# IWYU (include-what-you-use) mapping file.
# This mapping is specific to Blink, as the include path prefix might be
# different in other libraries. For instance, blink includes V8 libraies via
# "v8/include", but V8 includes its own headers directly. This mapping has been
# tested agasint "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/canvas", but could be
# extended to other Blink folders.
{ include: ['@"(include/core/Sk.*)"', 'private', '"third_party/skia/\1"', 'public'] },
{ include: ['@"(absl/.*)"', 'private', '"third_party/abseil-cpp/\1"', 'public'] },
{ include: ['@"(command_buffer/.*)"', 'private', '"gpu/\1"', 'public'] },
{ include: ['@"(v8-.*)"', 'private', '"v8/include/\1"', 'public'] },
{ include: ['"gtest/gtest.h"', 'private', '"testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"', 'public'] },
{ include: ['"gmock/gmock.h"', 'private', '"testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"', 'public'] },
{ symbol: ['UChar', 'private', '"third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_uchar.h"', 'public'] },