
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// ChromeOS Diagnostics API.
// Prototype API used to retrieve diagnostics information from the system, e.g.
// CPU/memory usage statistics and OS information.
// Available to window LaCrOS main frames when enabled.
interface CrosDiagnostics {
  // Retrieves diagnostics information of the CPU.
  // Returns a promise containing diagnostics information
  // of the CPU, e.g. model name, utilization and temperature.
  [CallWith=ScriptState] Promise<CrosCpuInfo> getCpuInfo();

  // Retrieves diagnostics information on network interfaces.
  // Returns a promise containing diagnostics information on each network interface
  // attached to the system, e.g. network name and the associated IP address.
  [CallWith=ScriptState] Promise<sequence<CrosNetworkInterface>> getNetworkInterfaces();