// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.init;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
* Interface that any {@link AsyncInitializationActivity} can use to interact with this delegate
* during start up. Functions called by
* {@link ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePreNativeStartupAndLoadLibraries(BrowserParts)} are called
* in the order they are listed.
public interface BrowserParts {
* Called during {@link
* ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePreNativeStartupAndLoadLibraries(BrowserParts)}. This should
* consist of java only calls that will not take too much time.
void preInflationStartup();
* Called during {@link
* ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePreNativeStartupAndLoadLibraries(BrowserParts)}. It should
* start layout inflation and also should start loading libraries using {@link
* NativeInitializationController#startBackgroundTasks}. The {@param
* onInflationCompleteCallback} should be called once inflation is complete and the content view
* has been set.
void setContentViewAndLoadLibrary(Runnable onInflationCompleteCallback);
* Called during {@link
* ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePreNativeStartupAndLoadLibraries(BrowserParts)}. Early setup
* after the view hierarchy has been inflated and the background tasks has been initialized. No
* native calls.
void postInflationStartup();
* Called during {@link ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePostNativeStartup(BrowserParts)}.
* Optionaly preconnect to the URL specified in the launch intent, if any. The
* preconnection is done asynchronously in the native library.
void maybePreconnect();
* Called during {@link ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePostNativeStartup(BrowserParts)}.
* Initialize the compositor related classes.
void initializeCompositor();
* Called during {@link ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePostNativeStartup(BrowserParts)}.
* Initialize the tab state restoring tabs or creating new tabs.
void initializeState();
* Called during {@link ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePostNativeStartup(BrowserParts)}.
* Carry out remaining activity specific tasks for initialization, sub-classes may call
* finishNativeInitialization asynchronously.
default void startNativeInitialization() {
* Called during {@link ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePostNativeStartup(BrowserParts)}.
* Carry out remaining activity specific tasks for initialization
void finishNativeInitialization();
* Called during {@link ChromeBrowserInitializer#handlePostNativeStartup(BrowserParts)} if
* there was an error during startup.
* @param failureCause The Exception from the original failure.
void onStartupFailure(@Nullable Exception failureCause);
* @return Whether the activity this delegate represents has been destroyed or is in the
* process of finishing.
boolean isActivityFinishingOrDestroyed();
* @return Whether GPU process needs to be started during the startup.
boolean shouldStartGpuProcess();
* @return Whether a minimal browser should be launched during the startup, without running
* remaining parts of the Chrome.
default boolean startMinimalBrowser() {
return false;