// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/app_list/model/search/search_model.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
namespace ash {
: search_box_(std::make_unique<SearchBoxModel>()),
ordered_categories_(std::vector<ash::AppListSearchResultCategory>()) {}
SearchModel::~SearchModel() {}
void SearchModel::SetSearchEngineIsGoogle(bool is_google) {
void SearchModel::SetWouldTriggerLauncherSearchIph(bool would_trigger) {
std::vector<SearchResult*> SearchModel::FilterSearchResultsByFunction(
SearchResults* results,
const base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const SearchResult&)>& result_filter,
size_t max_results) {
std::vector<SearchResult*> matches;
for (size_t i = 0; i < results->item_count(); ++i) {
if (matches.size() == max_results)
SearchResult* item = results->GetItemAt(i);
if (result_filter.Run(*item))
return matches;
void SearchModel::PublishResults(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SearchResult>> new_results,
const std::vector<ash::AppListSearchResultCategory>& categories) {
ordered_categories_ = categories;
// The following algorithm is used:
// 1. Transform the |results_| list into an unordered map from result ID
// to item.
// 2. Use the order of items in |new_results| to build an ordered list. If the
// result IDs exist in the map, update and use the item in the map and delete
// it from the map afterwards. Otherwise, clone new items from |new_results|.
// 3. Delete the objects remaining in the map as they are unused.
// We have to erase all results at once so that observers are notified with
// meaningful indexes.
auto current_results = results_->RemoveAll();
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<SearchResult>> results_map;
for (auto& ui_result : current_results)
results_map[ui_result->id()] = std::move(ui_result);
// Add items back to |results_| in the order of |new_results|.
for (auto&& new_result : new_results) {
auto ui_result_it = results_map.find(new_result->id());
if (ui_result_it != results_map.end()) {
// Update and use the old result if it exists.
std::unique_ptr<SearchResult> ui_result = std::move(ui_result_it->second);
// Remove the item from the map so that it ends up only with unused
// results.
} else {
// Copy the result from |new_results| otherwise.
// Any remaining results in |results_map| will be automatically deleted.
SearchResult* SearchModel::FindSearchResult(const std::string& id) {
for (const auto& result : *results_) {
if (result->id() == id)
return result.get();
return nullptr;
void SearchModel::DeleteAllResults() {
} // namespace ash