
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in LICENSE file.

#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/platform.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/testing/sim/sim_request.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/testing/sim/sim_test.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/thread.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/thread_scheduler.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/testing/runtime_enabled_features_test_helpers.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/testing/testing_platform_support_with_mock_scheduler.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/testing/unit_test_helpers.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/wtf_size_t.h"


namespace blink {

// When a page is backgrounded this is the absolute smallest amount of time
// that can elapse between timer wake-ups.
constexpr auto kDefaultThrottledWakeUpInterval =;

// This test suite relies on messages being posted to the console. In order to
// be resilient against messages not posted by this specific test suite, a small
// prefix is used to allowed filtering.
constexpr char kTestConsoleMessagePrefix[] =;

// A SimTest with mock time.
class ThrottlingTestBase : public SimTest {};

class DisableBackgroundThrottlingIsRespectedTest
    : public ThrottlingTestBase,
      private ScopedTimerThrottlingForBackgroundTabsForTest {};

       DisableBackgroundThrottlingIsRespected) {}

class BackgroundPageThrottlingTest : public ThrottlingTestBase {};

TEST_F(BackgroundPageThrottlingTest, TimersThrottledInBackgroundPage) {}

// Verify the execution time of non-nested timers on a hidden page.
// - setTimeout(..., 0) and setTimeout(..., -1) schedule their callback after
//   1ms. The 1 ms delay exists for historical reasons
// - setTimeout(..., 5) schedules its callback at the next aligned time
TEST_F(BackgroundPageThrottlingTest, WithoutNesting) {}

// Verify that on a hidden page, a timer created with setTimeout(..., 0) is
// throttled after 5 nesting levels.
TEST_F(BackgroundPageThrottlingTest, NestedSetTimeoutZero) {}

// Verify that in a hidden page, a timer created with setInterval(..., 0) is
// throttled after 5 nesting levels.
TEST_F(BackgroundPageThrottlingTest, NestedSetIntervalZero) {}

class AbortSignalTimeoutThrottlingTest : public BackgroundPageThrottlingTest {};

TEST_F(AbortSignalTimeoutThrottlingTest, TimeoutsThrottledInBackgroundPage) {}

TEST_F(AbortSignalTimeoutThrottlingTest, ZeroMsTimersNotThrottled) {}

namespace {

class IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingTest : public ThrottlingTestBase {};

// Use to install a function that does not actually communicate with the user.
constexpr char kCommunicationNop[] =;

// Use to install a function that will communicate with the user via title
// update.
constexpr char kCommunicateThroughTitleScript[] =;

// Use to install a function that will communicate with the user via favicon
// update.
constexpr char kCommunicateThroughFavisonScript[] =;

// A script that schedules a timer task which logs to the console. The timer
// task has a high nesting level and its timeout is not aligned on the intensive
// wake up throttling interval.
constexpr char kLongUnalignedTimerScriptTemplate[] =;

// A time delta that matches the delay in the above script.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kLongUnalignedTimerDelay =;

// Builds a page that waits 5 minutes and then creates a timer that reschedules
// itself 50 times with 10 ms delay. The timer task logs |console_message| to
// the console and invokes maybeCommunicateInBackground(). The caller must
// provide the definition of maybeCommunicateInBackground() via
// |communicate_script|.
String BuildRepeatingTimerPage(const char* console_message,
                               const char* communicate_script) {}

}  // namespace

// Verify that a main frame timer that reposts itself with a 10 ms timeout runs
// once every minute.
TEST_F(IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingTest, MainFrameTimer_ShortTimeout) {}

// Verify that a main frame timer that reposts itself with a 10 ms timeout runs
// once every |kDefaultThrottledWakeUpInterval| after the first confirmed page
// communication through title update.
TEST_F(IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingTest, MainFrameTimer_ShortTimeout_TitleUpdate) {}

// Verify that a main frame timer that reposts itself with a 10 ms timeout runs
// once every |kDefaultThrottledWakeUpInterval| after the first confirmed page
// communication through favicon update.
       MainFrameTimer_ShortTimeout_FaviconUpdate) {}

// Verify that a same-origin subframe timer that reposts itself with a 10 ms
// timeout runs once every minute.
TEST_F(IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingTest, SameOriginSubFrameTimer_ShortTimeout) {}

// Verify that a cross-origin subframe timer that reposts itself with a 10 ms
// timeout runs once every minute.
TEST_F(IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingTest, CrossOriginSubFrameTimer_ShortTimeout) {}

// Verify that a main frame timer with a long timeout runs at the desired run
// time when there is no other recent timer wake up.
TEST_F(IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingTest, MainFrameTimer_LongUnalignedTimeout) {}

// Verify that a same-origin subframe timer with a long timeout runs at the
// desired run time when there is no other recent timer wake up.
       SameOriginSubFrameTimer_LongUnalignedTimeout) {}

// Verify that a cross-origin subframe timer with a long timeout runs at an
// aligned time, even when there is no other recent timer wake up (in a
// same-origin frame, it would have run at the desired time).
       CrossOriginSubFrameTimer_LongUnalignedTimeout) {}

// Verify that if both the main frame and a cross-origin frame schedule a timer
// with a long unaligned delay, the main frame timer runs at the desired time
// (because there was no recent same-origin wake up) while the cross-origin
// timer runs at an aligned time.
       MainFrameAndCrossOriginSubFrameTimer_LongUnalignedTimeout) {}

}  // namespace blink