// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.firstrun;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.CallbackController;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.OneshotSupplier;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.OneshotSupplierImpl;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.enterprise.util.EnterpriseInfo;
import org.chromium.components.policy.PolicyService;
* Class that listens to signals related to ToSDialogBehavior. Supplies whether ToS dialog should be
* skipped given policy settings.
* To be more specific:
* - Supplies [True] if the ToS dialog is not enabled by policy while device is fully managed;
* - Supplies [False] otherwise.
public class SkipTosDialogPolicyListener implements OneshotSupplier<Boolean> {
private static final String TAG = "SkipTosPolicy";
* Interface that provides histogram to be recorded when signals are available in this listener.
interface HistogramNameProvider {
* Name of time histogram to be recorded when signal "whether device is fully managed" is
* available. The duration between creation of {@link SkipTosDialogPolicyListener} and
* signal received will be recorded.
* @return Name of histogram to be recorded when signal is available.
String getOnDeviceOwnedDetectedTimeHistogramName();
* Name of time histogram to be recorded when signal "whether the Tos dialog is enabled on
* the device" is available. This histogram is not recorded when the value of policy
* TosDialogBehavior is not used to determine the output of this listener.
* The duration between creation of {@link SkipTosDialogPolicyListener} and signal received
* will be recorded.
* @return Name of histogram to be recorded when signal is available.
String getOnPolicyAvailableTimeHistogramName();
private final CallbackController mCallbackController = new CallbackController();
private final OneshotSupplierImpl<Boolean> mSkipTosDialogPolicySupplier =
new OneshotSupplierImpl<>();
private final long mObjectCreatedTimeMs;
private final @Nullable HistogramNameProvider mHistNameProvider;
* This could be null when the policy load listener is provided and owned by other components.
private @Nullable PolicyLoadListener mPolicyLoadListener;
* The value of whether the ToS dialog is enabled on the device. If the value is false, it means
* TosDialogBehavior policy is found and set to SKIP. This can be null when this information
* is not ready yet.
private @Nullable Boolean mTosDialogEnabled;
* Whether the current device is organization owned. This will start null before the check
* occurs. The FRE can only be skipped if the device is organization owned.
private @Nullable Boolean mIsDeviceOwned;
* @param firstRunAppRestrictionInfo Source that providers app restriction information.
* @param policyServiceSupplier Supplier that providers PolicyService when native initialized.
* @param enterpriseInfo Source that provides whether device is managed.
* @param histogramNameProvider Provider that provides histogram names when signals are
* available.
public SkipTosDialogPolicyListener(
FirstRunAppRestrictionInfo firstRunAppRestrictionInfo,
OneshotSupplier<PolicyService> policyServiceSupplier,
EnterpriseInfo enterpriseInfo,
@Nullable HistogramNameProvider histogramNameProvider) {
mObjectCreatedTimeMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
mHistNameProvider = histogramNameProvider;
mPolicyLoadListener =
new PolicyLoadListener(firstRunAppRestrictionInfo, policyServiceSupplier);
initInternally(enterpriseInfo, mPolicyLoadListener);
* @param policyLoadListener Supplier that provides a boolean value *whether reading policy from
* policy service is necessary*. See {@link PolicyLoadListener} for more information.
* @param enterpriseInfo Source that provides whether device is managed.
* @param histogramNameProvider Provider that provides histogram names when signals are
* available.
public SkipTosDialogPolicyListener(
OneshotSupplier<Boolean> policyLoadListener,
EnterpriseInfo enterpriseInfo,
@Nullable HistogramNameProvider histogramNameProvider) {
mObjectCreatedTimeMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
mHistNameProvider = histogramNameProvider;
initInternally(enterpriseInfo, policyLoadListener);
private void initInternally(
EnterpriseInfo enterpriseInfo, OneshotSupplier<Boolean> policyLoadListener) {
Boolean hasPolicy =
if (hasPolicy != null) {
// Check EnterpriseInfo if still needed.
if (mSkipTosDialogPolicySupplier.get() == null) {
/** Destroy the instance and remove all its dependencies. */
public void destroy() {
if (mPolicyLoadListener != null) {
mPolicyLoadListener = null;
public Boolean onAvailable(Callback<Boolean> callback) {
// This supplier posts callbacks to an inner Handler to avoid reentrancy, but this opens the
// possibility of set -> destroy -> callback run, which would violate our public interface.
// Wrapping incoming callback to ensure it cannot be run after destroy().
return mSkipTosDialogPolicySupplier.onAvailable(
* @return Whether the ToS dialog should be skipped given settings on device.
public Boolean get() {
return mSkipTosDialogPolicySupplier.get();
private void onPolicyLoadListenerAvailable(boolean mightHavePolicy) {
if (mTosDialogEnabled != null) return;
if (!mightHavePolicy) {
mTosDialogEnabled = true;
} else {
mTosDialogEnabled = FirstRunUtils.isCctTosDialogEnabled();
if (mHistNameProvider != null) {
String histogramOnPolicyLoaded =
assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(histogramOnPolicyLoaded);
SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mObjectCreatedTimeMs);
private void onIsDeviceOwnedDetected(EnterpriseInfo.OwnedState ownedState) {
if (mIsDeviceOwned != null) return;
mIsDeviceOwned = ownedState != null && ownedState.mDeviceOwned;
if (mHistNameProvider != null) {
String histogramOnEnterpriseInfoLoaded =
assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(histogramOnEnterpriseInfoLoaded);
SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mObjectCreatedTimeMs);
private void setSupplierIfDecidable() {
if (mSkipTosDialogPolicySupplier.get() != null) return;
boolean confirmedDeviceNotOwned = mIsDeviceOwned != null && !mIsDeviceOwned;
boolean confirmedTosDialogEnabled = mTosDialogEnabled != null && mTosDialogEnabled;
boolean hasOutstandingSignal = mIsDeviceOwned == null || mTosDialogEnabled == null;
if (!hasOutstandingSignal) {
"Supplier available, <TosDialogEnabled>="
+ mTosDialogEnabled
+ " <IsDeviceOwned>="
+ mIsDeviceOwned);
mSkipTosDialogPolicySupplier.set(!mTosDialogEnabled && mIsDeviceOwned);
} else if (confirmedTosDialogEnabled || confirmedDeviceNotOwned) {
"Supplier early out, <confirmedTosDialogEnabled>="
+ confirmedTosDialogEnabled
+ " <confirmedDeviceNotOwned>="
+ confirmedDeviceNotOwned);
public PolicyLoadListener getPolicyLoadListenerForTesting() {
return mPolicyLoadListener;