// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.content.CustomTabActivityNavigationController.FinishReason.USER_NAVIGATION;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.browserservices.intents.BrowserServicesIntentDataProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.content.CustomTabActivityNavigationController.FinishReason;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.content.CustomTabActivityTabController;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.content.CustomTabActivityTabProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.features.minimizedcustomtab.CustomTabMinimizationManagerHolder;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.dependency_injection.ActivityScope;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.NavigationController;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.NavigationHistory;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.inject.Inject;
* Closes the tab or navigates back when the Custom Tabs close button is pressed. The algorithm
* depends on whether the tab is a child tab - {@link Tab#getParentId()} != Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID.
* If the tab is not a child tab:
* Navigates to the most recent page which matches a criteria. We call this page the landing page.
* For instance, Trusted Web Activities show the close button when the user has left the verified
* origin. If the user then presses the close button, we want to navigate back to the verified
* origin instead of closing the Activity.
* If the tab is a child tab:
* Webapps: Closes the current tab
* Other: Same algorithm as non-child tabs.
* Thread safety: Should only be called on UI thread.
* Native: Requires native.
public class CloseButtonNavigator {
@Nullable private Predicate<String> mLandingPagePredicate;
private final CustomTabActivityTabController mTabController;
private final CustomTabActivityTabProvider mTabProvider;
private final CustomTabMinimizationManagerHolder mMinimizationManagerHolder;
private final boolean mButtonClosesChildTab;
public CloseButtonNavigator(
CustomTabActivityTabController tabController,
CustomTabActivityTabProvider tabProvider,
BrowserServicesIntentDataProvider intentDataProvider,
CustomTabMinimizationManagerHolder minimizationManagerHolder) {
mTabController = tabController;
mTabProvider = tabProvider;
mButtonClosesChildTab = intentDataProvider.isWebappOrWebApkActivity();
mMinimizationManagerHolder = minimizationManagerHolder;
* Sets the criteria for the page to go back to.
* @param criteria A predicate that returns true when given the URL of a landing page.
public void setLandingPageCriteria(Predicate<String> criteria) {
assert mLandingPagePredicate == null : "Conflicting criteria for close button navigation.";
mLandingPagePredicate = criteria;
private boolean isLandingPage(String url) {
return mLandingPagePredicate != null && mLandingPagePredicate.test(url);
/** Handles navigation and Tab closures that should occur when the close button is pressed. */
public void navigateOnClose(Callback<@FinishReason Integer> finishCallback) {
// If the tab is a child tab and |mButtonClosesChildTab| == true, close the child tab.
Tab currentTab = mTabProvider.getTab();
boolean isFromChildTab =
(currentTab != null && currentTab.getParentId() != Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID);
if (isFromChildTab && mButtonClosesChildTab) {
// Search for a landing page in the history of the current Tab and then close if if none
// found. Continue until a landing page is found or all Tabs are closed.
int numTabsClosed = 0;
while (mTabProvider.getTab() != null) {
// See if there's a close button navigation in our current Tab.
NavigationController navigationController = getNavigationController();
if (navigationController != null && navigateSingleTab(getNavigationController())) {
// If the tab is currently minimized, finishing the Activity without closing all the
// tabs prevents the `CustomTabTabObserver#onAllTabsClosed` from being sent. So, we
// should let the last tab get closed if the tab is minimized because the flashing won't
// be visible in that case.
var minimizationManager = mMinimizationManagerHolder.getMinimizationManager();
boolean isMinimized = minimizationManager != null && minimizationManager.isMinimized();
if (mTabController.onlyOneTabRemaining() && !isMinimized) {
// If we call mTabController.closeTab() and wait for the Activity to close as a
// result, we have a blank screen flashing before closing. https://crbug.com/1518767
// Check whether the close button navigation would have stopped on the newly revealed
// Tab. We don't check this at the start of the loop (or make navigateSingleTab
// consider the current Tab) because in that case if the user started on a landing page,
// we would not navigate at all.
Tab nextTab = mTabProvider.getTab();
if (nextTab != null && isLandingPage(nextTab.getUrl().getSpec())) {
if (numTabsClosed > 0) {
"CustomTabs.TabCounts.OnClosingAllTabs", numTabsClosed);
* Navigates to the most recent landing page on the current Tab. Returns {@code false} if no
* criteria for what is a landing page has been given or no such page can be found.
private boolean navigateSingleTab(@Nullable NavigationController controller) {
if (mLandingPagePredicate == null || controller == null) return false;
NavigationHistory history = controller.getNavigationHistory();
for (int i = history.getCurrentEntryIndex() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String url = history.getEntryAtIndex(i).getUrl().getSpec();
if (!isLandingPage(url)) continue;
return true;
return false;
private @Nullable NavigationController getNavigationController() {
Tab tab = mTabProvider.getTab();
if (tab == null) return null;
WebContents webContents = tab.getWebContents();
if (webContents == null) return null;
return webContents.getNavigationController();