// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.firstrun;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.ApiCompatibilityUtils;
import org.chromium.base.CommandLine;
import org.chromium.base.IntentUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ResettersForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.OneshotSupplier;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.IntentHandler;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.LaunchIntentDispatcher;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.flags.ChromeFeatureList;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.flags.ChromeSwitches;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.locale.LocaleManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.partnercustomizations.PartnerBrowserCustomizations;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.ProfileProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.search_engines.SearchEnginePromoType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.signin.services.IdentityServicesProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.signin.history_sync.HistorySyncHelper;
import org.chromium.components.crash.CrashKeyIndex;
import org.chromium.components.crash.CrashKeys;
import org.chromium.components.embedder_support.util.UrlConstants;
import org.chromium.components.signin.AccountManagerFacadeProvider;
import org.chromium.components.signin.identitymanager.ConsentLevel;
import org.chromium.components.signin.identitymanager.IdentityManager;
* A helper to determine what should be the sequence of First Run Experience screens, and whether
* it should be run.
* Usage:
* new FirstRunFlowSequencer(activity, launcherProvidedProperties) {
* override onFlowIsKnown
* }.start();
public abstract class FirstRunFlowSequencer {
private static final String TAG = "firstrun";
* A delegate class to determine if first run promo pages should be shown based on various
* signals. Some methods may be overridden by tests to fake desired behavior.
public static class FirstRunFlowSequencerDelegate {
private final OneshotSupplier<ProfileProvider> mProfileSupplier;
public FirstRunFlowSequencerDelegate(OneshotSupplier<ProfileProvider> profileSupplier) {
mProfileSupplier = profileSupplier;
/** Returns true if the sync consent promo page should be shown. */
boolean shouldShowSyncConsentPage(boolean isChild) {
if (isChild) {
// Always show the sync consent page for child account.
return true;
assert mProfileSupplier.get() != null;
Profile profile = mProfileSupplier.get().getOriginalProfile();
final IdentityManager identityManager =
if (identityManager.getPrimaryAccountInfo(ConsentLevel.SYNC) != null) {
// No need to show the sync consent page if users already consented to sync.
return false;
// Show the sync consent page only to the signed-in users.
return identityManager.hasPrimaryAccount(ConsentLevel.SIGNIN);
boolean shouldShowHistorySyncOptIn(boolean isChild) {
assert mProfileSupplier.get() != null;
Profile profile = mProfileSupplier.get().getOriginalProfile();
HistorySyncHelper historySyncHelper = HistorySyncHelper.getForProfile(profile);
if (isChild) {
return !historySyncHelper.isHistorySyncDisabledByCustodian();
if (historySyncHelper.isHistorySyncDisabledByPolicy()
|| historySyncHelper.didAlreadyOptIn()) {
return false;
// Show the page only to signed-in users.
return IdentityServicesProvider.get()
/** @return true if the Search Engine promo page should be shown. */
public boolean shouldShowSearchEnginePage() {
int searchPromoType = LocaleManager.getInstance().getSearchEnginePromoShowType();
return searchPromoType == SearchEnginePromoType.SHOW_NEW
|| searchPromoType == SearchEnginePromoType.SHOW_EXISTING;
/** Factory that provides Delegate instances for testing. */
public interface DelegateFactoryForTesting {
/** Build a test delegate for the given test. */
FirstRunFlowSequencerDelegate buildFactory(
OneshotSupplier<ProfileProvider> profileSupplier);
* The delegate to be used by the Sequencer. By default, it's an instance of
* {@link FirstRunFlowSequencerDelegate}, unless it's overridden by {@code sDelegateForTesting}.
private FirstRunFlowSequencerDelegate mDelegate;
/** If not null, creates {@code mDelegate} for this object during tests. */
private static DelegateFactoryForTesting sDelegateFactoryForTesting;
private boolean mIsFlowKnown;
private boolean mAccountsAvailable;
private Boolean mIsChild;
* Callback that is called once the flow is determined.
* If the properties is null, the First Run experience needs to finish and
* restart the original intent if necessary.
* @param freProperties Properties to be used in the First Run activity, or null.
public abstract void onFlowIsKnown(Bundle freProperties);
public FirstRunFlowSequencer(
OneshotSupplier<ProfileProvider> profileSupplier,
OneshotSupplier<Boolean> childAccountStatusSupplier) {
mDelegate =
sDelegateFactoryForTesting != null
? sDelegateFactoryForTesting.buildFactory(profileSupplier)
: new FirstRunFlowSequencerDelegate(profileSupplier);
* Starts determining parameters for the First Run. Once finished, calls onFlowIsKnown().
* <p>TODO(crbug.com/40223527): Add Supplier to AccountManagerFacadeProvider and remove this
* method.
void start() {
coreAccountInfos -> {
Math.min(coreAccountInfos.size(), 2));
assert !mAccountsAvailable;
mAccountsAvailable = true;
protected boolean shouldShowSearchEnginePage() {
return mDelegate.shouldShowSearchEnginePage();
private boolean shouldShowSyncConsentPage() {
return mDelegate.shouldShowSyncConsentPage(mIsChild);
private boolean shouldShowHistorySyncOptIn() {
return mDelegate.shouldShowHistorySyncOptIn(mIsChild);
private void setChildAccountStatus(boolean isChild) {
assert mIsChild == null;
mIsChild = isChild;
private void maybeProcessFreEnvironmentPreNative() {
// Wait till both child account status and the list of accounts are available.
if (mIsChild == null || !mAccountsAvailable) return;
if (mIsFlowKnown) return;
mIsFlowKnown = true;
Bundle freProperties = new Bundle();
freProperties.putBoolean(SyncConsentFirstRunFragment.IS_CHILD_ACCOUNT, mIsChild);
* Will be called when native is initialized and on-device policies are initialized (if any).
* @param freProperties Resulting FRE properties bundle.
public void updateFirstRunProperties(Bundle freProperties) {
boolean isHistorySyncEnabled =
if (isHistorySyncEnabled) {
freProperties.putBoolean(FirstRunActivity.SHOW_SYNC_CONSENT_PAGE, false);
FirstRunActivity.SHOW_HISTORY_SYNC_PAGE, shouldShowHistorySyncOptIn());
} else {
FirstRunActivity.SHOW_SYNC_CONSENT_PAGE, shouldShowSyncConsentPage());
freProperties.putBoolean(FirstRunActivity.SHOW_HISTORY_SYNC_PAGE, false);
FirstRunActivity.SHOW_SEARCH_ENGINE_PAGE, shouldShowSearchEnginePage());
/** Marks a given flow as completed. */
public static void markFlowAsCompleted() {
// When the user accepts ToS in the Setup Wizard, we do not show the ToS page to the user
// because the user has already accepted one outside FRE.
if (!FirstRunUtils.isFirstRunEulaAccepted()) {
// Mark the FRE flow as complete.
* Checks if the First Run Experience needs to be launched.
* @param preferLightweightFre Whether to prefer the Lightweight First Run Experience.
* @param fromIntent Intent used to launch the caller.
* @return Whether the First Run Experience needs to be launched.
public static boolean checkIfFirstRunIsNecessary(
boolean preferLightweightFre, Intent fromIntent) {
boolean isCct =
|| LaunchIntentDispatcher.isCustomTabIntent(fromIntent);
return checkIfFirstRunIsNecessary(preferLightweightFre, isCct);
* Checks if the First Run Experience needs to be launched.
* @param preferLightweightFre Whether to prefer the Lightweight First Run Experience.
* @param isCct Whether this check is being made in the context of a CCT.
* @return Whether the First Run Experience needs to be launched.
public static boolean checkIfFirstRunIsNecessary(boolean preferLightweightFre, boolean isCct) {
// If FRE is disabled (e.g. in tests), proceed directly to the intent handling.
if (CommandLine.getInstance().hasSwitch(ChromeSwitches.DISABLE_FIRST_RUN_EXPERIENCE)
|| ApiCompatibilityUtils.isDemoUser()
|| ApiCompatibilityUtils.isRunningInUserTestHarness()) {
return false;
if (FirstRunStatus.getFirstRunFlowComplete()) {
// Promo pages are removed, so there is nothing else to show in FRE.
return false;
if (FirstRunStatus.isFirstRunSkippedByPolicy() && (isCct || preferLightweightFre)) {
// Domain policies may have caused CCTs to skip the FRE. While this needs to be figured
// out at runtime for each app restart, it should apply to all CCTs for the duration of
// the app's lifetime.
return false;
if (preferLightweightFre
&& (FirstRunStatus.shouldSkipWelcomePage()
|| FirstRunStatus.getLightweightFirstRunFlowComplete())) {
return false;
return true;
* Tries to launch the First Run Experience. If the Activity was launched with the wrong Intent
* flags, we first relaunch it to make sure it runs in its own task, then trigger First Run.
* @param caller Activity instance that is checking if first run is necessary.
* @param fromIntent Intent used to launch the caller.
* @param preferLightweightFre Whether to prefer the Lightweight First Run Experience.
* @return Whether startup must be blocked (e.g. via Activity#finish or dropping the Intent).
public static boolean launch(Context caller, Intent fromIntent, boolean preferLightweightFre) {
// Check if the user needs to go through First Run at all.
if (!checkIfFirstRunIsNecessary(preferLightweightFre, fromIntent)) return false;
// Kickoff partner customization, since it's required for the first tab to load.
String intentUrl = IntentHandler.getUrlFromIntent(fromIntent);
Uri uri = intentUrl != null ? Uri.parse(intentUrl) : null;
if (uri != null && UrlConstants.CONTENT_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme())) {
caller.getPackageName(), uri, Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION);
Log.d(TAG, "Redirecting user through FRE.");
CrashKeys.getInstance().set(CrashKeyIndex.FIRST_RUN, "yes");
// Launch the async restriction checking as soon as we know we'll be running FRE.
if ((fromIntent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) != 0) {
FreIntentCreator intentCreator = new FreIntentCreator();
Intent freIntent = intentCreator.create(caller, fromIntent, preferLightweightFre);
// Although the FRE tries to run in the same task now, this is still needed for
// non-activity entry points like the search widget to launch at all. This flag does not
// seem to preclude an old task from being reused.
if (!(caller instanceof Activity)) {
IntentUtils.safeStartActivity(caller, freIntent);
} else {
// First Run requires that the Intent contains NEW_TASK so that it doesn't sit on top
// of something else.
Intent newIntent = new Intent(fromIntent);
IntentUtils.safeStartActivity(caller, newIntent);
return true;
/** Allows specifying an alternative delegate for testing. */
public static void setDelegateFactoryForTesting(DelegateFactoryForTesting factory) {
sDelegateFactoryForTesting = factory;
ResettersForTesting.register(() -> sDelegateFactoryForTesting = null);