
// This file is generated by TypeBuilder_h.template.

// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef blink_protocol_DOM_h
#define blink_protocol_DOM_h

#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/protocol/protocol.h"
// For each imported domain we generate a ValueConversions struct instead of a full domain definition
// and include Domain::API version from there.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/protocol/runtime.h"

namespace blink {
namespace protocol {
namespace DOM {
class BackendNode;
class Node;
class DetachedElementInfo;
class RGBA;
class BoxModel;
class ShapeOutsideInfo;
class Rect;
class CSSComputedStyleProperty;

// ------------- Forward and enum declarations.

namespace PseudoTypeEnum {
CORE_EXPORT extern const char FirstLine[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char FirstLetter[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Before[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char After[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Marker[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Backdrop[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Selection[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char SearchText[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char TargetText[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char SpellingError[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char GrammarError[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Highlight[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char FirstLineInherited[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollMarker[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollMarkerGroup[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollNextButton[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollPrevButton[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Scrollbar[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollbarThumb[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollbarButton[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollbarTrack[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollbarTrackPiece[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ScrollbarCorner[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Resizer[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char InputListButton[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ViewTransition[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ViewTransitionGroup[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ViewTransitionImagePair[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ViewTransitionOld[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char ViewTransitionNew[];
} // namespace PseudoTypeEnum

namespace ShadowRootTypeEnum {
CORE_EXPORT extern const char UserAgent[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Open[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Closed[];
} // namespace ShadowRootTypeEnum

namespace CompatibilityModeEnum {
CORE_EXPORT extern const char QuirksMode[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char LimitedQuirksMode[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char NoQuirksMode[];
} // namespace CompatibilityModeEnum

namespace PhysicalAxesEnum {
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Horizontal[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Vertical[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Both[];
} // namespace PhysicalAxesEnum

namespace LogicalAxesEnum {
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Inline[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Block[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Both[];
} // namespace LogicalAxesEnum

namespace ScrollOrientationEnum {
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Horizontal[];
CORE_EXPORT extern const char Vertical[];
} // namespace ScrollOrientationEnum

namespace Enable {
namespace IncludeWhitespaceEnum {
CORE_EXPORT extern const char* None;
CORE_EXPORT extern const char* All;
} // IncludeWhitespaceEnum
} // Enable

namespace GetElementByRelation {
namespace RelationEnum {
CORE_EXPORT extern const char* PopoverTarget;
} // RelationEnum
} // GetElementByRelation

// ------------- Type and builder declarations.

class CORE_EXPORT BackendNode : public ::crdtp::ProtocolObject<BackendNode> {};

class CORE_EXPORT Node : public ::crdtp::ProtocolObject<Node> {};

class CORE_EXPORT DetachedElementInfo : public ::crdtp::ProtocolObject<DetachedElementInfo> {};

class CORE_EXPORT RGBA : public ::crdtp::ProtocolObject<RGBA> {};

class CORE_EXPORT BoxModel : public ::crdtp::ProtocolObject<BoxModel> {};

class CORE_EXPORT ShapeOutsideInfo : public ::crdtp::ProtocolObject<ShapeOutsideInfo> {};

class CORE_EXPORT Rect : public ::crdtp::ProtocolObject<Rect> {};

class CORE_EXPORT CSSComputedStyleProperty : public ::crdtp::ProtocolObject<CSSComputedStyleProperty> {};

// ------------- Backend interface.

class CORE_EXPORT Backend {};

// ------------- Frontend interface.

class CORE_EXPORT Frontend {};

// ------------- Dispatcher.

class CORE_EXPORT Dispatcher {};

// ------------- Metainfo.

class CORE_EXPORT Metainfo {};

} // namespace DOM
} // namespace blink
} // namespace protocol

#endif // !defined(blink_protocol_DOM_h)