be aware of your setting?
// - Can your setting result in behavior differences observable to web
// developers?
// - Should this setting ideally be removed in the future? If so please file
// a bug and reference it in the comments for your setting.
// One reason to add a Setting is to manage the risk associated with adding a
// new feature. For example, we may choose to ship a new UI behavior or
// performance optimization to ChromeOS users first (in order to gather feedback
// and metrics on its use from the wild) before attempting to ship it to
// Windows.
// FIXME: Add support for global settings.
// FIXME: Add support for custom getters/setters.
// Valid parameters for data entries below.
parameters: {
type: {
default: "bool",
valid_type: "str", // The string value should be a C++ type name
// List of files containing the definitions of the types in 'type'.
include_paths: {
default: [],
valid_type: "list",
// The initial value. Can be a boolean, integer or string representing the
// value.
// Can be set per platform using an object with keys being any of the
// platforms listed in valid_keys below. The 'default' key will cover any
// platforms that has not been explicitly specified and should always be
// present.
initial: {
valid_keys: ["Android", "Win", "ChromeOS_Ash", "ChromeOS_Lacros", "Mac", "Linux"],
invalidate: {
default: [],
valid_type: "list",
// See SettingsDelegate::ChangeType for valid values (without "k"),
data: [
name: "defaultTextEncodingName",
type: "String",
// Do not hide chars typed in password fields immediately, but let the last char stay
// visible for N seconds, configured by the passwordEchoDurationInSeconds setting
// FIXME: Enable automatically if passwordEchoDurationInSeconds is set to a positive value.
name: "passwordEchoEnabled",
initial: false,
// Configure how long the last char should say visible in seconds.
name: "passwordEchoDurationInSeconds",
initial: 1,
type: "double",
// Sets the magnification value for validation message timer. If the
// magnification value is N, a validation message disappears automatically after
// <message length> * N / 1000 seconds. If N is equal to or less than 0, a
// validation message doesn't disappears automaticaly.
name: "validationMessageTimerMagnification",
initial: 50,
type: "int",
// Sets the minimum font-size in CSS px. That means the minimum font-size is
// applied before applying the device scale factor or page zoom.
name: "minimumFontSize",
initial: 0,
invalidate: ["Style"],
type: "int",
// Sets the minimum font-size in CSS px, but only applies to relative font
// units like 'small', em, and percentage sizes.
name: "minimumLogicalFontSize",
initial: 0,
invalidate: ["Style"],
type: "int",
name: "defaultFontSize",
initial: 0,
invalidate: ["Style"],
type: "int",
name: "defaultFixedFontSize",
initial: 0,
invalidate: ["Style"],
type: "int",
name: "editingBehaviorType",
// NOTEs
// 1) EditingMacBehavior comprises builds on Mac;
// 2) EditingWindowsBehavior comprises builds on Windows;
// 3) EditingUnixBehavior comprises all unix-based systems, but
// Darwin/MacOS/Android (and then abusing the terminology);
// 4) EditingAndroidBehavior comprises Android builds.
// 99) MacEditingBehavior is used a fallback.
initial: {
"Mac": "mojom::blink::EditingBehavior::kEditingMacBehavior",
"Win": "mojom::blink::EditingBehavior::kEditingWindowsBehavior",
"Android": "mojom::blink::EditingBehavior::kEditingAndroidBehavior",
"ChromeOS_Ash": "mojom::blink::EditingBehavior::kEditingChromeOSBehavior",
"ChromeOS_Lacros": "mojom::blink::EditingBehavior::kEditingChromeOSBehavior",
"default": "mojom::blink::EditingBehavior::kEditingUnixBehavior",
type: "mojom::EditingBehavior",
include_paths: [
name: "localStorageEnabled",
initial: false,
name: "allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs",
initial: true,
invalidate: ["UniversalAccess"],
name: "allowFileAccessFromFileURLs",
initial: true,
name: "supportsMultipleWindows",
initial: true,
name: "javaScriptCanAccessClipboard",
initial: false,
name: "shouldPrintBackgrounds",
initial: false,
name: "shouldClearDocumentBackground",
initial: true,
name: "HighlightAds",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["HighlightAds"],
name: "textAreasAreResizable",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["Style"],
name: "acceleratedCompositingEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["AcceleratedCompositing"],
name: "allowScriptsToCloseWindows",
initial: false,
// FIXME: This should really be disabled by default as it makes platforms that
// don't support the feature download files they can't use by.
// Leaving enabled for now to not change existing behavior.
name: "downloadableBinaryFontsEnabled",
initial: true,
name: "LCDTextPreference",
type: "LCDTextPreference",
include_paths: [
initial: "LCDTextPreference::kStronglyPreferred",
invalidate: ["AcceleratedCompositing"],
name: "webGL1Enabled",
initial: true,
name: "webGL2Enabled",
initial: true,
name: "webGLErrorsToConsoleEnabled",
initial: true,
name: "antialiased2dCanvasEnabled",
initial: true,
name: "antialiasedClips2dCanvasEnabled",
initial: true,
name: "accelerated2dCanvasMSAASampleCount",
initial: 0,
type: "int",
name: "hyperlinkAuditingEnabled",
initial: false,
name: "allowRunningOfInsecureContent",
initial: true,
name: "pictureInPictureEnabled",
initial: true,
name: "webAppScope",
type: "String",
name: "presentationRequiresUserGesture",
initial: true,
name: "embeddedMediaExperienceEnabled",
initial: false,
// This is true when the page is being displayed in a 3D context (eg, a VR
// headset).
name: "immersiveModeEnabled",
initial: false,
// Only affects main thread scrolling
name: "scrollAnimatorEnabled",
initial: true,
// Used in web tests for gesture tap highlights. Makes the highlights square
// (rather than rounded) to make it possible to reftest the results.
name: "mockGestureTapHighlightsEnabled",
initial: false,
// This value indicates the number of simultaneous multi-touch points supported
// by the currently connected screen/digitizer that supports the most points.
// From Pointer Events spec:
// http://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents///widl-Navigator-maxTouchPoints
name: "maxTouchPoints",
initial: 0,
type: "int",
// Determines whether WebViewClient::didTapMultipleTargets will be used for
// touch disambiguation.
name: "multiTargetTapNotificationEnabled",
initial: true,
// Determines whether the barrel on stylus input should be used for selecting
// text and dragging.
name: "barrelButtonForDragEnabled",
initial: false,
name: "syncXHRInDocumentsEnabled",
initial: true,
name: "targetBlankImpliesNoOpenerEnabledWillBeRemoved",
initial: true,
name: "allowNonEmptyNavigatorPlugins",
initial: false,
name: "cookieEnabled",
initial: true,
name: "navigateOnDragDrop",
initial: true,
name: "DOMPasteAllowed",
initial: false,
name: "allowCustomScrollbarInMainFrame",
initial: true,
name: "placeRTLScrollbarsOnLeftSideInMainFrame",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ScrollbarLayout"],
name: "webSecurityEnabled",
initial: true,
// Special keyboard navigation mode intented for platforms with no
// proper mouse or touch support, such as a TV controller with a remote.
name: "spatialNavigationEnabled",
initial: false,
// This setting adds a means to enable/disable touch initiated drag & drop. If
// enabled, the user can initiate drag using long press.
// crbug.com/304894 tracks removal once it's been enabled on all platforms.
name: "touchDragDropEnabled",
initial: false,
// Fires a contextmenu event when a touch-drag ends, which by default shows
// a context-menu. When implementation issues have been resolved, this
// should be merged to touchDragDropEnabled. See crbug.com/1126473.
name: "touchDragEndContextMenu",
initial: false,
// Some apps could have a default video poster if it is not set.
name: "defaultVideoPosterURL",
type: "String",
name: "smartInsertDeleteEnabled",
initial: false,
name: "selectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled",
initial: {"Win": true, "default": false},
name: "selectionIncludesAltImageText",
initial: false,
name: "selectionStrategy",
initial: "SelectionStrategy::kCharacter",
type: "SelectionStrategy",
include_paths: [
//////////////// Settings used by Android WebView below ////////////////
// This quirk is to maintain compatibility with Android apps built on
// the Android SDK prior to and including version 18.
// Presumably, this can be removed any time after 2015.
// See http://crbug.com/282130.
name: "viewportMetaZeroValuesQuirk",
initial: false,
// Another Android SDK <= 18 quirk, removable 2015.
// See http://crbug.com/295287
name: "ignoreMainFrameOverflowHiddenQuirk",
initial: false,
// Yet another Android SDK <= 18 quirk, removable 2015.
// See http://crbug.com/305236
name: "reportScreenSizeInPhysicalPixelsQuirk",
initial: false,
// One more Android SDK <= 18 quirk, removable 2015.
// See http://crbug.com/306548
name: "viewportMetaMergeContentQuirk",
initial: false,
// This quirk is to maintain compatibility with Android apps.
// It will be possible to remove it once WebSettings.{get|set}UseWideViewPort
// API function will be removed.
// See http://crbug.com/288037.
name: "wideViewportQuirkEnabled",
initial: false,
// Used by the android_webview to support a horizontal height auto-sizing
// mode.
name: "forceZeroLayoutHeight",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ViewportDescription"],
name: "mainFrameClipsContent",
initial: true,
invalidate: ["ViewportPaintProperties"],
// For android.webkit.WebSettings.setUseWideViewport()
// http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebSettings.html//setUseWideViewPort(boolean)
name: "useWideViewport",
initial: true,
invalidate: ["ViewportDescription"],
// For android.webkit.WebSettings.setLoadWithOverviewMode()
// http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebSettings.html//setLoadWithOverviewMode(boolean)
name: "loadWithOverviewMode",
initial: true,
invalidate: ["ViewportDescription"],
// Used by android_webview to support legacy apps that inject script into a top-level initial empty
// document and expect it to persist on navigation, even though the origin is unique. Note that this
// behavior violates the requirements described by [Initialising a new Document object] in
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html//navigating-across-documents.
name: "shouldReuseGlobalForUnownedMainFrame",
initial: false,
//////////////// End of settings used by Android WebView ////////////////
// Touch based text selection and editing on desktop.
// crbug.com/304873 tracks removal once it's been enabled on all platforms.
name: "touchEditingEnabled",
initial: false,
// The rubber-band overscroll effect is implemented in Blink and is being moved
// to the compositor thread. This will be set to true and eventually removed.
// crbug.com/133097
name: "rubberBandingOnCompositorThread",
initial: false,
// The current state of caret browsing mode.
name: "caretBrowsingEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["Style"],
// Font scale factor for accessibility, applied as part of text autosizing.
name: "accessibilityFontScaleFactor",
initial: "1.0",
invalidate: ["TextAutosizing"],
type: "double",
// Font weight adjustment for accessibility, set at OS-level.
name: "accessibilityFontWeightAdjustment",
initial: "0",
type: "int",
// Text size contrast factor for accessibility, applied as part of page zoom.
name: "accessibilityTextSizeContrastFactor",
initial: "0",
type: "int",
// Only used by web tests and inspector emulation.
name: "mediaTypeOverride",
initial: "\"\"",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "String",
name: "displayModeOverride",
initial: "blink::mojom::DisplayMode::kUndefined",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "blink::mojom::DisplayMode",
include_paths: [
// Only used by web tests.
name: "windowShowState",
initial: "ui::WindowShowState::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "ui::WindowShowState",
include_paths: ["ui/base/ui_base_types.h"],
// Only used by web tests.
name: "resizable",
initial: true,
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "bool",
// loadsImagesAutomatically only suppresses the network load of
// the image URL. A cached image will still be rendered if requested.
name: "loadsImagesAutomatically",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ImageLoading"],
name: "imagesEnabled",
initial: true,
invalidate: ["ImageLoading"],
name: "imageAnimationPolicy",
initial: "mojom::blink::ImageAnimationPolicy::kImageAnimationPolicyAllowed",
type: "mojom::blink::ImageAnimationPolicy",
include_paths: [
// Html preload scanning is a fast, early scan of HTML documents to find loadable
// resources before the parser advances to them. If it is disabled, resources will
// be loaded later.
name: "doHtmlPreloadScanning",
initial: true,
name: "pluginsEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["Plugins"],
name: "viewportEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ViewportDescription"],
name: "viewportMetaEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ViewportDescription"],
// When true, Blink will use the content width and viewport size to set the
// minimum scale factor such that the user can't zoom out into the area
// beyond the content.
name: "shrinksViewportContentToFit",
initial: false,
name: "dnsPrefetchingEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["DNSPrefetching"],
// Clients that execute script should call ExecutionContext::canExecuteScripts()
// instead of this function. ExecutionContext::canExecuteScripts() checks the
// HTML sandbox, plugin sandboxing, and other important details.
name: "scriptEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
name: "parserScriptingFlagPolicy",
initial: "ParserScriptingFlagPolicy::kOnlyIfScriptIsEnabled",
type: "ParserScriptingFlagPolicy",
include_paths: [
// Forces Android Overlay Scrollbar for mobile emulator.
name: "forceAndroidOverlayScrollbar",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ScrollbarLayout"],
// Set the timeout seconds of the network-quiet timers in IdlenessDetector.
// Used by embedders who want to change the timeout time in order to run web contents
// on various embedded devices and changeable network bandwidths in different regions.
name: "NetworkQuietTimeout",
initial: "0.5",
type: "double",
// Forces initialization of main world, even if no scripts will be executed.
// Used by inspector to report all contexts.
name: "forceMainWorldInitialization",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["DOMWorlds"],
// Forces TouchEventFeatureDetection conditional feature for all main
// worlds in the page. Used by inspector to emulate touch on devices
// which don't support it naturally.
name: "forceTouchEventFeatureDetectionForInspector",
initial: false,
// Compensates for poor text legibility on mobile devices. This value is
// multiplied by the font scale factor when performing text autosizing of
// websites that do not set an explicit viewport description.
name: "deviceScaleAdjustment",
initial: "1.0",
invalidate: ["TextAutosizing"],
type: "double",
// This value is set to false if the platform does not support fullscreen.
// When set to false all the requests to enter fullscreen will return an error
// (fullscreenerror or webkitfullscreenerror) as specified in the standard:
// http://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org///dom-element-requestfullscreen
name: "fullscreenSupported",
initial: true,
// V8 supports different types of caching. Used by V8 bindings.
name: "v8CacheOptions",
initial: "mojom::blink::V8CacheOptions::kDefault",
type: "mojom::blink::V8CacheOptions",
include_paths: [
// These values are bit fields for the properties of available pointing devices
// and may take on multiple values (e.g. laptop with touchpad and touchscreen
// has pointerType coarse *and* fine).
name: "availablePointerTypes",
initial: "ui::POINTER_TYPE_NONE",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "int",
include_paths: ["ui/base/pointer/pointer_device.h"],
name: "availableHoverTypes",
initial: "ui::HOVER_TYPE_NONE",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "int",
include_paths: ["ui/base/pointer/pointer_device.h"],
// These values specify properties of the user's primary pointing device only.
name: "primaryPointerType",
initial: "mojom::blink::PointerType::kPointerNone",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "blink::mojom::PointerType",
include_paths: [
name: "primaryHoverType",
initial: "mojom::blink::HoverType::kHoverNone",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "mojom::blink::HoverType",
include_paths: [
// The ability of the output device to modify the appearance of content once
// it has been rendered:
// kSlowType: E-ink screens or severely under-powered devices.
// kFastType: Computer screens.
name: "outputDeviceUpdateAbilityType",
initial: "mojom::blink::OutputDeviceUpdateAbilityType::kFastType",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "mojom::blink::OutputDeviceUpdateAbilityType",
include_paths: [
// If true, the value in password fields is exposed to assistive technologies.
name: "accessibilityPasswordValuesEnabled",
initial: false,
// If true, context menu will be shown on mouse up instead of mouse down.
// Typically enabled on Windows to match platform convention.
name: "showContextMenuOnMouseUp",
initial: false,
// If true, context menu will be shown on any long press event.
// Used on Android to prevent a context menu from being shown in certain situations
// (i.e. long pressing an empty div)
name: "alwaysShowContextMenuOnTouch",
initial: true,
name: "disableReadingFromCanvas",
initial: false,
name: "strictMixedContentChecking",
initial: false,
name: "strictMixedContentCheckingForPlugin",
initial: false,
name: "strictPowerfulFeatureRestrictions",
initial: false,
name: "strictlyBlockBlockableMixedContent",
initial: false,
name: "allowGeolocationOnInsecureOrigins",
initial: false,
name: "logDnsPrefetchAndPreconnect",
initial: false,
name: "logPreload",
initial: false,
name: "smoothScrollForFindEnabled",
initial: false,
// These values specify the UA intial viewport style.
// It is dynamically set by the inspector for mobile emulation and can be
// used by content embedders to specify custom style on certain platforms.
name: "viewportStyle",
initial: "mojom::blink::ViewportStyle::kDefault",
invalidate: ["ViewportStyle"],
type: "mojom::blink::ViewportStyle",
include_paths: [
// Automatic track selection is performed based on user preference for track kind specified
// by this setting.
name: "textTrackKindUserPreference",
initial: "TextTrackKindUserPreference::kDefault",
invalidate: ["TextTrackKindUserPreference"],
type: "TextTrackKindUserPreference",
include_paths: [
// User style overrides for captions and subtitles
name: "textTrackBackgroundColor",
type: "String",
name: "textTrackFontFamily",
type: "String",
name: "textTrackFontStyle",
type: "String",
name: "textTrackFontVariant",
type: "String",
name: "textTrackTextColor",
type: "String",
name: "textTrackTextShadow",
type: "String",
name: "textTrackTextSize",
type: "String",
name: "textTrackWindowColor",
type: "String",
name: "textTrackWindowRadius",
type: "String",
// Margin for title-safe placement of cues with overscan, gives top and bottom margin size as
// percentage of video element height (for horizontal text) into which cues will not be placed.
name: "textTrackMarginPercentage",
initial: 0,
type: "double",
// Do we want to try to save screen real estate in the media player by hiding
// the volume slider / mute button?
name: "preferHiddenVolumeControls",
initial: false,
// Whether to disallow network fetches for parser blocking scripts in the main
// frame inserted via document.write, for users on 2G or connections that are
// effectively 2G.
name: "disallowFetchForDocWrittenScriptsInMainFrameIfEffectively2G",
initial: false,
// Whether to disallow network fetches for parser blocking scripts in the main
// frame inserted via document.write, for users on slow connections.
name: "disallowFetchForDocWrittenScriptsInMainFrameOnSlowConnections",
initial: true,
// Whether to disallow network fetches for parser blocking scripts in the main
// frame inserted via document.write, regardless of connection type.
name: "disallowFetchForDocWrittenScriptsInMainFrame",
initial: false,
// Whether to invalidate device-dependent media queries and restore scroll positions
// on frame resize assuming device rotation.
name: "mainFrameResizesAreOrientationChanges",
initial: false,
name: "hideScrollbars",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ViewportPaintProperties"],
// Spellchecking is enabled by default for elements that do not specify it explicitly
// using the "spellcheck" attribute.
name: "spellCheckEnabledByDefault",
initial: true,
// Whether download UI should be hidden for the current page content.
name: "hideDownloadUI",
initial: false,
// Whether the frame is a presentation receiver and should expose
// `navigator.presentation.receiver`.
name: "presentationReceiver",
initial: false,
// Whether Blink should show media controls when `controls` attribute is used.
name: "mediaControlsEnabled",
initial: true,
invalidate: ["MediaControls"],
// Whether we should not update selection attributes when mutating selection range.
// TODO(changwan): remove this flag when we no longer support Android M.
name: "doNotUpdateSelectionOnMutatingSelectionRange",
initial: false,
// Defines the autoplay policy to use.
name: "autoplayPolicy",
type: "AutoplayPolicy::Type",
include_paths: ["third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/media/autoplay_policy.h"],
initial: "AutoplayPolicy::Type::kNoUserGestureRequired",
// `getDisplayMedia()`'s transient activation requirement can be bypassed via
// `ScreenCaptureWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins` policy.
name: "requireTransientActivationForGetDisplayMedia",
initial: true,
// `show{OpenFile|SaveFile|Directory}Picker()`'s transient activation
// requirement can be bypassed via
// `FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins` policy.
name: "requireTransientActivationForShowFileOrDirectoryPicker",
initial: true,
// Dark mode
name: "forceDarkModeEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ColorScheme", "Style", "Paint"],
name: "navigatorPlatformOverride",
type: "String",
name: "lowPriorityIframesThreshold",
initial: "WebEffectiveConnectionType::kTypeUnknown",
type: "WebEffectiveConnectionType",
include_paths: [
name: "shouldProtectAgainstIpcFlooding",
initial: true,
name: "lazyLoadEnabled",
initial: true,
// Lazy loading frame margins (distance from viewport) for different effective connection types.
name: "lazyLoadingFrameMarginPxUnknown",
initial: 4000,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingFrameMarginPxOffline",
initial: 8000,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingFrameMarginPxSlow2G",
initial: 8000,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingFrameMarginPx2G",
initial: 6000,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingFrameMarginPx3G",
initial: 3500,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingFrameMarginPx4G",
initial: 2500,
type: "int",
// Lazy loading image margins for different effective connection types.
name: "lazyLoadingImageMarginPxUnknown",
initial: 3000,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingImageMarginPxOffline",
initial: 8000,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingImageMarginPxSlow2G",
initial: 8000,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingImageMarginPx2G",
initial: 6000,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingImageMarginPx3G",
initial: 2500,
type: "int",
name: "lazyLoadingImageMarginPx4G",
initial: 1250,
type: "int",
// The forced colors state for the web content. The forced colors state
// is used to evaluate the forced-colors media query, as well as determining
// when to apply system color overrides to author specified styles.
name: "inForcedColors",
initial: false,
type: "bool",
name: "isForcedColorsDisabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["ForcedColors"],
type: "bool",
// The preferred color scheme set by the user's browser settings. The
// variable follows the browser's color mode setting unless a browser theme
// (custom or not) is defined, in which case the color scheme is set to the
// default value. This value is used to evaluate the used color scheme in
// non overlay root scrollbars.
name: "preferredRootScrollbarColorScheme",
initial: "mojom::blink::PreferredColorScheme::kLight",
invalidate: ["Paint"],
type: "mojom::blink::PreferredColorScheme",
include_paths: [
// Preferred color scheme from the OS/application passed to the renderer for
// evaluating the prefers-color-scheme media query.
name: "preferredColorScheme",
initial: "mojom::blink::PreferredColorScheme::kLight",
invalidate: ["ColorScheme"],
type: "mojom::blink::PreferredColorScheme",
include_paths: [
// Preferred contrast from the OS/application passed to the renderer for
// evaluating the prefers-contrast media query.
name: "preferredContrast",
initial: "mojom::blink::PreferredContrast::kNoPreference",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "mojom::blink::PreferredContrast",
include_paths: [
// Preferred motion-reduction setting from the OS/application passed to the
// renderer for evaluating the prefers-reduced-motion media query.
name: "prefersReducedMotion",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
// Preferred transparency-reduction setting from the OS/application passed to the
// renderer for evaluating the prefers-reduced-transparency media query.
name: "prefersReducedTransparency",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
// inverted-colors setting from the OS/application passed to the
// renderer for evaluating the inverted-colors media query.
name: "invertedColors",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
name: "DontSendKeyEventsToJavascript",
initial: false,
// Navigation controls from the application passed to the renderer for
// evaluating the navigation-controls media query.
name: "navigationControls",
initial: "NavigationControls::kNone",
invalidate: ["MediaQuery"],
type: "NavigationControls",
include_paths: [
name: "accessibilityAlwaysShowFocus",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["Style"],
// aria-modal="true" on some platforms requires the accessibility tree to
// be pruned so no other background content is exposed to assistive
// technology.
// https://www.w3.org/TR/core-aam-1.1/#ariaModalTrue
name: "ariaModalPrunesAXTree",
initial: false,
// The AXMenuList class provides a fake implementation of the
// select element pop-up menu, which is required on platforms like
// Mac and Android that use a native pop-up. On other platforms you
// can set this flag to false and expose the actual pop-up menu
// instead of letting AXMenuList handle it.
name: "useAXMenuList",
initial: true,
name: "selectionClipboardBufferAvailable",
initial: false,
name: "accessibilityIncludeSvgGElement",
initial: false,
name: "bypassCSP",
initial: false,
// Enables automatic adjustments of text size on mobile. This enables the
// text autosizer, and controls whether text-size-adjust can apply.
name: "textAutosizingEnabled",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["TextAutosizing"],
// Only set by web tests, and only used if textAutosizingEnabled is true.
name: "textAutosizingWindowSizeOverride",
invalidate: ["TextAutosizing"],
type: "gfx::Size",
include_paths: ["ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"],
name: "WebXRImmersiveArAllowed",
initial: true,
type: "bool",
name: "modalContextMenu",
initial: true,
type: "bool",
// This number determines how small we are willing to reduce the page
// content in order to accommodate the widest piece of content. If the
// page would have to be reduced smaller to make the widest line fit, we
// just clip instead.
name: "printingMaximumShrinkFactor",
initial: 1.5,
type: "float",
name: "prefersDefaultScrollbarStyles",
initial: false,
invalidate: ["Style"],
type: "bool",
// SubApps APIs transient activation requirement can be bypassed via
// `SubAppsAPIsAllowedWithoutGestureAndAuthorizationForOrigins` policy.
name: "requireTransientActivationAndAuthorizationForSubAppsAPI",
initial: true,