
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Include spec link.

enum FileSystemChangeType {

] interface FileSystemChangeRecord {
  // The handle that was passed to FileSystemObserver.observe().
  readonly attribute FileSystemHandle root;

  // The handle affected by the file system change.
  readonly attribute FileSystemHandle changedHandle;

  // The path of `changedHandle` relative to `root`.
  readonly attribute FrozenArray<USVString> relativePathComponents;

  // The type of change.
  readonly attribute FileSystemChangeType type;

  // If `type` is "moved", this corresponds to the former path of
  // `changedHandle` relative to `root`, if the former path is known;
  // otherwise null.
  readonly attribute FrozenArray<USVString>? relativePathMovedFrom;