// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.bookmarks;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import androidx.annotation.DimenRes;
import androidx.annotation.StringRes;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordUserAction;
import org.chromium.chrome.R;
import org.chromium.components.bookmarks.BookmarkItem;
import org.chromium.components.bookmarks.BookmarkType;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Helper class to manage all the logic and UI behind adding the reading list section headers in the
* bookmark content UI.
class ReadingListSectionHeader {
* Sorts the reading list and adds section headers if the list is a reading list. Noop, if the
* list isn't a reading list. The layout rows are shown in the following order : 1 - Any promo
* header 2 - Section header with title "Unread" 3 - Unread reading list articles. 4 - Section
* header with title "Read" 5 - Read reading list articles.
* @param listItems The list of bookmark items to be shown in the UI.
public static void maybeSortAndInsertSectionHeaders(List<BookmarkListEntry> listItems) {
if (listItems.isEmpty()) return;
// Compute the first reading list index. The topmost item(s) could be promo headers.
int readingListStartIndex = 0;
for (BookmarkListEntry listItem : listItems) {
boolean isReadingListItem =
listItem.getBookmarkItem() != null
&& listItem.getBookmarkItem().getId().getType()
== BookmarkType.READING_LIST;
if (isReadingListItem) break;
// If we have no read/unread elements, exit.
if (readingListStartIndex == listItems.size()) return;
sort(listItems, readingListStartIndex);
// Always show both read/unread section headers even if we may have only one reading list
// item.
listItems.add(readingListStartIndex, createReadingListSectionHeader(/* read= */ false));
// Search for the first read element, and insert the read section header.
for (int i = readingListStartIndex + 1; i < listItems.size(); i++) {
BookmarkListEntry listItem = listItems.get(i);
assert listItem.getBookmarkItem().getId().getType() == BookmarkType.READING_LIST;
if (listItem.getBookmarkItem().isRead()) {
listItems.add(i, createReadingListSectionHeader(/* read= */ true));
// If no read reading list items, add a read section header at the end.
listItems.add(listItems.size(), createReadingListSectionHeader(/* read= */ true));
/** Sorts the given {@code listItems} to show unread items ahead of read items. */
private static void sort(List<BookmarkListEntry> listItems, int readingListStartIndex) {
// TODO(crbug.com/40156540): Sort items by creation time possibly.
listItems.subList(readingListStartIndex, listItems.size()),
(lhs, rhs) -> {
// Unread items are shown first, then sorted based on creation time.
BookmarkItem lhsItem = lhs.getBookmarkItem();
BookmarkItem rhsItem = rhs.getBookmarkItem();
// Sort by read status first.
if (lhsItem.isRead() != rhsItem.isRead()) {
return Boolean.compare(lhsItem.isRead(), rhsItem.isRead());
// Sort by creation timestamp descending for items with the same read status.
return Long.compare(rhsItem.getDateAdded(), lhsItem.getDateAdded());
private static BookmarkListEntry createReadingListSectionHeader(boolean read) {
final @StringRes int titleRes =
read ? R.string.reading_list_read : R.string.reading_list_unread;
final @DimenRes int topPaddingRes =
read ? R.dimen.bookmark_reading_list_section_header_padding_top : Resources.ID_NULL;
return BookmarkListEntry.createSectionHeader(titleRes, topPaddingRes);
private static void recordMetrics(List<BookmarkListEntry> listItems) {
int numUnreadItems = 0;
int numReadItems = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < listItems.size(); i++) {
// Skip the headers.
if (listItems.get(i).getBookmarkItem() == null) continue;
if (listItems.get(i).getBookmarkItem().isRead()) {
} else {
"Bookmarks.ReadingList.NumberOfReadItems", numReadItems);
"Bookmarks.ReadingList.NumberOfUnreadItems", numUnreadItems);
"Bookmarks.ReadingList.NumberOfItems", numReadItems + numUnreadItems);