<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- This file is meant to test how many times the WebLocalFrameClient will be
notified of a change in the current manifest URL associated with the document. -->
<link rel='manifest' href=''>
<link rel='manifest'>
<link rel='manifest foo'>
<link rel='manifest' crossorigin foo bar>
<!-- 4 times (= 4) -->
<link rel='manifest'>
<!-- 1 time (= 5) -->
function createLink(href, rel) {
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.href = href;
link.rel = rel;
return link;
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
var link = document.createElement('link');
document.head.appendChild(createLink('foo.json', 'manifest'));
document.head.appendChild(createLink('foo.json', ''));
document.head.appendChild(createLink('foo.json', 'manifest'));
document.head.insertBefore(createLink('foo.json', 'manifest'), links[0]);
// 3 times (= 8)
links[0].crossOrigin = 'use-credentials';
links[0].media = '';
links[0].type = 'image/gif';
// 2 times (= 10)
links[0].href = 'bar.json';
links[0].rel = 'blah';
links[0].rel = 'manifest';
// 3 times (= 13)
// 1 time (= 14)