// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
namespace ash {
class AppListToastContainerView;
class AppsGridView;
class ContinueSectionView;
class RecentAppsView;
// Provides access to various views. Provides an abstraction around the
// clamshell bubble launcher vs. the fullscreen tablet launcher.
class ASH_EXPORT AppListViewProvider {
// Returns the continue section view or null.
virtual ContinueSectionView* GetContinueSectionView() = 0;
// Returns the recent apps view or null.
virtual RecentAppsView* GetRecentAppsView() = 0;
// Returns the toast container view or null.
virtual AppListToastContainerView* GetToastContainerView() = 0;
// Returns the apps grid view, which may be either scrollable or paged.
virtual AppsGridView* GetAppsGridView() = 0;
virtual ~AppListViewProvider() = default;
} // namespace ash