// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.init;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ResettersForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.SysUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LoaderErrors;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.ProcessInitException;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.OneshotSupplier;
import org.chromium.build.BuildConfig;
import org.chromium.chrome.R;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeBaseAppCompatActivity;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.IntentHandler;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.LaunchIntentDispatcher;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.WarmupManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.firstrun.FirstRunFlowSequencer;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.lifecycle.ActivityLifecycleDispatcher;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.lifecycle.ActivityLifecycleDispatcherProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.metrics.SimpleStartupForegroundSessionDetector;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.multiwindow.MultiWindowModeStateDispatcher;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.multiwindow.MultiWindowModeStateDispatcherImpl;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.ProfileProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.util.BrowserUiUtils;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.share.ShareHelper;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.util.FirstDrawDetector;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ActivityIntentRequestTrackerDelegate;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ActivityWindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.base.DeviceFormFactor;
import org.chromium.ui.base.IntentRequestTracker;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.display.DisplayUtil;
* An activity that talks with application and activity level delegates for async initialization.
public abstract class AsyncInitializationActivity extends ChromeBaseAppCompatActivity
implements ChromeActivityNativeDelegate, BrowserParts, ActivityLifecycleDispatcherProvider {
public static final String FIRST_DRAW_COMPLETED_TIME_MS_UMA = "FirstDrawCompletedTime";
public static final String TAG_MULTI_INSTANCE = "MultiInstance";
protected final Handler mHandler;
private final NativeInitializationController mNativeInitializationController =
new NativeInitializationController(this);
private final ActivityLifecycleDispatcherImpl mLifecycleDispatcher =
new ActivityLifecycleDispatcherImpl(this);
private final MultiWindowModeStateDispatcherImpl mMultiWindowModeStateDispatcher =
new MultiWindowModeStateDispatcherImpl(this);
private final IntentRequestTracker mIntentRequestTracker;
/** Time at which onCreate is called. This is realtime, counted in ms since device boot. */
private long mOnCreateTimestampMs;
/** Time at which onPause is called. */
private long mOnPauseTimestampMs;
* Time at which onPause is called before the activity is recreated due to unfolding. The
* timestamp is captured only if recreation starts when the activity is not in stopped state.
private long mOnPauseBeforeFoldRecreateTimestampMs;
private ActivityWindowAndroid mWindowAndroid;
private OneshotSupplier<ProfileProvider> mProfileProviderSupplier;
private Bundle mSavedInstanceState;
private int mCurrentOrientation;
private boolean mDestroyed;
private long mLastUserInteractionTime;
private boolean mIsTablet;
private boolean mHadWarmStart;
private boolean mIsWarmOnResume;
// Stores whether the activity was not resumed yet. Always false after the
// first |onResume| call.
private boolean mFirstResumePending = true;
private boolean mStartupDelayed;
private boolean mFirstDrawComplete;
private Runnable mOnInflationCompleteCallback;
private boolean mInitialLayoutInflationComplete;
// See enableHardwareAcceleration()
private boolean mSetWindowHWA;
private static boolean sInterceptMoveTaskToBackForTesting;
private static boolean sBackInterceptedForTesting;
public AsyncInitializationActivity() {
mHandler = new Handler();
mIntentRequestTracker =
new ActivityIntentRequestTrackerDelegate(this) {
public boolean onCallbackNotFoundError(String error) {
return onIntentCallbackNotFoundError(error);
/** Get the tracker of this activity's intents. */
public IntentRequestTracker getIntentRequestTracker() {
return mIntentRequestTracker;
protected void onDestroy() {
mDestroyed = true;
if (mWindowAndroid != null) {
mWindowAndroid = null;
protected boolean applyOverrides(Context baseContext, Configuration overrideConfig) {
super.applyOverrides(baseContext, overrideConfig);
// We override the smallestScreenWidthDp here for two reasons:
// 1. To prevent multi-window from hiding the tabstrip when on a tablet.
// 2. To ensure mIsTablet only needs to be set once. Since the override lasts for the life
// of the activity, it will never change via onConfigurationUpdated().
// See crbug.com/588838, crbug.com/662338, crbug.com/780593.
overrideConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp =
return true;
public final void preInflationStartup() {
* Perform pre-inflation startup for the activity. Sub-classes providing custom pre-inflation
* startup logic should override this method.
protected void performPreInflationStartup() {
mIsTablet = DeviceFormFactor.isNonMultiDisplayContextOnTablet(this);
mHadWarmStart = LibraryLoader.getInstance().isInitialized();
// TODO(crbug.com/40621278): Dispatch in #preInflationStartup instead so that
// subclass's #performPreInflationStartup has executed before observers are notified.
public final void setContentViewAndLoadLibrary(Runnable onInflationCompleteCallback) {
mOnInflationCompleteCallback = onInflationCompleteCallback;
// Start loading libraries. It happens before triggerLayoutInflation(). This "hides" library
// loading behind UI inflation and prevents stalling UI thread.
// See https://crbug.com/796957 for details. Note that for optimal performance
// AsyncInitTaskRunner.startBackgroundTasks() needs to start warm up renderer only after
// library is loaded.
if (!mStartupDelayed) {
// Kick off long running IO tasks that can be done in parallel.
/** Controls the parameter of {@link NativeInitializationController#startBackgroundTasks}. */
public boolean shouldAllocateChildConnection() {
// If a spare WebContents exists, a child connection has already been allocated that will be
// used by the next created tab.
return !WarmupManager.getInstance().hasSpareWebContents();
public final void postInflationStartup() {
* Perform post-inflation startup for the activity. Sub-classes providing custom post-inflation
* startup logic should override this method.
protected void performPostInflationStartup() {
View firstDrawView = getViewToBeDrawnBeforeInitializingNative();
assert firstDrawView != null;
() -> {
mFirstDrawComplete = true;
SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - getOnCreateTimestampMs());
if (!mStartupDelayed) {
* @return The primary view that must have completed at least one draw before initializing
* native. This must be non-null.
protected View getViewToBeDrawnBeforeInitializingNative() {
return findViewById(android.R.id.content);
public void maybePreconnect() {
try {
Intent intent = getIntent();
if (intent == null || !Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) return;
String url = IntentHandler.getUrlFromIntent(intent);
if (url == null) return;
// Blocking pre-connect for all off-the-record profiles.
if (IntentHandler.hasAnyIncognitoExtra(intent.getExtras())) return;
assert getProfileProviderSupplier().hasValue();
(profileProvider) -> {
profileProvider.getOriginalProfile(), url);
} finally {
public void initializeCompositor() {}
public void initializeState() {}
public void finishNativeInitialization() {
// Set up the initial orientation of the device.
new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
public void onLayoutChange(
View v,
int left,
int top,
int right,
int bottom,
int oldLeft,
int oldTop,
int oldRight,
int oldBottom) {
public void onStartupFailure(Exception failureCause) {
throw new ProcessInitException(LoaderErrors.NATIVE_STARTUP_FAILED, failureCause);
public void onTopResumedActivityChangedWithNative(boolean isTopResumedActivity) {}
* Extending classes should override {@link AsyncInitializationActivity#preInflationStartup()},
* {@link AsyncInitializationActivity#triggerLayoutInflation()} and {@link
* AsyncInitializationActivity#postInflationStartup()} instead of this call which will be called
* on that order.
@SuppressLint("MissingSuperCall") // Called in onCreateInternal.
protected final void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
boolean willCreate = onCreateInternal(savedInstanceState);
if (!willCreate) {
} else {
* Override to perform operations in the first opportunity after the framework calls
* {@link #onCreate}. Note the activity may still be aborted by {@link #onCreateInternal}.
protected void onPreCreate() {}
* Override to perform operations after the activity's creation is aborted by {@link
* #onCreateInternal}.
protected void onAbortCreate() {}
* Override to perform operations after the framework successfully calls {@link
* #onCreateInternal}. This method is used in the ChromeActivity derived class to increment the
* "Chrome.UMA.OnPostCreateCounter2" counter for the histogram
* UMA.AndroidPreNative.ChromeActivityCounter2.
protected void onPostCreate() {}
* Called from onCreate() to give derived classes a chance to dispatch the intent using
* {@link LaunchIntentDispatcher}. If the method returns anything other than Action.CONTINUE,
* the activity is aborted. Default implementation returns Action.CONTINUE.
* @param intent intent to dispatch
* @return {@link LaunchIntentDispatcher.Action} to take
protected @LaunchIntentDispatcher.Action int maybeDispatchLaunchIntent(
Intent intent, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
return LaunchIntentDispatcher.Action.CONTINUE;
* @return true if will proceed with Activity creation, false if will abort.
private boolean onCreateInternal(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
int dispatchAction = maybeDispatchLaunchIntent(getIntent(), savedInstanceState);
if (dispatchAction != LaunchIntentDispatcher.Action.CONTINUE) {
return false;
Intent intent = getIntent();
if (!isStartedUpCorrectly(intent)) {
return false;
if (requiresFirstRunToBeCompleted(intent)
&& FirstRunFlowSequencer.launch(this, intent, shouldPreferLightweightFre(intent))) {
return false;
mOnCreateTimestampMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
mSavedInstanceState = savedInstanceState;
mWindowAndroid = createWindowAndroid();
mProfileProviderSupplier = createProfileProvider();
mStartupDelayed = shouldDelayBrowserStartup();
return true;
* A custom error handler for {@link IntentRequestTracker}. When false, the tracker will use
* the default error handler. Derived classes can override this method to customize the error
* handling.
protected boolean onIntentCallbackNotFoundError(String error) {
return false;
* This method is called very early on during Activity.onCreate. Subclassing activities should
* use this to initialize their tracking metrics including things like Activity start time.
protected void initializeStartupMetrics() {}
private void abortLaunch(@LaunchIntentDispatcher.Action int dispatchAction) {
if (dispatchAction == LaunchIntentDispatcher.Action.FINISH_ACTIVITY) {
} else {
assert dispatchAction == LaunchIntentDispatcher.Action.FINISH_ACTIVITY_REMOVE_TASK;
overridePendingTransition(0, R.anim.no_anim);
/** Call to begin loading the library, if it was delayed. */
protected void startDelayedNativeInitialization() {
assert mStartupDelayed;
mStartupDelayed = false;
// Kick off long running IO tasks that can be done in parallel.
if (mFirstDrawComplete) onFirstDrawComplete();
public void startDelayedNativeInitializationForTests() {
mStartupDelayed = true;
* @return Whether the browser startup should be delayed. Note that changing this return value
* will have direct impact on startup performance.
protected boolean shouldDelayBrowserStartup() {
return false;
* Allows subclasses to override the instance state passed to super.onCreate().
* The original instance state will still be available via getSavedInstanceState().
protected Bundle transformSavedInstanceStateForOnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
return savedInstanceState;
* Overriding this function is almost always wrong.
* @return Whether or not the user needs to go through First Run before using this Activity.
protected boolean requiresFirstRunToBeCompleted(Intent intent) {
return true;
* Whether to use the Lightweight First Run Experience instead of the
* non-Lightweight First Run Experience.
protected boolean shouldPreferLightweightFre(Intent intent) {
return false;
/** Whether or not the Activity was started up via a valid Intent. */
protected boolean isStartedUpCorrectly(Intent intent) {
return true;
* @return The uptime for the activity creation in ms.
protected long getOnCreateTimestampMs() {
return mOnCreateTimestampMs;
* @return The timestamp for OnPause event before activity restarts due to unfolding in ms.
protected long getOnPauseBeforeFoldRecreateTimestampMs() {
try (TraceEvent e =
Long.toString(mOnPauseBeforeFoldRecreateTimestampMs))) {
return mOnPauseBeforeFoldRecreateTimestampMs;
protected void setOnPauseBeforeFoldRecreateTimestampMs() {
try (TraceEvent e =
Long.toString(mOnPauseTimestampMs))) {
mOnPauseBeforeFoldRecreateTimestampMs = mOnPauseTimestampMs;
* @return The saved bundle for the last recorded state.
public Bundle getSavedInstanceState() {
return mSavedInstanceState;
/** Resets the saved state and makes it unavailable for the rest of the activity lifecycle. */
protected void resetSavedInstanceState() {
mSavedInstanceState = null;
public void onStart() {
// Since this activity is being started, the FRE should have been handled somehow already.
Intent intent = getIntent();
if (FirstRunFlowSequencer.checkIfFirstRunIsNecessary(
shouldPreferLightweightFre(intent), intent)
&& requiresFirstRunToBeCompleted(intent)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"The app has not completed the FRE yet "
+ getClass().getName()
+ " is trying to start.");
public void onResume() {
// Start by setting the launch as cold or warm. It will be used in some resume handlers.
mIsWarmOnResume = !mFirstResumePending || hadWarmStart();
mFirstResumePending = false;
public void onPause() {
mOnPauseTimestampMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
public void onStop() {
@SuppressLint("MissingSuperCall") // Empty method in parent Activity class.
public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
if (intent == null) return;
if (ShareHelper.isCleanerIntent(intent)) return;
@SuppressLint("MissingSuperCall") // Empty method in parent Activity class.
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
mNativeInitializationController.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
public final void onCreateWithNative() {
ChromeBrowserInitializer.getInstance().handlePostNativeStartup(true, this);
public void onStartWithNative() {
public void onResumeWithNative() {
public void onPauseWithNative() {
public void onStopWithNative() {
protected void onUserLeaveHint() {
public boolean isActivityFinishingOrDestroyed() {
return mDestroyed || isFinishing();
* Every child class wanting to perform tasks on configuration changed should override
* {@link #performOnConfigurationChanged(Configuration)} instead.
* @param newConfig The new configuration.
public final void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
* Handle an {@link #onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)} event.
* @param newConfig The new configuration.
public void performOnConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {}
public void onMultiWindowModeChanged(boolean inMultiWindowMode) {
public abstract boolean shouldStartGpuProcess();
public void onContextMenuClosed(Menu menu) {
if (mWindowAndroid != null) mWindowAndroid.onContextMenuClosed();
* Called when the content view gets drawn for the first time. See {@link FirstDrawDetector} for
* details on the exact signals used to call this.
protected void onFirstDrawComplete() {
assert mFirstDrawComplete;
assert !mStartupDelayed;
public void onNewIntentWithNative(Intent intent) {}
public Intent getInitialIntent() {
return getIntent();
* Creates an {@link ActivityWindowAndroid} to delegate calls to, if the Activity requires it.
protected @Nullable ActivityWindowAndroid createWindowAndroid() {
return null;
* @return A {@link ActivityWindowAndroid} instance. May be null if one was not created.
public @Nullable ActivityWindowAndroid getWindowAndroid() {
return mWindowAndroid;
* Handles creating the {@link ProfileProvider} for the given Activity.
* <p>Implementers should not assume the native library is loaded when this is triggered.
protected abstract @NonNull OneshotSupplier<ProfileProvider> createProfileProvider();
/** Return a supplier for the ProfileProvider. */
public OneshotSupplier<ProfileProvider> getProfileProviderSupplier() {
// TODO(crbug.com/40275690): Convert to a thrown exception if no asserts are discovered.
assert mProfileProviderSupplier != null;
return mProfileProviderSupplier;
* This will handle passing {@link Intent} results back to the {@link WindowAndroid}. It will
* return whether or not the {@link WindowAndroid} has consumed the event or not.
public boolean onActivityResultWithNative(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
if (mIntentRequestTracker.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent)) {
return true;
mLifecycleDispatcher.dispatchOnActivityResultWithNative(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
return false;
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(
int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
if (mWindowAndroid != null) {
if (mWindowAndroid.handlePermissionResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults)) {
super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) {
public void recreate() {
// TODO(crbug.com/40793204): Remove stack trace logging once root cause of bug is
// identified & fixed.
// Piggybacking for multi-instance bug crbug.com/1484026.
Log.i(TAG_MULTI_INSTANCE, "Tracing recreate().");
public void onTopResumedActivityChanged(boolean isTopResumedActivity) {
* @return Whether the activity is running in tablet mode.
public boolean isTablet() {
return mIsTablet;
* @return Whether the activity had a warm start because the native library was already fully
* loaded and initialized.
public boolean hadWarmStart() {
return mHadWarmStart;
* This returns true if the activity was started warm (native library loaded and initialized) or
* if a cold starts have been completed by the time onResume is/will be called.
* This is useful to distinguish between the case where an already running instance of Chrome is
* being brought back to the foreground from the case where Chrome is started, in order to avoid
* contention on browser startup
* @return Whether the activity is warm in onResume.
public boolean isWarmOnResume() {
return mIsWarmOnResume;
public void onUserInteraction() {
mLastUserInteractionTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
* @return timestamp when the last user interaction was made.
public long getLastUserInteractionTime() {
return mLastUserInteractionTime;
* Called when the orientation of the device changes. The orientation is checked/detected on
* root view layouts.
* @param orientation One of {@link Configuration#ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT} or
* {@link Configuration#ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE}.
protected void onOrientationChange(int orientation) {}
private void checkOrientation() {
WindowManager wm = getWindowManager();
if (wm == null) return;
Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
if (display == null) return;
int oldOrientation = mCurrentOrientation;
mCurrentOrientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
if (oldOrientation != mCurrentOrientation) onOrientationChange(mCurrentOrientation);
* Extending classes should implement this, inflate the layout, set the content view and then
* call {@link #onInitialLayoutInflationComplete}.
protected abstract void triggerLayoutInflation();
* Once inflation is complete, this runs the callback to inform ChromeBrowserInitializer of this
* and to start the post-inflation pre-native startup.
protected void onInitialLayoutInflationComplete() {
if (mOnInflationCompleteCallback == null) return;
mOnInflationCompleteCallback = null;
mInitialLayoutInflationComplete = true;
/** Returns whether initial inflation is complete. */
public boolean isInitialLayoutInflationComplete() {
return mInitialLayoutInflationComplete;
* @return {@link ActivityLifecycleDispatcher} associated with this activity.
public ActivityLifecycleDispatcher getLifecycleDispatcher() {
return mLifecycleDispatcher;
* @return {@link MultiWindowModeStateDispatcher} associated with this activity.
public MultiWindowModeStateDispatcher getMultiWindowModeStateDispatcher() {
return mMultiWindowModeStateDispatcher;
public boolean moveTaskToBack(boolean nonRoot) {
// On Android (at least until N) moving the task to the background flakily stops the
// Activity from being finished, breaking tests. Trying to bring the task back to the
// foreground after also happens to be flaky, so just allow tests to prevent actually moving
// to the background.
if (sInterceptMoveTaskToBackForTesting) {
sBackInterceptedForTesting = true;
return false;
} else if (BuildConfig.IS_FOR_TEST) {
assert false
: "moveTaskToBack must be intercepted or it will create flaky tests. "
+ "See #interceptMoveTaskToBackForTesting";
return super.moveTaskToBack(nonRoot);
public static void interceptMoveTaskToBackForTesting() {
sInterceptMoveTaskToBackForTesting = true;
sBackInterceptedForTesting = false;
ResettersForTesting.register(() -> sInterceptMoveTaskToBackForTesting = false);
public static boolean wasMoveTaskToBackInterceptedForTesting() {
assert sInterceptMoveTaskToBackForTesting;
return sBackInterceptedForTesting;
private boolean shouldDisableHardwareAcceleration() {
// Low end devices should disable hardware acceleration for memory gains.
return SysUtils.isLowEndDevice();
protected void enableHardwareAcceleration() {
// HW acceleration is disabled in the manifest and may be re-enabled here.
if (!shouldDisableHardwareAcceleration()) {
// When HW acceleration is enabled manually for an activity, child windows (e.g.
// dialogs) don't inherit HW acceleration state. However, when HW acceleration is
// enabled in the manifest, child windows do inherit HW acceleration state. That
// looks like a bug, so I filed b/23036374
// In the meanwhile the workaround is to call
// window.setWindowManager(..., hardwareAccelerated=true)
// to let the window know that it's HW accelerated. However, since there is no way
// to know 'appToken' argument until window's view is attached to the window (!!),
// we have to do the workaround in onAttachedToWindow()
mSetWindowHWA = true;
public void onAttachedToWindow() {
// See enableHardwareAcceleration()
if (mSetWindowHWA) {
mSetWindowHWA = false;
/* hardwareAccelerated= */ true);