
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_block_flow.h"

// We still have the legacy layout tree structure, which means that a multicol
// container LayoutBlockFlow will consist of a LayoutFlowThread child, followed
// by zero or more siblings of type LayoutMultiColumnSet and/or
// LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder. NG needs to skip these special
// objects. The actual content is inside the flow thread.

namespace blink {

// Return the layout object that should be the first child LayoutInputNode of
// |parent|. Normally this will just be the first layout object child, but there
// are certain layout objects that should be skipped for NG.
inline LayoutObject* GetLayoutObjectForFirstChildNode(LayoutBlock* parent) {}

// Return the layout object that should be the parent LayoutInputNode of
// |object|. Normally this will just be the parent layout object, but there
// are certain layout objects that should be skipped for NG.
// |Type| should be either "LayoutObject*" or "const LayoutObject*", and may be
// deduced automatically at the call site, based on the type of |object| (unless
// it's a subclass of LayoutObject rather than LayoutObject itself).
template <typename Type>
inline Type GetLayoutObjectForParentNode(Type object) {}

// Return true if the LayoutInputNode children of the LayoutInputNode
// established by |block| will be inline; see LayoutObject::ChildrenInline().
inline bool AreNGBlockFlowChildrenInline(const LayoutBlock* block) {}

}  // namespace blink