
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/media/audio/audio_renderer_mixer_manager.h"

#include <memory>

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_device_description.h"
#include "media/base/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/fake_audio_render_callback.h"
#include "media/base/mock_audio_renderer_sink.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/media/audio/audio_renderer_mixer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/media/audio/audio_renderer_mixer_input.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/testing/task_environment.h"

namespace blink {

namespace {
constexpr int kSampleRate =;
constexpr int kBufferSize =;
constexpr int kHardwareSampleRate =;
constexpr int kHardwareBufferSize =;
constexpr media::ChannelLayout kChannelLayout =;
constexpr media::ChannelLayout kAnotherChannelLayout =;
const char* const kDefaultDeviceId =;
constexpr char kAnotherDeviceId[] =;
constexpr char kMatchedDeviceId[] =;
constexpr char kNonexistentDeviceId[] =;

const LocalFrameToken kLocalFrameToken;
const FrameToken kFrameToken;
const FrameToken kAnotherFrameToken;
}  // namespace


class AudioRendererMixerManagerTest : public testing::Test {};

// Verify GetMixer() and ReturnMixer() both work as expected; particularly with
// respect to the explicit ref counting done.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, GetReturnMixer) {}

TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, ReturnMixerWithError) {}

// Verify GetMixer() correctly deduplicates mixer with irrelevant AudioParameter
// differences.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, MixerReuse) {}

// Verify CreateInput() provides AudioRendererMixerInput with the appropriate
// callbacks and they are working as expected.  Also, verify that separate
// mixers are created for separate RenderFrames, even though the
// AudioParameters are the same.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, CreateInput) {}

// Verify CreateInput() provided with session id creates AudioRendererMixerInput
// with the appropriate callbacks and they are working as expected.
// TODO(grunell): |session_id| support currently requires calling the
// synchronous GetOutputDeviceInfo call, this is not allowed. So this test is
// disabled. This should be deleted in the future,
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, DISABLED_CreateInputWithSessionId) {}

// Verify GetMixer() correctly creates different mixers with the same
// parameters, but different device ID.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, MixerDevices) {}

// Verify GetMixer() correctly deduplicate mixers with the same
// parameters and default device ID, even if one is "" and one is "default".
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, OneMixerDifferentDefaultDeviceIDs) {}

// Verify that GetMixer() correctly returns a null mixer and an appropriate
// status code when a nonexistent device is requested.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, NonexistentDevice) {}

// Verify GetMixer() correctly deduplicate mixers basing on latency
// requirements.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, LatencyMixing) {}

// Verify GetMixer() correctly deduplicate mixers basing on the effects
// requirements.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, EffectsMixing) {}

// Verify output bufer size of the mixer is correctly adjusted for Playback
// latency.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, MixerParamsLatencyPlayback) {}

// Verify output bufer size of the mixer is correctly adjusted for Playback
// latency when the device buffer size exceeds 20 ms.
       MixerParamsLatencyPlaybackLargeDeviceBufferSize) {}

// Verify output bufer size of the mixer is correctly adjusted for Playback
// latency when output audio is fake.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, MixerParamsLatencyPlaybackFakeAudio) {}

// Verify output bufer size of the mixer is correctly adjusted for RTC latency.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, MixerParamsLatencyRtc) {}

// Verify output bufer size of the mixer is correctly adjusted for RTC latency
// when output audio is fake.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, MixerParamsLatencyRtcFakeAudio) {}

// Verify output bufer size of the mixer is correctly adjusted for Interactive
// latency.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, MixerParamsLatencyInteractive) {}

// Verify output parameters are the same as input properties for bitstream
// formats.
TEST_F(AudioRendererMixerManagerTest, MixerParamsBitstreamFormat) {}

}  // namespace blink