// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.download;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.DownloadManager;
import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.graphics.Typeface;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.style.ClickableSpan;
import android.text.style.StyleSpan;
import androidx.annotation.MainThread;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JniType;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.base.ApplicationStatus;
import org.chromium.base.BuildInfo;
import org.chromium.base.ContentUriUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.FileUtils;
import org.chromium.base.IntentUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.chrome.R;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.IntentHandler;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.app.download.home.DownloadActivityLauncher;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.download.items.OfflineContentAggregatorFactory;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.feature_engagement.TrackerFactory;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.flags.ChromeFeatureList;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.media.MediaViewerUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.offlinepages.DownloadUiActionFlags;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.offlinepages.OfflinePageBridge;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.offlinepages.OfflinePageOrigin;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.offlinepages.OfflinePageUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.offlinepages.downloads.OfflinePageDownloadBridge;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.pdf.PdfUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.OTRProfileID;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.ProfileManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabLaunchType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.document.ChromeAsyncTabLauncher;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.util.ChromeAccessibilityUtil;
import org.chromium.components.background_task_scheduler.TaskIds;
import org.chromium.components.download.DownloadState;
import org.chromium.components.download.ResumeMode;
import org.chromium.components.embedder_support.util.UrlConstants;
import org.chromium.components.feature_engagement.EventConstants;
import org.chromium.components.feature_engagement.Tracker;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.ContentId;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.FailState;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.LaunchLocation;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.LegacyHelpers;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.OfflineItem;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.OpenParams;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.BrowserStartupController;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.ui.UiUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.base.DeviceFormFactor;
import org.chromium.ui.base.MimeTypeUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.widget.Toast;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.io.File;
/** A class containing some utility static methods. */
public class DownloadUtils {
private static final String TAG = "download";
public static final String EXTRA_OTR_PROFILE_ID =
private static final String MIME_TYPE_ZIP = "application/zip";
private static final String DOCUMENTS_UI_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.android.documentsui";
* Displays the download manager UI. Note the UI is different on tablets and on phones.
* @param activity The current activity is available.
* @param tab The current tab if it exists.
* @param otrProfileID The {@link OTRProfileID} to determine whether download home should be
* opened in incognito mode. If null, download page will be opened in normal profile.
* @param source The source where the user action is coming from.
* @return Whether the UI was shown.
public static boolean showDownloadManager(
@Nullable Activity activity,
@Nullable Tab tab,
@Nullable OTRProfileID otrProfileID,
@DownloadOpenSource int source) {
return showDownloadManager(activity, tab, otrProfileID, source, false);
* Displays the download manager UI. Note the UI is different on tablets and on phones.
* @param activity The current activity is available.
* @param tab The current tab if it exists.
* @param otrProfileID The {@link OTRProfileID} to determine whether download home should be
* opened in incognito mode. Only used when no valid current or recent tab presents.
* @param source The source where the user action is coming from.
* @param showPrefetchedContent Whether the manager should start with prefetched content section
* expanded.
* @return Whether the UI was shown.
public static boolean showDownloadManager(
@Nullable Activity activity,
@Nullable Tab tab,
@Nullable OTRProfileID otrProfileID,
@DownloadOpenSource int source,
boolean showPrefetchedContent) {
// Figure out what tab was last being viewed by the user.
if (activity == null) activity = ApplicationStatus.getLastTrackedFocusedActivity();
Context appContext = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
boolean isTablet;
if (tab == null && activity instanceof ChromeTabbedActivity) {
ChromeTabbedActivity chromeActivity = ((ChromeTabbedActivity) activity);
tab = chromeActivity.getActivityTab();
isTablet = chromeActivity.isTablet();
} else {
Context displayContext = activity != null ? activity : appContext;
isTablet = DeviceFormFactor.isNonMultiDisplayContextOnTablet(displayContext);
// Use tab's profile if a valid tab exists.
if (otrProfileID == null && tab != null) {
otrProfileID = tab.getProfile().getOTRProfileID();
// If the profile is off-the-record and it does not exist, then do not start the activity.
if (OTRProfileID.isOffTheRecord(otrProfileID)
&& !ProfileManager.getLastUsedRegularProfile()
.hasOffTheRecordProfile(otrProfileID)) {
return false;
if (isTablet) {
// Download Home shows up as a tab on tablets.
LoadUrlParams params = new LoadUrlParams(UrlConstants.DOWNLOADS_URL);
if (tab == null || !tab.isInitialized()) {
// Open a new tab, which pops Chrome into the foreground.
ChromeAsyncTabLauncher delegate = new ChromeAsyncTabLauncher(false);
delegate.launchNewTab(params, TabLaunchType.FROM_CHROME_UI, null);
} else {
// Download Home shows up inside an existing tab, but only if the last Activity was
// the ChromeTabbedActivity.
// Bring Chrome to the foreground, if possible. Unless Chrome is already in the
// foreground, this request is most likely coming from a notification.
Intent intent =
tab.getId(), IntentHandler.BringToFrontSource.NOTIFICATION);
if (intent != null) {
IntentUtils.safeStartActivity(appContext, intent);
} else {
.showDownloadActivity(activity, otrProfileID, showPrefetchedContent);
if (BrowserStartupController.getInstance().isFullBrowserStarted()) {
Profile profile =
otrProfileID == null
? ProfileManager.getLastUsedRegularProfile()
: ProfileManager.getLastUsedRegularProfile()
otrProfileID, /* createIfNeeded= */ true);
Tracker tracker = TrackerFactory.getTrackerForProfile(profile);
DownloadMetrics.recordDownloadPageOpen(source, tab);
return true;
* @param intent An {@link Intent} instance.
* @return The {@link OTRProfileID} that is attached to the given intent.
public static OTRProfileID getOTRProfileIDFromIntent(Intent intent) {
String serializedId = IntentUtils.safeGetString(intent.getExtras(), EXTRA_OTR_PROFILE_ID);
return OTRProfileID.deserialize(serializedId);
* @param intent An {@link Intent} instance.
* @return The boolean to state whether the profile exists or not.
public static boolean doesProfileExistFromIntent(Intent intent) {
boolean isProfileManagerInitialized = ProfileManager.isInitialized();
if (!isProfileManagerInitialized) {
return false;
String serializedId = IntentUtils.safeGetString(intent.getExtras(), EXTRA_OTR_PROFILE_ID);
OTRProfileID otrProfileID = OTRProfileID.deserializeWithoutVerify(serializedId);
return otrProfileID == null
|| ProfileManager.getLastUsedRegularProfile().hasOffTheRecordProfile(otrProfileID);
* Called to determine whether to use user initiated Jobs API for ensuring download completion.
* @return True for using Jobs. False for using Foreground service.
public static boolean shouldUseUserInitiatedJobs() {
return ChromeFeatureList.sDownloadsMigrateToJobsAPI.isEnabled()
* Called to determine whether a given job is a user-initiated job or a regular job.
* @return Whether the job is an user initiated job.
public static boolean isUserInitiatedJob(int taskId) {
switch (taskId) {
return DownloadUtils.shouldUseUserInitiatedJobs();
return false;
* @return Whether or not pagination headers should be shown on download home.
public static boolean shouldShowPaginationHeaders() {
return ChromeAccessibilityUtil.get().isAccessibilityEnabled()
|| UiUtils.isHardwareKeyboardAttached();
* Shows a "Downloading..." toast. Should be called after a download has been started.
* @param context The {@link Context} used to make the toast.
public static void showDownloadStartToast(Context context) {
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.download_started, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
* Trigger the download of an Offline Page.
* @param context Context to pull resources from.
* @param tab Tab triggering the download.
public static void downloadOfflinePage(Context context, Tab tab) {
if (tab.isNativePage() && tab.getNativePage().isPdf()) {
DownloadController.downloadUrl(tab.getUrl().getSpec(), tab);
OfflinePageOrigin origin = new OfflinePageOrigin(context, tab);
if (tab.isShowingErrorPage()) {
// The download needs to be scheduled to happen at later time due to current network
// error.
final OfflinePageBridge bridge = OfflinePageBridge.getForProfile(tab.getProfile());
} else {
// Otherwise, the download can be started immediately.
OfflinePageDownloadBridge.startDownload(tab, origin);
Tracker tracker = TrackerFactory.getTrackerForProfile(tab.getProfile());
* Whether the user should be allowed to download the current page.
* @param tab Tab displaying the page that will be downloaded.
* @return Whether the "Download Page" button should be enabled.
public static boolean isAllowedToDownloadPage(Tab tab) {
if (tab == null) return false;
// Offline pages isn't supported in Incognito. This should be checked before calling
// OfflinePageBridge.getForProfile because OfflinePageBridge instance will not be found
// for incognito profile.
if (tab.isIncognito()) return false;
// Check if the page url is supported for saving. Only HTTP and HTTPS pages are allowed.
if (!OfflinePageBridge.canSavePage(tab.getUrl())) return false;
// Download will only be allowed for the error page if download button is shown in the page.
if (tab.isShowingErrorPage()) {
final OfflinePageBridge bridge = OfflinePageBridge.getForProfile(tab.getProfile());
return bridge.isShowingDownloadButtonInErrorPage(tab.getWebContents());
// Don't allow re-downloading the currently displayed offline page.
if (OfflinePageUtils.isOfflinePage(tab)) return false;
return true;
* Returns a URI that points at the file.
* @param filePath File path to get a URI for.
* @return URI that points at that file, either as a content:// URI or a file:// URI.
public static Uri getUriForItem(String filePath) {
if (ContentUriUtils.isContentUri(filePath)) return Uri.parse(filePath);
// It's ok to use blocking calls on main thread here, since the user is waiting to open or
// share the file to other apps.
boolean isOnSDCard = DownloadDirectoryProvider.isDownloadOnSDCard(filePath);
if (isOnSDCard) {
// Use custom file provider to generate content URI for download on SD card.
return DownloadFileProvider.createContentUri(filePath);
// Use FileProvider to generate content URI or file URI.
return FileUtils.getUriForFile(new File(filePath));
* Get the URI when shared or opened by other apps.
* @param filePath Downloaded file path.
* @return URI for other apps to use the file via {@link android.content.ContentResolver}.
public static Uri getUriForOtherApps(String filePath) {
return getUriForItem(filePath);
private static @JniType("std::string") String getUriStringForPath(
@JniType("std::string") String filePath) {
if (ContentUriUtils.isContentUri(filePath)) return filePath;
Uri uri = getUriForItem(filePath);
return uri != null ? uri.toString() : new String();
* Utility method to open an {@link OfflineItem}, which can be a chrome download, offline page.
* Falls back to open download home.
* @param contentId The {@link ContentId} of the associated offline item.
* @param otrProfileID The {@link OTRProfileID} of the download. Null if in regular mode.
* @param source The location from which the download was opened.
public static void openItem(
ContentId contentId,
OTRProfileID otrProfileID,
@DownloadOpenSource int source,
Context context) {
if (LegacyHelpers.isLegacyAndroidDownload(contentId)) {
new Intent(DownloadManager.ACTION_VIEW_DOWNLOADS)
} else {
OpenParams openParams = new OpenParams(LaunchLocation.PROGRESS_BAR);
openParams.openInIncognito = OTRProfileID.isOffTheRecord(otrProfileID);
OfflineContentAggregatorFactory.get().openItem(openParams, contentId);
* Opens a file in Chrome or in another app if appropriate.
* @param filePath Path to the file to open, can be a content Uri.
* @param mimeType mime type of the file.
* @param downloadGuid The associated download GUID.
* @param otrProfileID The {@link OTRProfileID} of the download. Null if in regular mode.
* @param originalUrl The original url of the downloaded file.
* @param referrer Referrer of the downloaded file.
* @param source The source that tries to open the download file.
* @return whether the file could successfully be opened.
public static boolean openFile(
String filePath,
String mimeType,
String downloadGuid,
OTRProfileID otrProfileID,
String originalUrl,
String referrer,
@DownloadOpenSource int source,
Context context) {
DownloadMetrics.recordDownloadOpen(source, mimeType);
DownloadManagerService service = DownloadManagerService.getDownloadManagerService();
// Check if Chrome should open the file itself.
if (service.isDownloadOpenableInBrowser(mimeType)) {
// Share URIs use the content:// scheme when able, which looks bad when displayed
// in the URL bar.
Uri contentUri = getUriForItem(filePath);
Uri fileUri = contentUri;
if (!ContentUriUtils.isContentUri(filePath)) {
File file = new File(filePath);
fileUri = Uri.fromFile(file);
String normalizedMimeType = Intent.normalizeMimeType(mimeType);
// Sharing for media files is disabled on automotive.
boolean isAutomotive = BuildInfo.getInstance().isAutomotive;
Intent intent =
/* displayUri= */ ,
/* contentUri= */ ,
IntentHandler.startActivityForTrustedIntent(context, intent);
service.updateLastAccessTime(downloadGuid, otrProfileID);
return true;
// Check if any apps can open the file.
try {
// TODO(qinmin): Move this to an AsyncTask so we don't need to temper with strict mode.
Uri uri =
? Uri.parse(filePath)
: getUriForOtherApps(filePath);
Intent viewIntent =
MediaViewerUtils.createViewIntentForUri(uri, mimeType, originalUrl, referrer);
service.updateLastAccessTime(downloadGuid, otrProfileID);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot start activity to open file", e);
// If this is a zip file, check if Android Files app exists.
if (MIME_TYPE_ZIP.equals(mimeType)) {
try {
PackageInfo packageInfo =
if (packageInfo != null) {
Intent viewDownloadsIntent = new Intent(DownloadManager.ACTION_VIEW_DOWNLOADS);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot find files app for openning zip files", e);
// Can't launch the Intent.
if (source != DownloadOpenSource.DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_INFO_BAR) {
return false;
* Opens a completed download.
* @param filePath File path on disk of the download to open.
* @param mimeType MIME type of the downloaded file.
* @param downloadGuid Unique GUID of the download.
* @param otrProfileID User's OTRProfileID.
* @param originalUrl URL which initially triggered the download itself.
* @param referer URL of the page which redirected to the download URL.
* @param source Where this download was initiated from.
public static void openDownload(
@JniType("std::string") String filePath,
@JniType("std::string") String mimeType,
@JniType("std::string") String downloadGuid,
OTRProfileID otrProfileID,
@JniType("std::string") String originalUrl,
@JniType("std::string") String referer,
@DownloadOpenSource int source) {
// Mapping generic MIME type to android openable type based on URL and file extension.
String newMimeType = MimeUtils.remapGenericMimeType(mimeType, originalUrl, filePath);
Activity activity = ApplicationStatus.getLastTrackedFocusedActivity();
DownloadMessageUiController messageUiController =
if (messageUiController != null
&& messageUiController.isDownloadInterstitialItem(
new GURL(originalUrl), downloadGuid)) {
Tab tab = null;
if (activity instanceof ChromeTabbedActivity chromeActivity) {
// TODO(crbug.com/356713476): Stop using the deprecated method.
tab = chromeActivity.getActivityTab();
if (otrProfileID == null && tab != null) {
otrProfileID = tab.getProfile().getOTRProfileID();
boolean isIncognito = OTRProfileID.isOffTheRecord(otrProfileID);
// TODO(https://crbug.com/327680567): Ensure the pdf page is opened in the intended window.
if (PdfUtils.shouldOpenPdfInline(isIncognito)
&& newMimeType.equals(MimeTypeUtils.PDF_MIME_TYPE)) {
LoadUrlParams params = new LoadUrlParams(PdfUtils.encodePdfPageUrl(filePath));
ChromeAsyncTabLauncher delegate = new ChromeAsyncTabLauncher(isIncognito);
delegate.launchNewTab(params, TabLaunchType.FROM_CHROME_UI, /* parent= */ null);
boolean canOpen =
activity == null ? ContextUtils.getApplicationContext() : activity);
if (!canOpen) {
DownloadUtils.showDownloadManager(null, null, otrProfileID, source);
* Fires an Intent to open a downloaded item.
* @param context Context to use.
* @param intent Intent that can be fired.
* @return Whether an Activity was successfully started for the Intent.
static boolean fireOpenIntentForDownload(Context context, Intent intent) {
try {
if (TextUtils.equals(intent.getPackage(), context.getPackageName())) {
} else {
return true;
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
"Activity not found for "
+ intent.getType()
+ " over "
+ intent.getData().getScheme(),
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
Log.d(TAG, "cannot open intent: " + intent, ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.d(TAG, "cannot open intent: " + intent, ex);
return false;
* Get the resume mode based on the current fail state, to distinguish the case where download
* cannot be resumed at all or can be resumed in the middle, or should be restarted from the
* beginning.
* @param url URL of the download.
* @param failState Why the download failed.
* @return The resume mode for the current fail state.
public static @ResumeMode int getResumeMode(
String url, @FailState @JniType("offline_items_collection::FailState") int failState) {
return DownloadUtilsJni.get().getResumeMode(url, failState);
* Query the Download backends about whether a download is paused.
* <p>The Java-side contains more information about the status of a download than is persisted
* by the native backend, so it is queried first.
* @param item Download to check the status of.
* @return Whether the download is paused or not.
public static boolean isDownloadPaused(DownloadItem item) {
DownloadSharedPreferenceHelper helper = DownloadSharedPreferenceHelper.getInstance();
DownloadSharedPreferenceEntry entry =
if (entry != null) {
// The Java downloads backend knows more about the download than the native backend.
return !entry.isAutoResumable;
} else {
// Only the native downloads backend knows about the download.
if (item.getDownloadInfo().state() == DownloadState.IN_PROGRESS) {
return item.getDownloadInfo().isPaused();
} else {
return item.getDownloadInfo().state() == DownloadState.INTERRUPTED;
* Return whether a download is pending.
* @param item Download to check the status of.
* @return Whether the download is pending or not.
public static boolean isDownloadPending(DownloadItem item) {
DownloadSharedPreferenceHelper helper = DownloadSharedPreferenceHelper.getInstance();
DownloadSharedPreferenceEntry entry =
return entry != null
&& item.getDownloadInfo().state() == DownloadState.INTERRUPTED
&& entry.isAutoResumable;
* Gets the duplicate infobar or dialog text for regular downloads.
* @param context Context to be used.
* @param template Template of the text to be displayed.
* @param filePath Suggested file path of the download.
* @param addSizeStringIfAvailable Whether size string should be added to the dialog text.
* @param totalBytes Size of the download.
* @param clickableSpan Action to perform when clicking on the file name.
* @return message to be displayed on the infobar or dialog.
public static CharSequence getDownloadMessageText(
final Context context,
final String template,
final String filePath,
boolean addSizeStringIfAvailable,
long totalBytes,
final ClickableSpan clickableSpan) {
return getMessageText(
new File(filePath).getName(),
* Gets the infobar or dialog text for offline page downloads.
* @param context Context to be used.
* @param filePath Path of the file to be displayed.
* @param duplicateRequestExists Whether a duplicate request exists.
* @param clickableSpan Action to perform when clicking on the page link.
* @return message to be displayed on the infobar or dialog.
public static CharSequence getOfflinePageMessageText(
final Context context,
String filePath,
boolean duplicateRequestExists,
ClickableSpan clickableSpan) {
String template =
? R.string.duplicate_download_request_infobar_text
: R.string.duplicate_download_infobar_text);
return getMessageText(
/* addSizeStringIfAvailable= */ ,
/* totalBytes= */ ,
* Open a given page URL.
* @param context Context to be used.
* @param pageUrl URL of the page.
public static void openPageUrl(Context context, String pageUrl) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
* Helper method to get the text to be displayed for duplicate download.
* @param template Message template.
* @param fileName Name of the file.
* @param addSizeStringIfAvailable Whether size string should be added to the dialog text.
* @param totalBytes Size of the download.
* @param clickableSpan Action to perform when clicking on the file name.
* @return message to be displayed on the infobar.
private static CharSequence getMessageText(
final String template,
final String fileName,
boolean addSizeStringIfAvailable,
long totalBytes,
final ClickableSpan clickableSpan) {
final SpannableString formattedFilePath = new SpannableString(fileName);
new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD),
clickableSpan, 0, fileName.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
if (!addSizeStringIfAvailable) {
return TextUtils.expandTemplate(template, formattedFilePath);
} else {
String sizeString = "";
if (totalBytes > 0) {
sizeString =
" ("
+ org.chromium.components.browser_ui.util.DownloadUtils
ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(), totalBytes)
+ ")";
return TextUtils.expandTemplate(template, formattedFilePath, sizeString);
interface Natives {
int getResumeMode(
@JniType("std::string") String url,
@FailState @JniType("offline_items_collection::FailState") int failState);