// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsSessionToken;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.IntentHandler;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.WarmupManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.EmptyTabObserver;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.RedirectHandlerTabHelper;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabLaunchType;
import org.chromium.components.embedder_support.util.UrlUtilities;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.Referrer;
import org.chromium.network.mojom.ReferrerPolicy;
import org.chromium.ui.base.PageTransition;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.url.Origin;
* Holds a hidden tab which may be used to preload pages before a CustomTabActivity is launched.
* Lifecycle: 1:1 relationship between this and {@link CustomTabsConnection}.
* Thread safety: Only access on UI Thread.
* Native: This class needs native to be loaded (since it creates Tabs).
public class HiddenTabHolder {
/** Holds the parameters for the current hidden tab speculation. */
static final class SpeculationParams {
public final CustomTabsSessionToken session;
public final String url;
public final Tab tab;
public final String referrer;
private SpeculationParams(
CustomTabsSessionToken session, String url, Tab tab, String referrer) {
this.session = session;
this.url = url;
this.tab = tab;
this.referrer = referrer;
private class HiddenTabObserver extends EmptyTabObserver {
// This WindowAndroid is "owned" by the Tab and should be destroyed when it is no longer
// needed by the Tab or when the Tab is destroyed.
private WindowAndroid mOwnedWindowAndroid;
public HiddenTabObserver(WindowAndroid ownedWindowAndroid) {
mOwnedWindowAndroid = ownedWindowAndroid;
public void onCrash(Tab tab) {
public void onDestroyed(Tab tab) {
public void onActivityAttachmentChanged(Tab tab, WindowAndroid window) {
private void destroyOwnedWindow(Tab tab) {
assert mOwnedWindowAndroid != null;
mOwnedWindowAndroid = null;
@Nullable private SpeculationParams mSpeculation;
* Creates a hidden tab and initiates a navigation.
* @param tabCreatedCallback Callback run with the tab that is created. This is run before the
* url is loaded.
* @param session The {@link CustomTabsSessionToken} for the Tab to be associated with.
* @param profile The Profile the tab is associated with.
* @param clientManager The {@link ClientManager} to get referrer information and link
* PostMessage.
* @param url The URL to load into the Tab.
* @param extras Extras to be passed that may contain referrer information.
* @param webContents The {@link WebContents} to use in the hidden tab. If null the default is
* used.
void launchUrlInHiddenTab(
Callback<Tab> tabCreatedCallback,
CustomTabsSessionToken session,
Profile profile,
ClientManager clientManager,
String url,
@Nullable Bundle extras,
@Nullable WebContents webContents) {
assert mSpeculation == null;
Intent extrasIntent = new Intent();
if (extras != null) extrasIntent.putExtras(extras);
// Ensures no Browser.EXTRA_HEADERS were in the Intent.
if (IntentHandler.getExtraHeadersFromIntent(extrasIntent) != null) return;
WarmupManager warmupManager = WarmupManager.getInstance();
if (warmupManager.hasSpareTab(profile) && webContents != null) {
warmupManager.createRegularSpareTab(profile, webContents);
// In case creating the tab fails for some reason.
if (!warmupManager.hasSpareTab(profile)) return;
Tab tab =
HiddenTabObserver observer = new HiddenTabObserver(tab.getWindowAndroid());
// Updating post message as soon as we have a valid WebContents.
clientManager.resetPostMessageHandlerForSession(session, tab.getWebContents());
LoadUrlParams loadParams = new LoadUrlParams(url);
String referrer = IntentHandler.getReferrerUrlIncludingExtraHeaders(extrasIntent);
if (referrer == null && clientManager.getDefaultReferrerForSession(session) != null) {
referrer = clientManager.getDefaultReferrerForSession(session).getUrl();
if (referrer == null) referrer = "";
if (!referrer.isEmpty()) {
loadParams.setReferrer(new Referrer(referrer, ReferrerPolicy.DEFAULT));
// The sender of an intent can't be trusted, so we navigate from an opaque Origin to
// avoid sending same-site cookies.
loadParams.setTransitionType(PageTransition.LINK | PageTransition.FROM_API);
mSpeculation = new SpeculationParams(session, url, tab, referrer);
* Returns the preloaded {@link Tab} if it matches the given |url| and |referrer|. Null if no
* such {@link Tab}. If a {@link Tab} is preloaded but it does not match, it is discarded.
* @param session The Binder object identifying a session the hidden tab was created for.
* @param ignoreFragments Whether to ignore fragments while matching the url.
* @param url The URL the tab is for.
* @param referrer The referrer to use for |url|.
* @return The hidden tab, or null.
Tab takeHiddenTab(
@Nullable CustomTabsSessionToken session,
boolean ignoreFragments,
String url,
@Nullable String referrer) {
try (TraceEvent e = TraceEvent.scoped("CustomTabsConnection.takeHiddenTab")) {
if (mSpeculation == null || session == null) return null;
if (!session.equals(mSpeculation.session)) return null;
Tab tab = mSpeculation.tab;
String speculatedUrl = mSpeculation.url;
String speculationReferrer = mSpeculation.referrer;
mSpeculation = null;
boolean urlsMatch =
? UrlUtilities.urlsMatchIgnoringFragments(speculatedUrl, url)
: TextUtils.equals(speculatedUrl, url);
if (referrer == null) referrer = "";
if (urlsMatch && TextUtils.equals(speculationReferrer, referrer)) {
return tab;
} else {
return null;
/** Cancels the speculation for a given session, or any session if null. */
void destroyHiddenTab(@Nullable CustomTabsSessionToken session) {
if (mSpeculation == null) return;
if (session != null && !session.equals(mSpeculation.session)) return;
mSpeculation = null;
/** Gets the url of the current hidden tab, if it exists. */
String getSpeculatedUrl(CustomTabsSessionToken session) {
if (mSpeculation == null || !mSpeculation.session.equals(session)) {
return null;
return mSpeculation.url;
/** Returns whether there currently is a hidden tab. */
boolean hasHiddenTab() {
return mSpeculation != null;
public Tab getHiddenTabForTesting() {
return mSpeculation != null ? mSpeculation.tab : null;
SpeculationParams getSpeculationParamsForTesting() {
return mSpeculation;