
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

] interface BackgroundFetchRegistration : EventTarget {
    readonly attribute DOMString id;
    readonly attribute unsigned long long uploadTotal;
    readonly attribute unsigned long long uploaded;
    readonly attribute unsigned long long downloadTotal;
    readonly attribute unsigned long long downloaded;
    readonly attribute BackgroundFetchResult result;
    [HighEntropy, Measure] readonly attribute BackgroundFetchFailureReason failureReason;
    readonly attribute boolean recordsAvailable;

    attribute EventHandler onprogress;

    [CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException, MeasureAs=BackgroundFetchRegistrationAbort] Promise<boolean> abort();
    [CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException, MeasureAs=BackgroundFetchRegistrationMatch] Promise<BackgroundFetchRecord> match(RequestInfo request, optional CacheQueryOptions options = {});
    [CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException, MeasureAs=BackgroundFetchRegistrationMatchAll] Promise<sequence<BackgroundFetchRecord>> matchAll(optional RequestInfo request, optional CacheQueryOptions options = {});

enum BackgroundFetchResult { "", "success", "failure" };

enum BackgroundFetchFailureReason {
  // The background fetch has not completed yet, or was successful.
  // The operation was aborted by the user, or abort() was called.
  // A response had a not-ok-status.
  // A fetch failed for other reasons, e.g. CORS, MIX, an invalid partial response,
  // or a general network failure for a fetch that cannot be retried.
  // Storage quota was reached during the operation.
  // The provided downloadTotal was exceeded.